Part 1: The Beginning
(Notice: If you haven't read the book description I recommend you do before you continue any further. Thank you.)
Funneh and Alec have been friends for over 2 years now in YHS. They have been very good friends, but they have a crush on each other to the point where they have fallen in love. They love spending time with each other, and they even sometimes want to kiss each other. But one day Alec couldn't hold/control himself any longer, he wanted to kiss her so bad, he needed to tell her how he felt!
Alec was leaning against a wall in one of the hallways in school, he was on his phone. When he looked up from his phone he saw in the distance Funneh talking to her sister, and practically best friend Gold. He blushed at the sight of his crush, Funneh.
Lately the more he saw of her, the more times he wanted to kiss her, and he was having that feeling right now. He saw her smiling and laughing, and just being happy which made him happy as well.
Then, as he saw her beautiful blue diamond eyes and pinkish lips. He couldn't hold himself any longer, he really wanted to kiss her, he needed to kiss her!
Then, the first bell rang, it was time to go to the next class. He saw that Gold was waving to Funneh bye while heading to her next class, and Funneh just stood at the same spot when Gold left. Alec took this as an opportunity to tell her his feelings for her.
He put his phone away and walked towards Funneh. When he got to where she was at he said, "Hey Funneh!"
Funneh then turned around to see who it is was, and when she saw that it was Alec she said, "Oh, hi Alec!"
"What's your next class?" he said.
"I have a free period."
"Me too, would you like to hangout?"
"Sure, why not?"
Alec smiled. "I know somewhere where we can hangout more privately," he said.
"Um, sure, we can go there."
Alec then grabbed Funneh's hand and kinda pulled her towards where he wanted to take her. Funneh was a bit surprised at the sudden movement but then calmed down because she trusted Alec. Then she noticed that they were practically holding hands which made her blush a bit. While heading to where Alec wanted to go to, the second bell rang, which meant classes were starting already.
Then Alec stopped at the janitors closet and opened the door, and let Funneh go in first. Funneh then went inside the room with Alec following right behind her and closed the door, then locked it, which Funneh didn't notice.
Funneh was looking around the room, it was pretty big for a janitors closet. There were shelves with supplies on the walls and on a corner there was a pretty clean mattress on the floor. She didn't know why there was a mattress there, maybe for when something happened to a mattress for one of the beds in the dorms? "So what do you wanna do?" she said, still looking around the room.
Then, without warning, Alec pinned Funneh to the wall, completely letting his feelings take control of him. He had his arms each at the sides of her head, not touching it. "Alec...!?" Funneh said.
"W-what are you doing?"
"Funneh...I'm sorry if this makes you feel uncomfortable...and for this..." he mumbled.
"Sorry for wha-"
She got interrupted by Alec putting his lips on hers. The kiss was gentle and soft, but a bit passionate as well. Funneh stood there with her eyes wide open, shocked. Then a couple seconds later she closed her eyes and kissed him back.
A couple minutes later Alec broke the kiss. "Fu-" he started to say before he got interrupted by Funneh kissing him.
This surprised Alec a bit, but kissed her back anyway. Then a couple more minutes later Alec got an idea. He nervously, but gently bit the bottom of Funneh's lip. Then Funneh, a bit hesitant and nervous, she slowly opened her mouth a little bit, which surprised Alec, but slid his tongue in her mouth, exploring it.
Then quiet, muffled moans came out of Funneh's mouth, giving into the kiss and letting Alec take full control, and then she put her arms around his neck. Alec was still doing the kiss gently, even while moving his tongue, but it was still a bit passionate. "Mmm~," Funneh said.
*Good thing the school walls are sound proof,* Alec thought.
Then after a couple of minutes they broke the kiss, gasping for air, Funneh still has her arms around his neck, and both blushing hard. "Funneh..." Alec started saying.
"Yes...?" Funneh responded.
"Funneh I... I can't keep my feelings a secret anymore... I need to tell you how I feel..."
Funneh stayed silent, carefully listening to what he has to say. "Funneh I... I have a big crush on you, I... I have fallen deeply in love with you..."
Funneh blushed harder, almost as red a a tomato. "Alec I... I have also fallen in love with you... I have had a crush on you since I first saw you," she said.
"R-really? I have had a crush on you a couple of weeks after we became friends."
Alec smiled. "Well then... would you like to be my girlfriend?" he said.
Funneh was now as red as a tomato. "Y-yes! I would love to be your girlfriend!" she said happily.
Then they both immediately kissed, which turned into a make out session. Alec slid his tongue in Funneh's mouth again which she let him do, fully giving in to the kiss. Alec then realized that she was letting him have full control of her, which made him smirk a bit in the kiss, having an idea of what to do next. *Let's see if you'll let me do this~,* he thought.
Alec then quickly broke the kiss and kissed Funneh's neck, kissing it softly, put still pleasurable. He kissed her neck as low as possible, just in case if he gave her a hickey she could cover it easily. "Mmm~," Funneh said.
More little moans came out of her, giving into the pleasure and letting Alec do whatever he wanted to do. Alec then put his hands off the wall and grabbed Funneh's waist, pulling her closer to him. He then stopped kissing her neck and pushed themselves onto the mattress, pinning her on it, and before Funneh could say anything, he quickly kissed her again.
Funneh still had her arms around his neck and didn't even care if Alec pushed them on the mattress. She just gave into the kiss which was a bit more rough. Funneh then, a bit desperately, opened her mouth so that Alec could stick his tongue in, and she realized that tongue kissing was what she enjoyed the most. Alec gladly put his tongue in her mouth.
Then he took his hoodie off, and same with Funneh's sweater. He then took his shirt off, still kissing Funneh. Funneh didn't even realize what was happening, she was enjoying the kiss. Then Alec broke the kiss and started kissing Funneh's neck again. While doing so he lifted up Funneh's shirt a bit, revealing her stomach, but didn't fully take her shirt off because he still respected her.
After a bit, he stopped kissing Funneh and checked his phone for the time, it was almost time for the first bell to ring for the next class. Funneh then noticed that some their clothes were off, and then blushed as she saw Alec shirtless, and then Alec put his phone away. "The first bell is almost gonna ring, we should put on our clothes again," he said.
Funneh then nodded and then they got up and put on their clothes. "Hey Funneh, are you gonna do something after school?" Alec asked.
"No, not really. Me and gold were gonna go to our siblings' house for a sleepover, but I decided not to go, so Gold is gonna go there by herself," she answered.
"Oh ok... btw, do you take birth control...?"
"Yes... why do you ask?" Funneh said, clueless.
Alec smirked. *Perfect~* he thought.
"Great, then I'll come over to your dorm and finish what we started just now~" he said as he unlocked the door and started opening it.
Funneh then became red as a tomato and didn't say anything. (Btw, the dorms at YHS are like houses) "I'll text you when I'm coming over, bye babygirl~" Alec said as he left the room.
Funneh just stood there in the room speechless and still blushing. She came back to reality when the first bell rang. She then quickly got out of the room and headed over to her next class.
(Hope you enjoyed the first part, I'll try to make the second part as fast as possible, but no promises.)
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