Chapter 28
Author's note
So I hope you guy's enjoy this one, I actually had a lot of fun writing it
Hope everyone's weeks are going well
Thanks for reading
Chapter 28
A knock at the door startles me from my sleep, Jake's hand tightens on me as I slowly open my eyes, the room was still pitch black but from this angle I could see the sun creeping on the horizon through the window.
Someone knocks again,
"I'm going to murder who ever is disturbing us" Jake mutters as he peels the covers away, leaving the warmth of the bed.
Partially awake, I sit up rubbing my eyes.
Kyle was going to die today unless he already escaped, as much as I loved him I didn't believe he stood a chance at escaping from this pack, there were too many guards patrolling the area. I didn't want to say goodbye to my friend, but there was nothing I had left to offer the Alpha's in exchange for sparing his life.
Connor sits up next to me, black rings hang under his eyes as he focuses his attention on the door. I must advise him to get some more sleep, he looked awful.
Jake twist the knob opening the door, instead of waiting to come in the guy just storms in, with a wave of his hand he silences whatever Jake is about to say. I stare at him in shock, not believing that he just blatantly disrespected his Alpha.
I noticed that he was slightly tall than Jake bigger as well, his black hair was cut so short that it looked almost sharp to touch, however what stood out was the black tattoo's that run along his arm.
A permanent scowl lined his scarred face as he stood in the middle of the room.
"Hunter what the hell is the meaning of this" Jake yells at him, Connor is already out of bed standing next to his brother.
"The bloody prisoner has escaped and she had something to do with it" he admits pointing accusingly at me.
I glance at the twins waiting for them to defend me but all I'm met is with silence.
"I didn't have anything to do with it, I hardly know how to escape the pack myself" I defend myself, but the twins don't look convinced.
"Your lying" he spits out
"Prove it" I seethe, this man was starting to get on my nerves, who the hell was he to start bossing around the Alpha's?
He turns to the Alpha's and by the devilish curl in his lip I knew that I was in trouble
"Use your Alpha command and ask her yourself"
My eyes go wide in alarm as I stare back at the Alpha's, I place my hands back under the covers to hide them trembling guiltily . They wouldn't ask me, they couldn't.
"Flicker?" Jake asks
I shudder, feeling the Alpha command behind his words, how could he do this to me.
"Yes Alpha" I'm forced to respond, hating every word that I say
"Did you know that Kyle was going to escaped?"
I clamp my teeth together trying to keep myself from speaking, but with the Alpha command masking his question, the words just slip out of my mouth.
"Yes, I did" I whisper
"Flicker" Connor says again, struck again by my betrayal
"He didn't say much, just that he had allies in the pack and he was going to escape before the sun was up" I try to explain, but it seems that I'm just creating more problems for myself.
"And you didn't think to tell the Alpha's, this you stupid girl" Hunter ask condescendingly
"You were going to kill Kyle" I say turning to Jake and Connor as a tear slowly leaks from my eyes. "I wanted to tell you, I did, but this was his only chance to escape"
"For God's sake girl, your going to be our future Luna and your more worried if your friend is going to live or die. How about worrying about the safety of the pack. Because of your betrayal, the whole pack is now in jeopardy.
I stay silent, not wanting to respond to his statement.
"That filthy rat deserves to go back to the cells where she belongs"
"No, she doesn't" Connor interjects"She might've betrayed us a second time but we promised Flicker that we'd never send her back there"
"Thank you Connor"
"Don't thank me Flicker, just because we're not sending you back there doesn't mean that your forgiven or that we'll ever forget this"
Guilt and pain stabs at my heart from his harsh comment, this was the second time this week I had betrayed them, it seems like I could do nothing perfect, but looking back at things there was nothing I could've done, that information would've cost me Kyle's life.
"What do we do Hunter" Jake asks
"The whole pack is going on lock down, until we uncover the mole, she, " he says pointing at me. "Is going to spend the whole day locked in her room until I can fully interrogate her, we wouldn't want her spreading any more pack information to the enemy"
"Interrogate me" I question, "You've already bloody questioned me"
Silence" Connor yells at me, making me feel like an insolent child
"Flicker, you will stay locked in this room until we come and get you this afternoon, all meals will be served to you. Do not leave this room" Jake says
All I can do is nod
With nothing left to say, the twins leave the room without a backward glance, Hunter sneers at me one last time before walking out.
They shut the door behind them, leaving me in darkness.
I pace across the room, for probably the hundredth time today. The sun was up and shining and I was still stuck in this room with no word from the outside.
My only interaction was the timid maid who came and served me breakfast and lunch, I didn't eat much, they both tasted incredibly stale to me.
I go over the conversation that Kyle and I had yesterday in the pack cells, there was nothing that I could now tell the Alpha's which would help them find the mole in our pack.
I did feel dreadful, I knew that I had betrayed the pack and that I had no right being the future Luna, but Kyle meant so much to me.
I peer out the window, at the moment the pack was in a state of frenzy. I watched as the pack guards ran around interrogating every pack member. I wondered for a very brief moment if the Alpha's would reject me, I had made such a mess of things.
However the thought of rejection doesn't fill me with happiness like it would've months ago, instead I felt a sense of sadness and despair.
The door creaks open and I whizz around expecting to see the Alpha's but instead Hunter strolls in like he owned the place.
"How are you feeling mutt" he sneers as he closes the door behind him, my heart rate escalates as I realises that my chances of escaping from him were dwindling by the second.
"I'm fine thank you" I say casually but my fear leaks into my words. "You shouldn't be here alone with me, the Alpha's wouldn't like it"
He laughs."Are you afraid of being left alone with the big bad wolf" he taunts. "Guess what they asked me to be here, more specifically to interrogate you"
His words set every nerve in my body on edge, how could the Alpha's leave me alone with this monster.
My back presses against the window, I sneak a glace at the latch hook that I would need to pull to escape. I realise that with Hunter's werewolf speed and senses there would be little chance of escaping through the window.
"Why don't you take a seat on the bed and we can start" he gestures to the bed where he is currently lying.
"I'm actually quite happy here" I state firmly, with my back pressed up against the window"
"Fine by me" he says walking towards me like a predator ready to catch its prey. He stands in front of me, towering over my body in his best attempt to intimidate me.
"So when did you first discover that Kyle was escaping"
"Last night" I state keeping my words to a minimum
"And why didn't you inform the Alphas"
I keep quiet not wanting to answer him"
"Let me ask again, WHY DIDN'T YOU INFORM THE ALPHA'S" His spit flies in my face as he screams the last part.
"Because I wanted my friend to live, if I informed the Alpha's he'd already be dead"
"So you thought it'd be better to save one life and jeaporadise the rest of the packs"
This time I permanently stay quiet, I did feel guilty but how was I supposed to choose between Kyle and the pack. My duty belonged to the pack but a small part of my heart belonged to Kyle.
"Did Kyle tell you anything about who was helping him"
I swallow finding my voice
"No he didn't"
"Well that's surely convenient" he mutters
I don't tell him that I asked Kyle for that information, he wouldn't believe me anyway.
"So now onto the important stuff, why haven't the Alpha's marked you yet"
"Excuse me" I cough
"Why haven't the Alpha's marked you yet, is it because your still planning to escape from this pack.
"No" I respond anger lacing my voice. "These questions are irrelevant"
"The Alpha's gave me permission to ask you anything" he says his lips tiliting into a smirk
"I don't think they had this in mind"
"It doesn't matter "
"So maybe we should move onto another question, are you a virgin still?"
I stare at him, completely disgusted by what he just asked.
"You have no right to ask me that"
"According to the Alpha's I have every right to ask you whatever questions I see fit to determine who the mole in the pack is"
"I'm leaving" I declare as I storm past him, I would not sit here and let him ask me these sort of questions.
His fingers latch onto my arm, gripping it hard enough to leave bruises.
"You don't have permission to leave"
"I don't give a shit"
I glance down at his fingers still wrapped around my arm, "The Alpha's may have given you permission to interrogate me, but they gave you no permission to touch me.
His face turns a shade white, as he realises what he's done, he instantly releases my hand taking a few steps back.
Heading towards the door, my hand is just about to turn the handle when he says
"I'd rather die than ever see you become Luna of this pack, so I promise that you will be gone from this pack before the month is up"
I look back, the scared nervous look I'd just seen moments ago is gone instead replaced by death-like seriousness.
I don't say anything as I leave out the door.
His words continue to echo in my head, as I head towards the nearest exit, "you will be gone from this pack before the month is up"
I swallow back the nausea that rises from my stomach, there'd be no point in telling the Alpha's, they had enough problems to deal with and they probably wouldn't believe me anyway.
Nobody stops me as I step out from the mansion, I just needed to get out of that room, away from Hunter.
The autumn wind whips at my black dress that I'd placed on this morning. The tension was thick in the air as I walked through the pack village, nobody said anything but I could feel their eyes on me the whole time.
Before I know it my feet have dragged me to the Alpha's office, I don't know what I'm doing here, Jake and Connor didn't want to see me but I should at least try talking to them, explain my side of the story.
I quietly open the door, I didn't want the Alpha's to know I was here not until I fully saw them.
I creep along the hallway, I'm about to reach the room, when a voice cuts out,
"Oh, I love you Jake"
"We love you too" Connor breathe
My heart beat escalates as I silently continue to walk to their room. Listening closely, I hear the distinct sound of people kissing.
What the hell was happening, had they really replaced me?
Taking my final step I discretely look into the room, there in the middle of the room are Jake and Connor kissing the blond girl who tried to kill me.
Author's note
Thoughts and comments please,
What do you think will happen next?
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