Chapter 21
Author's Note
Sorry for the wait. I hope you like this chapter.
Chapter 21
I had read the same page twice before I decided to give up, it was a beautiful sunny day and yet I was forced to stay inside. The two Alpha's wanted me to rest and recover which consisted of laying on the couch all day reading whatever was available.
To me it felt like I was on house arrest. It had been three weeks since I'd woken up in the pack hospital.
To everyone's surprise I had recovered quite quickly, my bones were no longer protruding and my wounds were no longer visible which I thought wouldn't happen until we fully mated.
Sighing, I get up from the couch, what was more frustrating than being on house arrest was the constant presence of guards, whenever the two Alpha's had to leave there were at least ten guards by my side monitoring my every movement.
From my place in the lounge I could already see five of them stationed around the house. Walking into the kitchen to make myself a smoothie, it brings a smile to my face knowing that the Alpha's would be furious if they learned I was off the couch.
I finish making the smoothie when one of the guard approaches me
"Are you okay Luna. You really shouldn't be off the couch"
I stifle my sigh as I look him in the eye
"Yes I'm fine, please don't worry about me"
He stares at me for a second longer before he returns back to his post.
The two Alpha's were currently at their office, they had spent most of their time last week with me and now were behind with paperwork and issues concerning the pack. Despite the guards stationed around the house the Alpha's still rang every hour to check that I was okay.
During these past few weeks I was quite surprised at how their whole demeanour had changed, instead of being dominant and authoritative they had become loving and considerate, listening to my opinion and both acting like the perfect gentleman.
However they were still quite possessive and slightly controlling but I wasn't terrified of them anymore, my heart didn't skip a beat when they walked into the room. But my biggest fear was that this side of them would disappear once their wolves returned.
Despite the constant attention from the Alpha's I still sometimes felt so alone without Emma. I missed chatting to her and transforming into my wolf form.
I gaze out the window thinking back to last week, Cassidy had persuaded her two brothers to let me meet the pack members. I was beyond excited despite the conditions the two Alpha's had set.
Number one , As soon as I became tired we'd need to leave, and
Number Two, I'd need to stay with either them or Cassidy throughout the visit.
Despite knowing that they were the largest and strongest pack in America I was still quite shocked at the number of people the pack contained.
Cassidy immediately dragged me off to meet the other females in the pack and it surprised me how quickly they welcomed me into their little circle.
However my biggest shock was observing the two Alpha's. From my spot with the girls I watched as the Alpha's interacted with their members of the pack. Jake was having a deep discussion with one of the pack elders whilst Connor was running around and giggling with the little ones.
Whilst watching them I finally understood why they were the strongest pack in America, it wasn't because of the twins dominating and terrifying presence but instead because they both respected and listened to their pack members regardless of their age and role.
During the visit I also managed to meet the Alpha's ex-girlfriend, Cassidy had been forced to leave after being asked to assist the little ones. Instead of obeying the rules and returning to the company of the two Alpha's I decided to walk back to the pack house alone, that's when she and her friends pounced.
1 week earlier
"So you think your good enough to be the next Luna" The tall blond had emerged from behind one of the houses, two of her sidekicks flanked by her sides.
I don't respond instead I keep walking hoping that she will leave me alone but rather she annoyingly steps in front of me blocking my path. Despite being the future of Luna of this pack she still towered over me and she had her wolf. Emma was still absent.
"You look a bit small and scrawny, I don't know what the Alpha's see in you" she laughs before continuing her onslaught . "You know the Alpha's had actually promised me the Luna position before you arrived.
A surge of jealously rises up inside of me but I remind myself that there was probably nothing but lust in their relationship. However instead of ignoring her comment I begin my attack.
"Really they promised someone like you the Luna position. Tell me was that before or after they had sex with you"
Her mouth pops open and I use the moment to continue.
"So really, you were just a means to an end"
I smile sweetly but my victory doesn't last long,
The blond steps menacingly towards me
"I'm going to end you bitch" She sneers
The blood begins to drain from my face as I watch her slowly transform into her wolf.
Stupid stupid, I think to myself as I begin to step back, why did I insult her when I can't even defend myself. I should've just bit my tongue and remained silent.
The wolf takes it time prowling towards me, its teeth visible. I look to her friends for help but they just remain behind a smirk on their faces as they wait for my imminent death.
I begin to slowly step back not wanting to alert the wolf of my movements.
I crane my neck looking behind me but the whole area was devoid of anyone that could help me. I scan the tree's for something to climb but the branches were also too high for me. Turning my attention back to the wolf I vowed to myself that I wouldn't let myself die like this, I was a survivor.
Knowing it was futile but hoping that someone would come to my rescue or find my remains. I begin to run,
"Help" I scream
The wind rushes past me carrying my plea for help, hopefully the Alpha's would come to my rescue soon before it was too late.
I keep running refusing to look back, I can hear her approaching, veering right I hope to lose her but she only continues her pursuit. I was only a few metres from the pack village but the wolf wasn't giving up.
"Alpha's please hel-"
The breath is knocked out of me as I'm pushed to the ground face first. I quickly turn over ready to jump up but the wolf pounces on me knocking me back. She snarls at me revealing her razor sharp teeth.
My heartbeat rapidly increases as panic sets in.
Where are the Alpha's?
A plan begins to form in my head and I pray to whoever God is listening that it works.
The wolf begins to lowers her head angling it towards my neck, she was going in for the kill. Instead of struggling I remain completely still, acting as if I had given up. As its teeth grazes my neck I use the moment to throw my head forward knocking hers, pain erupts in my skull but I ignore it. The wolf pulls away for a moment wincing in pain.
Using my only opportunity I scramble to get up getting ready to run when I feel the wolves teeth sink into my ankle. I scream in pain as I collapse to the ground, she releases her teeth as she begins to circle me. Blood starts spilling from my ankle coating the grass red. This time I knew that I was going to die, with my ankle injured I wouldn't be able to escape.
The wolf moves until it stands directly in front of me, I didn't have the energy to block her attack. Closing my eyes I await for the pain when a howl cuts through the air.
Flicking my eyes open I expect to come face to face with the she-wolf but instead she's backing away her eyes shadowed with fear and terror. Turning around I see two terrifying large black wolves sprinting this way. Fear consumes me for a moment before I realise that its the two Alpha's.
Glancing back I notice that the she-wolf had disappeared.
Connor meets me first, his green eyes usually alight with joy are now shrouded with fury. Jake pauses to check that I'm okay before he races to catch my attacker.
Connor's wet nose nuzzles at my cheek and I let a small smile slip.
"I'm okay Connor"
He whines as his nose travels down to my neck. He stops nuzzling when he catches sight of the blood spilling from my ankle. Moving towards it he releases a vicious growl when he see's the extent of the damage.
"I'll be okay Connor"
He ignores me, growling instead.
"The pack doctor will fix it"
He looks up meeting my gaze for a moment before returning to my injured ankle. I turn my head to look for Jake when I feel Connor's tongue touch my wound. Directing my attention back to him, I watch as the blood begins to disappear as he continues to lick it, the pain fading away until I could barely feel it.
I move my foot towards me and am shocked to see it completely healed.
"Thank you Connor"
He lets out a wolfy grin
I start to stand up when he growls at me
"Connor I'm all healed I can walk"
He ignores instead sprinting into the woods, he comes back a second later dressed in just shorts.
"I know you're healed" Connor says lifting me up into his arms. "I just wanted to carry you home"
I smile as I lean my head against his chest, secretly enjoying the fact that he was carrying me home.
Despite the terrifying events of that day it ended quite nicely the three girls had all disappeared but Connor and Jake promised me that they would be caught in no time.
We ended the day by watching a movie on the couch, with me squished between the two Alpha's.
It left me thinking what would've happened if their wolves hadn't taken control, if we had met under different circumstances.
The thought of escaping now also seemed unappealing but there was one thing that I was sure about, I wasn't spending the rest of my life stuck on house arrest.
Making a rash decision I head towards the door but before I even make it five steps there's another guard blocking my way.
"Luna we can't allow you to leave the house"
I pause for a moment as I stare up at the guard, if I wanted to get out I would have to play this strategically.
"I was planning on surprising the Alpha's" I responded. "Please don't tell them I'm coming, I've been planning this all morning"
The guard looks at me and I'm sure he can tell I'm lying but because of my position and relationship with the Alpha's he doesn't have the power to question me.
"Chris" he barks, two second later a young guard appears next to him.
"Please escort the Luna to the Alpha's office"
"I don't need an escort" I try to explain
"I'm sorry Luna you can either stay inside the house or you can have Chris escort you to the Alpha's office"
I sigh realising there was no way I was going to be able to walk alone.
"Okay lets go" I say defeatedly as I head towards the door
The morning sun washes over me as I walk out the door, taking a moment I relish in the fact that I'm outside again. The Alpha's had kept me inside during this week because of the incident with she-wolf.
They hadn't said anything about the relationship they had with the she-wolf which I discovered from Cassidy was called Chloe, but I assumed she was just an ex-girlfriend. I hadn't broached the subject scared that they would bring up my friendship with Kyle.
Letting the guard lead I take a moment to let my thoughts drift to Kyle. Over these past few months I had really missed my best-friend but there was little chance that I would see him again. I didn't think the Alpha's would let me visit my old pack.
I was actually a bit nervous seeing the Alpha's now, I knew that they loved me but this would be the test to see how much they actually cared for me and respected my opinion.
I was going to ask the Alpha's to reduce the number of guards that were stationed around the house. I wasn't the weak she-wolf that I was three weeks, I was stronger now I could take care of myself. I didn't require people tending to my every need.
But the thing I was most scared about was asking the Alpha's for my freedom. I wanted the freedom to take walks alone in the wood, to walk to the pack village without a guard following behind me.
Alpha's were extremely possessive and protective by nature, I didn't think the Alpha's would accept my proposition but I could always hope
"We're here" Chris says stopping at ordinary looking building. "Would you like me to wait for you"
"No thank you" I reply
Chris leaves and I'm left standing in front of the building
I can do this I think to myself as I open the front door and walk inside.
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