That Face...
Jaiden walked in circles in her apartment relentlessly. Doubting the decisions she've made. What if James leaves her because she wasnt pretty enough?
Many questions flowed. It made her insane, until her phone beeped. She went near it and more shipping comments appeared.
She glanced at her phone and saw it was just 3 PM. She sighed and placed her phone down.
Jaiden thought of something to do.
~Hours Later~
Jaiden kept thinking what to do, and time has passed by. It was 5 PM. She decided to just go to the pet store with James today.
"Well, why not?" She thought to herself as she reached for her phone and texted him.
She wanted for it to be over already. She wasnt to feel anxious all night, just because of her scared to show the real her.
Hey James! I was wondering if we can go now? Like today? I have some things to do tomorrow
TheOdd1sOut is typing...
Yeah sure! But why so sudden change of mind? Anything up?
No, nothing's up. Let's just go okay? Let's meet at Subway. Or do I mean, Sooubway??
😂 Yeah sure! See ya there!
See ya
Jaiden putted little money and her phone in her pockets. She wore her purple hoodie, underneath it was her black shirt.
She wore her converse shoes, and she was ready.
Along the way. Some people recognized her, so her fans took pictures with her and she signed autographs, just for her fans.
Dozens of fans later, she has reached subway. She waited for James to show up.
While waiting
"Hey! Are you JaidenAnimations?"
She heard someone, it was a familiar voice. It was the guy from the call. Jaiden tilted her head to see
"You're JaidenAnimations??"
"And you're TheOdd1sOut??"
Both couldnt believe their eyes. But it made Jaiden tear up and walk to the other direction.
Before she left, someone grabbed her hand, and it was James.
Jaiden: What do you want James Rallison?!?!
James: Jaiden please calm down!!
Jaiden: Calm down?!?! Calm down?!?! I've been calm for the rest of my life ever since you left me James!!! I tried my best not to bug you because I know it's my fault!! I said sorry a billion times and you just fricking ignored!!! Me you neglected me!!! Luckily I defeated depression!!
James: I know Jaiden! I'm stupid okay?! I know that! It's my fault too!! Because-... I didnt forgive you. I'm sorry. I was really in a bad mood and...
Jaiden: Yeah. Bad mood for A VERY LONG TIME!!
James: Yeah. I was so upset. Seeing you with another guy just... Hurts more than someone kicking my between. It hurts more then being stabbed to my chest. I'm sorry.
Jaiden stayed silent. Looking down at her feet. She never knew that James loved her so much.
But she knew it would offend James, since she ONLY knows that he has a crush on her.
James leans closer to her but Jaiden blocked his lips.
Jaiden: Why would you kiss me? I've yelled at you and arent I a horrible person?
James: I'm the horrible person. I should've accepted your apology...
Please remember that I miss you
Young and reckless, what did we do?
Broken promise gone forever
Maybe one day we'll get better
Right by your side that's where I'll be
In a heart beat if you ask me
Let's stay strangers like we're meant to
Oh, I wonder if you miss me too
A tear dropped on Jaiden's eyes as she couldnt hold it in and hug him already.
Jaiden: I miss you James... I'd always wonder if you missed me. But then, I moved and cause everything feels like you dont
James: I felt that way too...
Hey guys! Cathy here! Sorry if this chapter seems short. I dont ALSO want to ruin the next one. And I have to update some of my books and create a fanfic!
Also I dont have any idea right now. So I'm open for any collaborations again.
Speaking of fanfic.
Check my newest book called: Frenemies to Lovers!!
It based on my two best friends, a boy and a girl. IRL friend okay?
I'll explain more about them if you go ahead an check it out!
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