The Group Chat
~7 AM~
Jaiden woke up after the last ring. She fluttered her eyes open to see the beautiful California sun shining.
She decided to stretch, but it was squishy, weird. She turned around to see James hugging her. Jaiden couldnt help but scream.
"Uh huh?! What?!" James said releasing Jaiden. "What happened?", "Um... You were... Hugging me?" Jaiden said shyly.
"I'm so sorry!! I thought you were my body p-pillow!" He stuttered. Silence fell upon them, they were looking down, trying not to make any eye contact. "I'm... I'm going to take a show now" as she stood up from the bed, walking towards the bathroom door.
Before she could leave "H-hey Jaiden!" James said. "Yeah?"she asked. "I just wanted to tell you this" he said shyly.
It made Jaiden confuse and at the same time nervous. "Morning beautiful~" James said dreamily, with a sexy pose.
Jaiden blushed madly as James started laughing, "Hey I'm sorry okay? That was all meant to be a joke!" As he continued to laugh.
Jaiden fakely laughed as she rushed inside to the bathroom and locked it immidiately. She could still hear James laughing his heart out.
She couldnt help but smile. "It was cute though..." She thought as she started to take a shower.
~Minutes Later~
Jaiden has finally finished take a shower. She wore her usual clothes and she look stunning.
James saw her and blushed lightly. Then shook his head and said "My turn!"
He was running towards the bathroom like a little kid. Jaiden couldnt help but laugh at him.
After he locked the door. Jaiden checked her social media to see any updates from their friends.
She opened their chat and saw that she missed a ton of convo.
Okay spam!!
Jaiden asked herself why were they sending so much emojis. So she decided to scroll up. But they flooded the GC with emojis and stickers.
Jaiden is online...
Why are you guys spamming?
You're making my phone lag
Sorry about that Jaiden.
We're just playing around 😁
Yeah sure... I'll be back, I'm just
gonna guide James with the shower
Alright Jaiden! See ya!
Also, we'll meet in Starbucks okay?
You 4 better be there on or before 9 AM!!
Will do, now I rlly gtg!!
James' screaming
Jaiden is offline...
Jaiden placed her phone down and went near to the bathroom door and yelled "Press the blue and orange button simultaneously!" She said as James did it.
Moments later, the water was normal again "Thanks Jaiden!" He said from the other side of the door. "You're welcome!"
Oh yass! Jameden!
Jaiden is online...
Um... Guys, what do you mean by
Nothing!! 😁😁😁
Were just talking about the worse prhigs
Ya sure about that?
I trust you guys...
Dont worry Jaiden! You can trust us!
Jaiden is offline...
Well that was close! Right guys?
Yep. Now I gtg, meet ya in starbucks!!
Alex is offline...
BlackSen is offline...
Tony is offline...
Cypher is offline...
Adam is offline...
Tim is offline...
Spechie is offline...
James is online...
Um... What time are we going
to Starbucks?
Actually... Nevermind,
Jaiden just told me
James is offline...
"Come on James, Adam and Tim's probably waiting for us" she said while putting her phone on her purple purse.
After James finally finished what he was doing, they went out of their room.
They were greeted by a smirking Adam and Tim. "What?" The two asked.
"Maybe you know" Adam said still smirking. "Oh God... Please dont tell me its about me and Jaiden again..." James complained.
"Nah too late I'm doing it"Tim said "No!!"
"So me and Adam were still awake. We heard you two are giggling, and I heard smoochies" Tim said. "WHAT!?" The two screamed in terror.
"Also, James said Morning beautiful~" Adam added. This made Jaiden blush "It was meant to be a joke you guys!!" James explained.
Jaiden got tired of the endless comebacks that they are creating "Okay stop it you guys! It's 8:45 and we are going to be late for the meet up!!" Jaiden informed them.
It made the 3 boys panic, they ran downstairs. While Jaiden walked calmly. "That should do the trick" she whispered to herself.
But in reality, the time was just 8:10.
~At The Venue~
"Guys! Sorry were late!!" Adam said as he slammed the door open. "Late? You're just in time" Cypher said. "Wait wha--" as the 3 boys looked at Jaiden, who was laughing.
"Anyways... You're Tim right? You were the new guy added in the GC right?" Spechie said while shaking his hands. As Tim blushed "Y-yup! That's me!"
"And you must be James" Tony said. "Who~?!" James said. "Nah I'm kidding man. Yea, I'm James!" While shaking his rough hands.
James leaped as he felt something hard while shaking his hands "Oh sorry about that, I ate a jar of cookies this breakfast" he said.
"Its okay" he said, as he wiped the crumbs away.
"Okay guys! Let's explore California!!" Spechie shouted gleefully as they left Starbucks.
Bonjour wattpaders! Cathy here! Phew. I updated two books in a day...
Being an author is sure hardwork. I know I can stop updating everyday like every other normal wattpad authors. But no!
May I ask. Am I the only person who atleast updates a book everyday?
Also, i'll share you a short story why I do these things. Also, if you dont care to hear it, then goodbye!!
You still here? If yes, good!
Okay so the reason why I update atleast one of my books everyday is because, I dont want any of my readers get tired of waiting and soon abandon it.
I am a reader too, and honestly... Waiting for a long long time until the author updates it can be somewhat... I dont know the feeling.
Bored? Or annoying? (No offense) Idk the feeling. But there's this feeling that I cant put my finger on it.
For me, I've been waiting for my favorite books to update. If it doesnt update... Guess it upsets me.
Okay I think the feeling we get is upsetness, right?
Because we readers, if we read a book that is on going, and you have to wait for more days to update, we'd get upset and wanting to read more.
Because we arent just satisfied.
So to satisfy my readers, I'd update my books daily. Atleast a book or two. Or even three. Or maybe even more than that.
I try my best to publish a long chapter for every book that I will update in a day. It may be challenging and tough for me.
But right after you write a chapter, you have to set a simple plot for your book. So the next day you can update it with ease.
That's what I do! After every chapter I write, there's another story in my mind that's waiting to be written/typed.
So what I'm saying is, we should have a goal. So things will be easier! Also, you shouldnt apply "have a goal" in just writing. Apply it to your daily lives too!
With this, your life will be easier, because you have a goal, and you're focused to reach that.
So yeah! You thought that it'd be impossible not to update a book/books in a day? Its possible guys!
Just believe!
You know... I still have schools, and surprisingly, I balanced my school and my wattpad career! It even surprises me.
But I'm not telling you other authors to update your books every single day, and as you publish it, we readers can tell that it was rushed.
Take your time! We people have different capabilities.
Hmm... Maybe two components that I have, that makes me see publishing a chapter everyday is easy, are because I'm imaginative and I love writing essays?
Is there a connection? Okay I'm not boasting okay? Dont say that I am. I'm just telling how I could publish a chapter.
Also, if you're wondering, no!
I'm not a Pisces! And I'll tell you what my sign is. It's Aries.
But you cant figure out my birthday so easily!
Because for a person to be considered an Aries, they should be born under March 21 –April 19!
So figure it out! You can guess my birthday in the comments!
Also, tell in the comments what is your Zodiac Sign. I'd love to hear it!!
Au revoir!!
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