Unveiling The Secret
~In the OverWorld (Earth, Arizona)~
The principal called Mrs.Animations, as she picked it up.
Mrs.A: Oh hello Mr.Schneider, is there any problem?
Principal: Hello Mrs.A, so is James and Jaiden sick at all? They havent been going to college for 2 days
Mrs.A: Wait what?!
Principal: I'm afraid so. Have you happen to know where they are?
Mrs.A: N-no... I thought that Jaiden was there at her dorm?!
Principal: She wasnt there. Neither James
Mrs.A: O-oh... Thank you for calling us, we'll find them
Principal: It's my pleasure
Call Ended
After that, she dialed James' mom. As it was answered by her after a few moments.
Mrs.R: Oh hey Jane, what's up?
Mrs.A: Rachel... Our. Kids. Are. MISSING.
Mrs.R: Wait how did you know?!
Mrs.A: The principal called and they have been gone for 2 days!
Mrs.R: What the... We should find where they are!
Mrs.A: Yeah. I gotta go now, see you later
Mrs.R: See ya
Call Ended
~With The Other Dimension~
James is still locked up in chains. He couldnt do anything to save Jaiden.
Then, he found a black key. Looks like they accidentally dropped it. He reached it and he freed himself.
He rushed out of the door and searched for Jaiden. He looked everywhere and found a window. There was a van and the capturer pushed Jaiden in there.
James knew they were werewolves, like come on. They have looked straight in his eyes. So ofcourse he couldnt harm them with his eyes.
Frustration filled him. He got angry that he got unstable once more. He got to punch the wall and escaped with it.
He ran after the fast moving vehicle. He couldnt help but ran with his feet and hands. It made everyone see his true form.
A werewolf.
Jaiden was tied on a seat, she was faced on a window and could see James running after her. She was placed at the trunk of the van. (There's window in a van's trunk right?)
Jaiden could feel that he was unstable. She could feel the fiery in him.
She sighed in disappointment, knowing that she couldnt calm him down. She also doesnt want James chasing her. It just doesnt feel right...
"Awww... Look at your dog there. Chasing after you. Poor doggo." The capturer said with an evil smirk.
"How dare you call him a dog?! He may be a werewolf but he needs to be treated equally!" She demanded.
"Look at him!! He's suffering!!"she said once more, as he replied "Because that's what we want. Make him suffer. He'll ofcourse chase you. Since your he's crush..."
Jaiden stayed silent. He looked upon James, whose running relentlessly. Not giving up on her.
She wont believe them. She knew James wouldnt like a freak like her.
"You're wrong! He wouldnt like me!! I'm a freak okay?!" Then, she became unstable too. Making her eyes harmful to humans.
"Right... Keep yelling. Keep that temper. You'll soon hurt someone" He said, as she growled at her.
After that, they were approaching the portal. It means they're almost there to unveil Jaiden's secret to the world.
The capturer wanted to make Jaiden see that she have failed her parents to keep their family secret by exposing her.
He smiled evilly. Moments later, they have entered the Earth once more, as James was following behind, still running.
~Minutes Later~
They have reached the college. Jaiden's still tied on her seat and putted her on the stage of the campus.
James stopped in horror. He doesnt want the capturers reveal Jaiden's secret to the world.
He regretted being friends with her. He doesnt want any of this to happen. He wants to keep her safe and keep her secret. But he couldnt.
"People! Come around! Jaiden has a secret!" He said. You know teenagers, they love gossips, as the gathered around the campus' stage.
They have no idea why she was tied there. She was closing her eyes and looking down.
James tried to push his self through the crowd trying to get to Jaiden.
"People! I wanted you to look at Jaiden closely and carefully. Watch her okay?" He said, as everyone did it except James.
The capturer tried to make Jaiden open her eyes or either show her werewolf ears and tail.
He whispered bad things to Jaiden. Like You're ugly. No one would like you if they found out you're a werewolf. No one really cares for you. And more.
In this way, it kept Jaiden unstable all along. But her eyes remained closed. Not wanting to hurt anyone.
The students waited patiently, since finally, the shy and quiet girl's secret will be said.
Moments later. A sentence was whispered through her ear, and that struck her heart. And that sentence was: You are a big disgrace, and you're all alone, suffering all by yourself.
It made her scream. By that time James had attacked the capturer, he had pinned him to the floor so he couldnt do any damage to Jaiden.
In so much anger in them. It made their eara and tails pop out. It made everyone gasp.
They couldnt believe there were two werewolves in their school. They thought it was a myth, or every werewolf were dead.
But there were 2 werewolves right infront of them.
"Muahahah... Yes, that's what you get for getting mad and not chilling. You reveal yourselves to the people around you!" The capturer said to James and Jaiden.
Then James and Jaiden's family just arrived, horrified at what they saw. They saw James and Jaiden with their eara and tails exposed.
A man on the ground laughing evilly, and students whispering and taking pictures.
Then, the capturer's body gaurds released Jaiden from her seat. Making her collapse on the ground, making her scream loudly.
James looked up as he unpinned the capturer and went near Jaiden. While he was there, "Students! Look behind you! Those are their parents. They are the one who raised these wolves!" The capturer announced as everyone saw them.
They started whispering and taking pictures again. Mr. Rallison and Mr. Animations knew who that guy was.
It was the same guy that made them unstable and harm people. Now he's doing it to their children.
Then, a flock of body guards appeared as they grabbed them and brought them in a vehicle. They drove away with James and Jaiden's parents, but not towards the portal.
But somewhere in the world that no one knows but them. Bluffing James and Jaiden and waste their time on going to the portal.
Hey guys! Miss Cutie Cat here! So in my timeline I published exactly two chapters in a day! So this is a replacement chapter for my missed day.
So thanks to AnimalGirl1213 for giving me an idea! I just made her idea longer!
So yeah! This chapter has 1157 words. (All of these)
So yeah! Bye guys!
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