Chapter 27
Author's note
Hi so sorry for the long wait, I had a few assignment due the last couple of weeks and I'm a huge procrastinator. I'll try and get the next update soon I promise.
In reading the comments about what you guys wanted to happen next some of you said that you wanted Flicker to reject the twins. I just wanted to say that this is an excellent idea but I'm not sure how the story would progress.
Anyway thanks for reading as usual, I hope you like this chapter.
Chapter 27
"Where are you going" Jake demands staring down at me
"Nowhere" I reply nonchalantly, but I refuse to meet his gaze.
"Nowhere"Jake laughs "You seriously think were going to fall for that"
"No" I mutter to myself but they both hear it.
The rain outside grows louder until it's impossible to hear anything but the rain beating against the ground. I curse myself for not leaving a moment earlier, the rain would've provided an excellent cover to sneak through the forest.
The twins step inside closing the door behind them, shutting my only opportunity to save Kyle.
Water drips off them spilling onto the floor as they stand in front of me, waiting for an explanation.
But I don't have one so I stay quiet but the silence of the room quickly bears on me and before I know it I've opened me mouth to speak
"He is my best-friend" I say softly shattering the deathly silence of the room. " I know your going to kill him tomorrow, I don't doubt that actually, but I just wanted to say goodbye one last time"
"Why should we let you say goodbye, give us one damn reason why we should let you see that mutt you kissed" Jake says mutt with such vehement disgust, it's then I realise that they would take pleasure in killing Kyle tomorrow.
Knowing this is my only chance I step forward locking my eyes with theirs,
"Because I'm your mate and I am in love with you not Kyle"
Connor's cold facade cracks a little showing his joy at my words but Jake's face stays as stoic as always.
They glance at each other quickly before looking back at me.
"Okay" he gives in. "But only ten minutes"
"Thank you" I whisper, I feel the urge to jump into their arms and thank them again and again but the reality of the situation comes crashing down on me, I was going to say goodbye to my best friend and this time there was no chance of saving him.
My clothes are absolutely soaked as we travel through the pack. I was still in human form, clutching the fur on Jake's back as he sprints towards the cells. Tears stream down my face with what I'm about to do but with all this rain they resemble water droplets.
Since we've left home I've been counting the number of guards patrolling the area, Cassidy was right I was never going to make it to the cells unseen.
We pass another two wolves hidden behind tree's which causes a question to form in my mind, had the Alpha's enlisted all these guards to keep Kyle in or to keep me out.
Jake stops in his tracks and it's then I realise that we've made it to the place of my nightmares.
I slide off Jake while he and Connor head inside to grab some clothes.
The icy rain continues to lash down but I can hardly feel it.
The twins reappear both grim-faced as they lead me back into the cells, I pause at the entrance, hesitating slightly.
I never imagined I would go back here voluntary.
"Flicker are you coming" Connor questions
"Yes" I say irritated as I step in. The boys didn't need to know that I'd rather have them mark me than ever step foot in this place again, but I was doing this for Kyle my best friend who was going to die tomorrow.
The first thing that hits me is the smell of dead bodies, my breathing escalates as my nerves hit me full force.
I couldn't go back, they couldn't lock me up again, I can't go through this pain again.
My vision begins to swim as I try to clutch the wall for support.
"Flicker" Connor calls hurriedly walking to me
He grabs my spare hand wrapping his fingers around it.
"Flicker" he repeats his voice softer, "You'll never be placed in here again"
"I know, it's just..."
"This place is bringing back all these memories aren't they?"
I nod
"I promise nothing is going to happen to you Flicker"
"Okay" I whisper my breathing slowly returning back to normal.
There's silence for a brief moment, and I feel the urge to apologise again or maybe thank him for letting me see Kyle, but he interrupts me before I can say anything.
"Here I'll take you to see the mutt" he says his voice hardening at the end
I want to defend Kyle but I don't want Connor to let go of my hand, I can't be walking alone in the pack cell.
"You have five minutes with him and then we're leaving" Connor says dropping me off at one of the cells.
He lets go of my hand leaving me by myself in the corridor,
"Kyle" I whisper uncertainly as I approach the bars.
"Flicker, is that you" a voice calls out sounding distinctly like Kyle's.
"Oh Kyle" I say as I grip the bars peering inside, he's chained to the wall just like I was, the thought brings back unwanted memories which I quickly try to repress. I couldn't break down here, I had to be strong.
I look him over, the Alpha's had left him unscathed as promised but he didn't look scared, he didn't have that defeated look in his eye that most men had when they're about to be executed tomorrow.
"Flicker what are you doing here" he questions
"The Alpha's brought me here"
He scoffs at my answer.
"Sure they did" he laughs before suddenly becoming serious, "Wait what did you promise them"
"Nothing" I say keeping my voice steady but my thoughts go back to what I had initially promised them, I wondered if that promise still stood.
"Seriously Flicker, don't lie to me, what did you have to give in order to see me"
"I know when your lyi...."
"I gave them nothing" I shout venting my frustrations at him and this whole situation.
"Please lets not talk about it" I admit lowering my voice , "I don't want to fight, not when this is the last time I'll see you again. Seriously Kyle, why did you have to kiss me, this all could've been avoided if we had just talked or I don't know maybe...
"Do you regret it" he whispers interrupting me
His question surprises me and I have to think for a moment, my immediate answer is no, but that look on the twin's faces will haunt me forever. I have mates, I should've never have kissed another man but it was Kyle, and he's my bestfriend and I was angry at them, but it should never have happened.
"I don't regret that I kissed you, but I regret everything that's happened because of it"
"I will never regret kissing you"
Normally his words would make me feel dizzy with happiness but this time I still felt empty, it was only my mates words that could now have any true effect on me.
"How are you feeling" I ask changing the subject
"Flicker, this isn't the last time I'm going to see you"
"I don't believe in an afterlife Kyle, you know that"
"No silly, I'm not going to die tomorrow"
"But the execution has already been planned, and my mates are pretty adamant about having it.
He moves closer to the bar, dropping his voice that it's just above a whisper.
"I have allies, friends here Flick, I'll sneak out right under their noses. I'll be gone before the sun rises tomorrow"
This information surprises me, all day I've been preparing for his death and now he's going to live. I should be overjoyed, but these new plans unsettle me, I don't want Kyle to die but I feel like I have a duty to tell my mates, omitting this information feels like I'm betraying them and the pack for a second time
"You wont tell anyone will you Flick"
"No, of course not" I say immediately but I feel like I've rushed my response.
"I thought all of the pack members are loyal, which ones are your friends" I ask searching for an answer, as a luna it was my duty to protect this pack
"Oh you wouldn't know them" Kyle answers his response purposely vague.
"Flicker, your time is up" Jake shouts his voice, echoing along the corridor
"Goodbye Kyle, I'll miss you"
"Don't worry Flicker, you'll see me again, I'll get you out of here, away from those mates I promise"
I glance back at Kyle, looking at him one last time but as I walk back down the hallways I realise that his words have never sounded so wrong.
The whole trip home is silent, surprisingly the rain has stopped but I don't feel like saying anything. Nothing is said as we walk inside the house or as I dutifully follow the Alpha's up to our room.
I don't know what to say to break the tension so I leave it. The information that Kyle has allies within the pack plays heavily on my mind and I feel the urge to tell my mates but I know that it would come at the expense of Kyle's life.
I use the shower first, washing off the rank smell of dead bodies. Before I came here my life was so much easier, all I worried about was sneaking out at night, now it seems like I never get a break from all these problems.
Jake and Connor use the shower after me as I slip into bed the sheets feeling cold against my warm skin.
At this moment I really didn't know what was going to happen tomorrow, I could wake up and watch my friend be executed or I could be woken up to the news that my friend had just escaped the most powerful pack in America. I wonder if the Alpha's will suspect that I might be somehow involved.
The bed depresses as the twins slip in, Jake drapes his arm over me, leaving me feeling safe and protected. I didn't know what tomorrow might bring but for tonight I was simply happy to be next to my mates.
Author's note
Thoughts and comment regarding this chapter please, I was always love to read what people have thought
Also regarding what people wanted to happen in the story some people came up with the idea of having Kyle as Cassidy's potential mate. I hadn't actually thought of this and it was such a brilliant idea that I actually thought about using it for a little while, but unfortunately I had no idea how to incorporate it into the story and I just think that Flicker had enough to deal without seeing Kyle everyday.
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