My Medicine
~5 AM~
The sun wasnt still up. It was still cold. The moon was about to slumber, as everyone woke up.
James blinked his eyes tiredly, as he realized that they were brought somewhere unfamiliar. Tthe ground was all sandy. So they're in a beach.
Then he remembered that Jaiden was still left with Dustin and Richard, brainwashed. Cluelessy falling inlove with a guy she doesnt know and like, nor love.
He couldnt stand leaving her there. With no doubts, he ran as fast as he could. Smelling their smell and tracing them back.
Since he's a werewolf, he can track them. He may have smelled many scents, but he knew which is which.
~With the rest~
Jax, Faith and Andrei (James' old bro) woke up with no James by their side. So they immidiately woke their parents up to find him immidiately.
But wherr could he be?
They smelled his scent, as it leads to a forest. A very dim, and spooky forest. Many weird sounds were heard, but it can give anyone goosebumps.
~With James~
He was runnint as fast as he could. Suddenly, voices started to come out of nowhere. They were whispering things.
James has no idea where its coming from, but continued to run. Moments later, another whisper was heard.
Psst... James...
You dont have time to save your girl. You'll loose her completely. Because you were such a wimp to protect her. Now... You lost her. Your light is now gone.
You cant retrieve her back. Because you let her down. You left her. Now. She loves someone else. And that is Dustin.
He's better than you. He'll never leave a wonderful girl like Jaiden. You're really such a wimp, dumb, and horrible guy.
Leaving a girl? Such a wrong decision. Atleast you have us right?
James heard those. He kenw what they are. The voices in his head.
They were born from the thought of him loosing Jaiden. But he did not agree with them. He never gave up. He onew that Jaiden loves him. Then, another sentence crossed him.
Aww... You're such a fighter! But fight all you can. And all those hardwork is not worth it. Because in the end. You know she'll never love you back, right?
James couldnt take it. He knew Jaiden was just brainwashed. But it all seems it's not. He broke down and cried.
His heart ached. He cried uncontrollably. He couldnt help himself.
Then a flashback played in his mind.
James and Jaiden were in the park. Sitting on the bench and talking about things.
James: Ffss... My ankle hurts! Ugh... I'm such a wimp. I couldnt even beat them
Jaiden: You're not a wimp Robert. You're strong and brave. If you were a wimp, you wouldnt fight for me. You wouldnt stand for me Robert.
James: I guess you're right
Jaiden: Well, good for you you're a strong person. Me? I'm just a coward and well... Weak person
James: Well you're not like that. You're an amzing person
Jaiden: Really? How so?
After that flashback played. He sniffed as he stood back up. "Jaiden knows I'm a strong guy. She knows I wouldnt let her down. She's expecting me to save her" he said.
Suddenly, courage came back to him. He felt good about himself once again. As if Jaiden was his medicine to all his problems.
Then everyone caught up with James.
Andrei: James! Are you okay?
James: Y-yeah... I'm fine
Faith: What happened to you? We saw you collapse on the ground from the distance. Are you sure you're okay?
James: Yeah. I just remembered something from the past
Faith: O-okay then. Just please dont do taht again...
James: I'll try not to
~Hours Later~
The sun was about to hide once again, and it's time for the moon to wake up. Everyone made a camp fire for the night.
As the camp fire was finished. They all gathered around it and talked.
Faith: James, why were you running?
James: I uh, um... I was about to-
Faith: You're going back to Jaiden right?
James: W-wait what?!
Faith: You cant lie from me James. Were twins and I know whether you're lying or not.
James: I um...
Faith: You have a crush on her right?
James: How did you know?!
Faith: James... I saw on how you looked at Jaiden. Its more than just a look, and I dont think you just like her. You love her
James: I... Yes, its true. I love her
James was expecting Faith to squeal, since she has veen shipping them for quite a long time. But instead of a squeal, she hugged him.
James: I, I was expecting a scream
Faith: Well. I just wanna tease you but. Congrats brother, I'm proud of you!
James: Thanks
Faith: Well we better sleep now if we want to wake up early to save your girl
James: Yep
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