When It All Falls Down - Finale
"Alright... It says--"
Dear reader, or specifically Jake,
Your parents aren't here if you must know. So don't even bother finding them here in the house. You may say that they are probably out grocery shopping, so you'll pick up the phone. But don't do that either. They don't have a source of signal nor a source of communication. You're probably getting quite impatient with these aren't you little child? Well... They are with me, somewhere no one knows. So you might as well live on your own. Or probably find new family who can take care of you.
Your imaginary friend
"So that's his name..." Jake mumbled, while frozen. "What happened??" Talia and Zack asked in a little panicked way. The boy sighed and replies "That friend of mine. Was a back-stabber... HE KIDNAPPED MY PARENTS"
Zack thought for a bit and said "Don't you mean... ADULTnapped?" As he started to chuckle. Jake let out a groan and answered "Ugh... Zack this is no time for jokes!! My parents are in trouble!!!"
"Then what do we do?" Talia asked, then "We can find help!" Jake said with a brighr idea, as he ran to his uncle Jax and Auntie Rosaline's house. But as they entered, they found Jake's cousin, Jairine, crying on the floor. "What happened?" Jake asked.
Jairine sniffed and replied "W-well... Someone kidnapped mom and dad too..." as she continued to sob, while her face was burried between her knees. "Something smells fishy here" Zack said
"You bet" Talia agreed but Zack shook her "No no! Not that!! It literally smells fishy here!! See?" As he pointed to a fish that wasn't completely chopped.
Talia smacked his head as Zack laughed painfully with a mix of pure laughter. "ZACK I SWEAR. THERE'S NO TIME FOR JOKES" the girl raged as she face-palmed.
Jake shook his head out of annoyance at the petty quarrel his two friends are having. "He Jairine, what did the note say?" As the girl handed him the note.
"Huh. This note looks so similar with mine, he hanwriting, and the sentences" he stated. "That means Dustin kidnapped our parent". Jake them looked over to Zack and gave him a glare "Hold that thought Zack"
The male giggled "Don't you mean--"
As the PUNny Zack burst into laughter, Talia then smacked him again "HAHAHAHHAH!! Ow" as Zack rubbed the part where Talia smacked him so hardly for the second time.
"Guys!! No time for this monkey business!!" Jake complained. Then Zack made a one with his fingers "What. Are. You. Doing." Jake asks, getting annoyed.
"Let me just get my monkey suite. THEN that's when were in monkey business!"
"ZACK YOU DINGUS" Talia screamed as she shook the boy hard, which made Zack look like a fish out of water.
Jairine and Jake face-palmed. "Anyways... Has anyone have any idea where they could be?"
Everyone in the room nodded sideways. Clue less where their parents could be found. "I'll ask mom" Talia volunteered.
She rang her mom's number. No answer. Her dad? Not a trace. "Try yours Zack" as Zack called both his parents' number. They did not answer either.
"L-let's go ask Rebecca" Jairine stated, quite getting jumpy from the un-answered calls. So the four went there and saw that the house was empty.
Then they decided to visit BlackSen, Alex, and Cypher. Their house seems empty too. Meaning. They're gone. Which was pretty weird. Since they don't often leave their own houses. Plus. How can they all be gone at the same time? That can't be possible... Right?
"Ohh... No... No. No. No..." Talia started to get worried. "What are we gonna do Jake?!" She exclaimed. The male sighs "I... Don't know. Mom and Dad never told me much about their past" he said in a depressing tone.
Then Jairine melted onto the dusty and rocky pavement "So what... Are we just gonna end up like this? Parent-less?"
"Obviously no" Jake replies. "WHAT THE CRAP DUDE?" Zack raged. Shocked at what he heard "WHAT MAKES YOU THINK WE CAN FIND THEM IF WERE CLUELESS?"
"Shut up. Just trust me." He insisted. Then he ran back to his home. The three looked at each other. Confused. What thet did next was to follow him.
"Uh... What are we doing here?" Talia asks. "Finding evidences..." as Jake was digging up some paper files.
There he found some newspaper which contained articles about werwolves "Well this is convenient" he mumbled, as he flipped the pages to unravel more about it.
It states they were found on several states. But this was dated back before James and Jaiden were even married. But then. No article stated where they went next. Where Dustin's lair was. Or specifically, Richard's.
Then. Something hit his head. An idea he knew that could possibly work. But it was a great risk. "Guys. Will you help me cover the fact I'm... Smelling like. A dog?"
Everyone were confused "Huh? Why?" They questioned altogether. "I don't want to break our family secret. But... I'm a werewolf..." Jake confessed.
They were all in utter shock, that they froze for a moment. "That's awesome!!" The said afterwards. But Jairine wasn't surprised. Since, she too, is a werewolf.
After that. He started sniffing the scent. Which if Jake is right, towards his missing parents. The trio covered Jake out of the other people's sight, as he was sniffing.
They did a really great job, that in 30 minutes, they already have escaped the human civilization. They were somewhere that there no people were inhabiting the area.
Jake got tired after sniffing it. Of course. Anyone who does an action over and over for a long period of time can be tiring.
"So... Are we any closer to them?" Jairine asks her cousin, who just melted onto the ground "Well... Sorta?" He replies. Still huffing from exhaustion.
Probably an hour passed and they went on again to search for their parents. Nothing stopped them. Even the dark was about to cover up the bright skies.
But what postponed their journey was there wad this weird feeling that somebody's watching their every move.
Everyone thought that it was just probably the night breeze blowing through them. But--
3 AM...
"Ngh... Where am I? Jairine? Talia? Zack?" He called out the people who were with him one by one. But one answered "I'm here..." Jairine asks.
"What about Talia and Zack? Where are they?" He asks his cousin through the black air that wad blinding their human eyes.
She replied, but it did not help, as she had no idea where they are too. But when they heard two extra human breaths. They were finally in complacent. Sure that they were just beside them.
But then, light slowly went from vast darkness to a lit room. They found themselves trapped in a human cage.
"M-mom??..." Jairine mumbled, Jake looked at his cousin's eyes and followed its direction and found her beloved aunt there. Beside with the evil 'imagination friend' of his.
He was both horrified and worried. He all thought that his aunt was in the good side all along. But he never knew she was just playing along.
"AUNTIE ROSALINE. HOW CAN YOU DO THIS" he yelled out of anger. He was upset. Miserable. Betrayed. Emotions of all kinds were mixed.
"No don't yell at her... It was my fault who felt for her. I was foolish to fall for her traps... Blame me..." Jax admitted, who was tied beside his sister.
"WHERE'S DAD YOU BIG HEAD DINGUS" Jake demanded. Jaiden wad there, tied, worried for his beloved son. Despite that the was tied with chains, she wanted to comfort his son and help him. But she couldn't. Not to mention. Was in a cage too.
The tension was bulding up. Not too soon. Dustin there laughed proudly. "This is coming all to place... Just what I wanted" he said. As he clapped.
"I thought this was all Richard's idea!!" Jaiden bathed in as she remembered something. He laughed evillt once more "Oh indeed little Jai. Indeed it was my father's plan. But he disagreed to my wants. So... In order to satisfy my wants. I had to kill my own father."
Gasps were heard around the room "Oh yeah heard it right. Killed him. He has a pathetic plan. Make everyone show how wild you guys could be while you were unstable... But that's all. But I don't think that was evil enough. Plus. He did not want me to get in between Jamey-boy and Jai-bird... It upsetted me so much that I had to kill him. And it was worth it"
"HOW DID YOU FIND US. I THOUGHT YOU GAVE UP." The noirette shouted. "Well. My dear 'ol sister, Rosaline helped me. She tried to become closer to atleast someone in the Rallison or Animations family. Not to mention, her feelings for Jax was just all fake. It was just a show to convince everyone. And that necklace of yours Jaiden? That made you... Connect to me"
"WHAT?!" Jaiden said horrified "Yes. I could hear every move you make. What you do. All you deep and darkest secrets. I know what can upset you the most..." as a creepy smile crept on the male's face. "STOP. STOP THIS."
"HAHAHAH!! Stop? That's what you said before. Stop. But do you think I'll stop? Ofcourse no!! I am not giving up when I'm almost there to get my prize. And that is to marry you Jaiden..."
Jaiden shook in fear "Y-you can't!! I'm legally married to James!! What do you think?!"
"And that's why I have to kill him too. Along with my father..."
"WHAT!? ARE YOU OUT OF MY MIND!?" She screamed, as she was, a dirty-blonde male came in blind folded. He was escorted by Rosaline and made him sit down on a seat and strapped him.
James's blindfold was removed afterwards. Revealing a complete disastrous mess. Dustin prepared his sharp knife, he readied his knife near James' neck.
"You will experience a slow... Painful death... Not what you wanted. But I do" as he smiled deviously as he knife slowly approached his neck.
A loud scream echoed, bouncing off the walls. Everyone remained silent to witness what was happening. They were all clueless who screamed.
They saw a blond lady. Stabbing his very own brother. A tear fell on her cheek and removed the knife from his brother's back "Rosaline... W-why..." Dustin managed to talk those before his life was taken away. As his soul was off to hell.
"Why did you do that Rosaline?" James asked. The blonde lady was breathing heavily. A little regretful, because she killed her brother. But she knew that everyone else were innocent but Dustin. So she had to do what's right.
She untied James. Unlocked the cages and everyone's finally free. Jax and Jairine rushed by Rosaline, as she fell on her knees. They hugged her out of comfort, and the blonde cried.
Everyone felt bad for her that she has to kill her own brother to save everyone else. "Why did you kill him?" Jax asks.
"I... Had to... I couldn't let anyone die if they don't deserve to... I know my family are evil... But I always sticked to justice... I didn't hop into conclusions if I know I don't know every detail... Plus... I love Jax. I love his family. Yes I love my brother. But... He wanted to kill you. And that just... Sounds all wrong..."
"T-thank you Rosaline..." Jaiden mumbled as she hugged too, moments later, everyone hugged Rosaline. For saving their lives. If it wasn't for her. Their secret may be in danger.
Months passed and that huge incident was all in the past now. Its memory may repeat. But they forgave each other. Though. Spechie and Tim may or may not know their little secret. But as for when Zack tried to call his parents. Apparently. They were just busy.
So everything's come to full circle! And everyone's safe. Even the secret. For now.
AAAA FINALLY!! I'M DONE!! Finally hecking finished with the finale~~
I hope you enjoyed it!! I'm sorry if the finale was very delayed. A lot of stuff happened and only got to finish it tonight (yes tonight).
Alright that's allfor now guys!! A new book is coming to their new way! It's a Jameden one too!!!
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