Chapter 29
Author's Note
Okay, just a massive apology about the huge wait
Life has just become so crazy that I've been finding it difficult to write
I hope you like this chapter, warning I've left it at another cliff hanger, sorry
Speech_error (I've also changed my name as well)
Chapter 29
The twins are still slobbering over my attacker as I slowly take steps back, careful not to disturb them. Betrayal hits me hard, as I finally make my way out the door. It feels like I've been forced to swallow wolfs bane, the poison seeping through my bloodstream destroying anything alive in my body until I'm left for dead.
I know I betrayed them, I kissed Kyle and I'll been living with that mistake for the rest of my life but how could they do this to me. They were so utterly upset when they found out, didn't they think for one minute that I would feel the same way. Maybe it was revenge or perhaps they were always going to cheat on me, I'm not sure anymore.
I silently walk away from the office travelling deeper into the forest, I'd reach the pack boundary soon if a guard didn't stop me.
Goose-bumps begin to appear on my skin as the wind sweeps through the forest, picking and distributing dust and debris in its wake. I clutch the jacket tighter around me, I wasn't going to turn back, if I had the choice I would never return.
Regardless of what they said, there was always going to be two sets of rules, one for me and one for them. They were never going to think of me as equal.
I wasn't going to continue living like this, if they wanted to cheat on me, they can do it after they reject me.
"Rejection no" Emma cries
"It would be better than this. There's no point in staying here anymore"
"Don't, wait there must be an explanation" She says trying to stay calm
"Explanation" I huff, "I'd like to see what excuse they come up with"
"Their wolves aren't responding to me" she says panicking
"Maybe because they're distracted with someone"
I shut Emma off, not wanting to listen to any more of her excuses. With the Alpha's distracted I might actually have a chance of escaping.
Connor's POV Half hour earlier
"How could Flicker do this to us" Jake exclaims as he continues to study the map. "The first time she betrayed us, it felt like she had purposely placed a dagger in our back. She left us the night to heal and now she's ripping out our stitches letting us bleed to death"
I wanted to agree with him, we had every right to be upset, Flicker had betrayed us for a second time but we had placed her in a difficult position. If she had informed us about Kyle's escape plan, there's a good chance we would've just killed him right there and then.
"Who's our top suspects" I ask Jake, ignoring his question and hoping to change the subject all together. He hands me a sheet of paper, the list reveals the names of our most loyal pack members. Looking at the them makes me sick knowing that we'll have to go interrogate each one of them.
"Are you sure there isn't any other suspect that the commander hasn't thought of?"
"No, he's absolutely certain that the betrayer is on this list"
I stare back at the page, it seems impossible that any of these people could betray us.
"Who's protecting the pack borders" I question
"We've got our best warriors circling the border at this moment, protecting our people whilst trying to track down anything that could help us find the culprit"
This was all a big disaster, if any of the other packs got word of this, they'd automatically assume that we'd grown weaker over the years. It would make our pack a target, and our mate Flicker who was both our greatest asset and weakness.
My thoughts wander to Flicker, I wondered how she was going. We had given the commander full power to ask her any questions that were relevant to the incident, I still wonder if that was the right choice.
"Do you think any of the neighbouring rogue packs were a part of this" I ask
"It is a possibi...."
A soft feminine voice interrupts us, at first I think its Flicker I want it to be her, but my hope quickly diminishes when I see Samantha leaning against the doorway.
Her blond golden locks frame her face highlighting her blue eyes alight with mischief and her red lips pulled into a smirk.
"Hey boys" she announces as she strolls into the office, her skirt riding just above her thighs.
"Samantha" I state cordially
"What the hell is she doing here" I mind-link Jake. The last time she was in the pack, she attacked Flicker.
My anger rises at the immediate thought and I have to hide my clenched fists behind my back, Jake barely conceals his growl behind the cough.
"Your still not hanging around that weak she-wolf are you. We both know that I'm the better suited Luna".
I can feel my wolf emerging from Samantha's disrespect, it takes all my energy to keep him at bay.
"Hold do you want to take this" I ask Jake
"I've got an idea, follow my lead"
I lean back against the desk giving Jake the full reigns.
"Samantha you do know that we're only keeping Flicker around for her power" he gets out of his chair until he's standing in front of her. "We know that you're the better Luna" he says cupping her face warmly.
"I knew it" she squeals her face showing pure delight. "I am the better Luna"
I want to scoff at her words, I didn't know what game Jake was playing, how he had the restraint to not kill her instantly was beyond me.
"Jake" I question
"Play along" Is his only response
"We've been waiting for you to return" I say sweetly, my voice hiding my hidden anger. "I'm so glad you came to see us"
"When can I move back"
"Tonight, if you want" Jake declares "But we've just realised that there's a mole in the pack, our top priority is to protect you but we don't have a clue who it could be, you wouldn't have any idea."
The question is phrased so perfectly that I let a smile grace my lips.
"A mole" she exclaims clearly shocked, she takes a moment to think of her answer. "You know I wouldn't put it past that mutt to betray the pack"
I internally groan, that was not the answer I wanted. Deep down I wanted Samantha to admit it was her.
"Don't worry little one, she is being questioned"
"Good, so about moving into the pack house, I was thinking..."
Jake presses his lips to her cutting her off, I am frozen in shock watching as he passionately kisses her, we had a mate what the hell was he thinking.
"Don't just stand there" he mind links me
I continue to remain in my spot
"Connor, it's not what you think"
Sighing I walk over.
Samantha leans into me as I wrap my arms around her. I press my lips to her skin, planting small kisses across her neck.
I had to stop, I couldn't betray Flicker like this, I was going against every fibre of my being. I'm about to pull away when a loud crack fills the room and Samantha falls limp into my arms.
I place her gently on the floor, looking at Jake shocked
"What did you do" I question
"What does it look like, I snapped her neck. She hurt Flicker, she wasn't going to live past this visit"
"So you're not in love with Samantha?"
"No, god no. I would never betray Flicker like that. It was just the easiest way to kill her without allowing her the chance to escape again"
I glance down at Samantha's lifeless body knowing that we should probably bury her body somewhere instead of leaving it for the forest animals to devour.
"We should probably check on Flicker, I don't feel comfortable leaving her alone with Hunter" Jake states heading towards the door.
Agreeing I follow Jake as he walks out the door, but I nearly collide into him as he stops suddenly in the doorway, his eyes go wide as he breathes in smelling the air.
"Shit" he mutters turning to me, his whole face starting to drain of blood
Confused, I sniff the air, smelling Flicker's lingering scent. She was here recently and then it dawns on me.
"Shit, she saw us with Samantha"
"Zach" I ask my wolf desperately "Has Emma tried contacting you" I ask as we rush out the door, we had to find Flicker, explain this to her. She's going to think that we betrayed her
"Emma's tried contacting, but you've been too focussed on Samantha"
This wasn't good.
"Did you know that Emma tried to contact us" I ask Jake as we sprint through the forest following her scent. She had somehow managed to get past the borderline without one of the guards stopping.
"No, but now her wolf is ignoring us"
I don't know how she got this far, my heartbeat begins to accelerate as her scent leads us straight into rogue territory.
Flicker's POV
The afternoon sun sat low in the sky as I continued walking, I had realised long ago that I'd successfully made it out of pack territory. The feeling of happiness and relief was enough to last me a lifetime and quiet my stomach which had started growling not too long ago.
Where I was currently situated, was still a mystery to me but I figured that I would reach a highway soon. Maybe I would be able to grab a ride back to my old pack though I wouldn't be able to stay there for long, that would be the first place I'd look.
Hopefully I'd be able to get some money, buy train ticket and get out of the state.
The sound of crunching leaves interrupts me from my thoughts and I apprehensively turn around.
Standing in front of me are three men and just from their stench alone, I can tell that they're rogues. My nerves are instantly on edge, I curse myself for being so stupid, I must've walked straight into rogue territory.
"Hello gorgeous. What are you doing out here all by myself" The centre man asks, a sinister edge to his voice.
"Waiting for my mates" I try to sound confident but my voice ends up being barely louder than a whisper.
The men chuckle, taking a closer step towards me, their tattered shirts swaying in the wind.
I spare a quick glance to the left, if I left now I could probably out run them but I'm not sure for how long.
As much as I hated doing this I wasn't going to get out of this alive without Jake and Connor. I didn't want to return, but it was better than being attacked by these men.
"Emma, try contacting Jake and Connor tell them where we are"
I prayed that by now they would've stopped making out with their true love.
I turn my attention back to the men, the leader takes another step forward a predatory glint in his eye, while his men begin to circle me.
"My mates will kill you if you touch me"
He's now close enough that I can feel his breath on my face
"I know" he says. "Which is why we're doing this"
He lunges towards me baring his teeth, I immediately step back, falling straight into the grasp of the rogue standing behind me. Too fast for me to react, he whips out a knife placing it against my neck. It burns my skin, but at the moment it was the least of my worries.
"We know who your mates are Flicker, and now we have the perfect bargaining tool"
I swallow nervously as I realise what's happened, I've fallen directly into their trap and now I've placed my mates and the pack in danger.
"I've already told them they'll be here shortly" she responds
Okay I think to myself. They should be here soon, I hope.
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