Chapter 35
Chapter 35
Two weeks later
"Are you ready" I ask Cassidy, she was standing across the room next to Kyle. Their hands were entwined as she stared up at him, love adorning her face. I couldn't remember the last time the Alpha's looked at me like that.
Over these few weeks they had grown stronger as a couple despite their little privacy, the beta and other pack wolves were still constantly watching them.
She turns looking at me, concern flickering deep in her blue cobalt eyes. She had aged since she met Kyle, changing from the sweet innocent girl I once knew to a strong mature woman.
"I am ready, but what about you Flicker, you're the one who'll be living with the consequences"
I lean against the cream armchair that had just been shipped in. The Alpha's as promised had given Kyle and Cassidy a beautiful double storied house, already furnished and ready to be lived in. As much as they wish they didn't, they both loved the house.
We were currently situated in the living room, it was designed perfectly with the couches surrounding the warm fire, its cackling flames warming the house.
But it wasn't enough for both of them to relinquish their freedom to my mates. I didn't know what was going to happen to the house once they escaped.
The Alpha's and I hadn't been talking much, since that argument, the Alpha's were still upset that I had chosen Cassidy's side over theirs.
They saw it as an act of betrayal, I can't imagine what they were going to think after today.
"Don't worry about me" I say lifting my lips into a smile. "I'll be fine"
"I will always worry about you Flicker" She releases Kyle's hand and walks over towards me, wrapping her arms around my body as she hugs me.
"I'm going to miss you" I say still holding onto to her
"Me too"
We step back and look out the french windows opposite to us, watching as the winter sun slowly creeps into the room.
I glance at Kyle, he nods at me in appreciation, over this time he had fallen so deeply in love with Cassidy that he often didn't spare me a second glance when I entered the room. I was so happy for him, so delighted that he had found a mate who loved him just as much as he did.
Holding my emotions together I leave the room, sparing one last glance at both of them. If this plan worked it would be the last time I'd see them, I couldn't imagine my mates allowing me to visit my old pack.
My face is devoid of any emotion as I step into the hallway walking towards the door. Internally my emotions were a wreck but to everyone watching this had to look like another one of my morning visits.
I swing the door open, letting in a gust of cold wind. Wrapping the cardigan tightly around me, I trudge back to the house trying in my best attempt to keep my teeth from chattering.
I nod my head at the beta hiding within the tree's but he doesn't acknowledge me, staring forward impassively at the forest before him.
I sigh inwardly knowing that he like usual would've already informed Jake and Connor of my early morning visit.
The lights are all lit up inside as I grasp the icy handle opening the front door. My core temperature rises a little as I savour the warm air inside. The smell of breakfast wafts through the house and I let my body lead me quickly towards the kitchen.
My feet slow as Jake and Connor enter my line of vision, they were sitting on the barstools eating breakfast. Normally they were still asleep in bed. There was a spare seat in the middle leaving me trapped between them.
Keeping my face neutral I hop onto the barstool, my eyes lighting up as Marilyn pushes the bowl of warm porridge towards me.
"Thanks" I say sending her a gracious smile as I start eating. The warm porridge calms my hungry stomach and for a moment it feels like everything is right in the world.
"What did you discuss this morning with Cassidy" Jake asks, annoyance seeping into his voice.
Some food lodges in my throat and I start coughing trying to clear it. The food finally goes down but I continue to cough to buy me time to answer. They had never asked this sort of question before.
"Just the usual girl stuff, clothing advice, new hairstyles" I mumble staring at the food in front of me.
"And where's Kyle when you discuss these things with Cassidy"
I groan internally, feeling the urge to rub my temple for the oncoming headache that I was going to receive.
"He's normally in the bedroom"
Jake sighs looking at me,
"Why do you lie to us Flicker" His voice is calm but I know that beneath his cool exterior, he's raging inside.
"Why do you ask questions you already know the answer to Jake" I match his tone staring him straight in the eye. I was tired of these games.
His mask cracks slightly but I don't back away, this argument had been brewing for weeks and I wasn't going to jump out now.
"Why are you spending so much time with our sister"
"Are there new rules now which dictate how much time I get to spend with my friend"
"Maybe there should be" Connor states, I turn my attention looking at him, though he wasn't as aggressive as Jake I knew that he was still furious with me for choosing the wrong side.
"This is ridiculous. Both of you are so blinded by your anger that you can't see that your sister is miserable"
"She's safe here" Jake growls
"And she's safe in my old pack too"
Jake stands up, his chair scraping across the ground as he towers slightly over me
"We know that your helping Cassidy escape Flicker" He looks up at me and I try to keep my face neutral. "But no one is leaving this pack without our permission"
"We'll see" I seethe.
I hop off the chair pushing past Jake as I leave the room.
How the hell did they find out, I think as I slam the guest bedroom door shut behind me. In the space of just 10 minutes they had just managed to destroy weeks of work.
"Shit" I curse, what were we supposed to do now?
"Luna, lunch is ready" a member of the pack announces as he knocks on the locked bedroom door
"I'm not hungry" I say, it wasn't a lie I had been feeling nauseas since breakfast, I didn't know if it was because the Alpha's knew about our plans or because I was coming down with an illness, but most werewolves didn't get sick, our bodies were strong enough to withstand most infection.
The pack member mumbles something else behind the door but I ignore it, thinking deeply of another cause of my illness.
Hopping off the bed, I stumble into the adjoining bathroom, I couldn't believe I was even thinking of this, that there was even a possibility of this occurring.
My pale complexion stares back at me as I studied myself in the mirror, this was terrible timing. I wasn't ready.
I bend down opening the doors underneath, praying that they have what I'm looking for, a moment later I find it. The words Pregnancy test, flash in my face and I feel myself wanting to be sick.
I didn't expect it to happen so soon, with trembling fingers I quickly read the instructions, they were simple enough.
"I can do this" I mutter to myself trying to gather some courage, there was still a chance that I wasn't pregnant. I head to the toilet hoping for once in my life that I failed the test.
I don't know how long I had sat there for, lost in my own thoughts. The clock on the bedside table read 5:30, I still couldn't believe that I was pregnant.
I glance out the window, the sky revealing black ominous clouds rolling in from the north. Despite the pregnancy and the Alpha's knowledge of Cassidy's want to escape, we still had to try, Cassidy deserved her happily ever after.
I stare down at my stomach realising now that I had someone else to look after, to be responsible for. A little boy or little girl was growing inside my tummy or maybe both. I groan at the thought I did not want to give birth to twins.
I grab some paper and a pen from one of the drawers beside the bed and I begin to write my note. The plan was to write a fake rejection note, saying that I was leaving them.
I knew these were serious issues within werewolf society but we had no choice. We needed the Alpha's to chase after me tonight not Kyle and Cassidy when they escape.
The ink flows freely as I quickly fill the page, guilt running through me but I push it aside I had to stay on track. I include the fact that I'm pregnant hoping the news will distract the Alpha's and give Cassidy more time.
I stare at the note, betrayal simmering deep inside me. Despite our argument this morning and silence over the few weeks I still felt awful for doing this. I loved my mates and I had just written that I was leaving with our baby.
I ignore my guilt as I glance at the clock, I knew it was time to set the plan in motion.
Before opening my bedroom door I send a quick prayer to the moon goddess, praying that Cassidy and Kyle escape safely.
Opening it I let the artificial ceiling light flood into my dimly lit room, with most of the guards stationed at the border there was luckily only one person guarding my door.
I step out, startling the young guard.
"Luna" he says bowing "Are you okay"
I smile warmly at him but ignore his question, I was tired of lying to people about how I felt.
"I need to talk to the beta of the pack; can you please find him for me"
He looks conflicted for a moment and I feel horrible for putting him in this position. I imagined his orders were to stay here and guard my room.
"Of course Luna" he says after much hesitation.
"Thank you" I walk back into the door closing the door behind me. I wait for a moment listening as his footsteps fade down the hallway. With the beta coming to see me there would hopefully be one less person guarding my friends.
I run over to the window, unlatching the hook, I swing the window open, it groans as it reaches full length.
The winter breeze whips at my clothes as it slips swiftly into the room. My racing heart beats against my ribcage and I take a deep breath trying to steady it.
I lean my head out, listening to the movements of the guards patrolling beneath my window, there were at least two.
I knew that by doing this, I was going to lose the faith and trust of most of my pack members, it was a sacrifice I had to make.
"Help" I scream, letting the wind carry my voice down below. "Please somebody help me"
I hear the scrambling feet of the guards underneath and I know that I have only a few seconds before they come rushing up here and realise my cry for help was fake.
I push myself onto the window sill, I had done this before I could do it again, the only difference now was that I was carrying the future heir to the pack.
The wind pushes against me as I leap out the window landing gracefully on the dirt outside. I ignore the pang of regret that courses through me as I glance back up at the window.
Sighing I shift into my wolf, I head north the opposite direction that Kyle and Cassidy were planning of leaving.
My mates were closer to Cassidy at the moment, but I hoped that when the Beta alerts them to my note, they'll rush after me and leave my two friends to escape.
I shift into my wolf, shredding all pieces of clothing as I start running.
I couldn't remember the last time I had shifted, I forgot the feeling of dirt beneath my paws and wind brushing my fur as I zig-zagged through the tree's spreading my scent as far as possible.
Emma and I hadn't spoken in a while, we had been at odds since she wanted me to side with my mates. It had been silent on her end for the last week and I hoped that after tonight we could start repaving our friendship.
I hadn't even made it halfway to the pack border when I hear the Alpha's voice in my head.
"Flicker" Connor whimpers.
Guilt hits me hard and I halt my steps
"Please don't leave us" He whines
His words strike at my heart, maybe we should've figured out another way for them to escape instead of writing that horrible letter.
"Flicker we're sorry come home to us" Jake says
Doubt creeps in and I glance behind me expecting to see a dozen wolves running to force me back to the pack, but the forest is as empty as a graveyard in the middle of the night.
Jake never apologised for anything and I begin to think that this is all some lucrative trap to distract me.
"Why are you apologizing"
"Because you were right, Flicker so damn right. We were so caught up in our anger for Kyle and our over protectiveness for Cassidy that we didn't consider how she might feel, that we were making our sister so miserable that she needed to organise an escape plan to leave her own pack".
My mates were seeing reason, they really believed I was leaving them with our unborn child.
"And Flicker" Jake begins to choke on his words and I don't even think I start sprinting back to see them, to tell both of them that I loved them and that I would never leave them.
"Flicker, we're so sorry that we placed you in a position where you had to choose between your friends and us.
I follow their scent leading me back to the house,
"Flicker, we love you so much and we're sorry" Connor's voice adds in, and it only makes me want to see my mates even more, to apologise for writing that note.
I shift into my human form and quickly grab some clothes off one of the lines, I hastily slip them on.
Running to the house I slam open the door and sprint up the stairs not caring at the moment who was watching.
Their scents become stronger as I reach the guest bedroom, turning the knob I step inside seeing my mates sitting on the bed with tear stained cheeks.
They glance up, shock morphing their faces as they see me standing at the door.
"I love you both so much, I would never leave you" I say running into their open arms, tears streaming wildly down my own face.
"I'm so sorry about all this" I gesture to the open note laying on the bed
"No we were in the wrong Flicker, for you to have to have to do this just to get us to see reason"
"This will never need to happen again" Connor says lacing his fingers through mine.
We sit like this for a moment, all three of us just happy to be together with my fingers entwined with theirs. I realised that this was going to be first of many fights and argument but what this night showed me was that we could get through it, this was the reason why the moon goddess paired me with the fearsome twin Alpha's because I was compatible with them, they loved me so much and I was so lucky to be their mate and love them too..
The End
"Guess what guys, I'm going to be an aunty" Cassidy squeals storming through the door, followed quickly on her tail by Kyle. The small moment between the Alpha's and I is shattered but I don't care,I'm so happy to see her.
"Cassidy" I say my whole face lighting up when I see her, I assumed that she was long gone now, on her way back to my old pack.
"After reading your letter, we decided that they could live anywhere they wanted as long as they came back to visit us" Jake announces. "But the fact that your pregnant sort of helped them decided to stay here for a little longer"
I stand up, hugging my friend, I was so happy to see her again I don't think I could go through this pregnancy alone.
"I'm so glad you're here" I say to her
"Me too" She says smiling at me
"Come on, dinner's ready down stairs and we need to start discussing baby names" She grabs my arms dragging me out the room.
I laugh following her out of the room with my mates and Kyle behind me.
Author's Note
I can't believe this story has come to an end
I just want to say a massive thank you to all you guys for voting, commenting and reading this story, it means the world to me.
I have a new book coming out soon title "My Alpha's Mate", I hope to release it early in September or October, still deciding.
And again just another big thank you
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