The duo then let go of each other. Jaiden sniffed for the last time and wiped her tears away.
James: You okay now?
Jaiden: Y-yeah... I never knew I'd meet you ever again
James: Me neither... Well I'm glad I got to see you again
Jaiden: Yeah. So wanna buy a pet?
James: Sure
The duo waltz to the pet store. As soon as they entered in. They were amazed at it. It was filled with cute animals.
Some dogs smelled that they were no ordinary humans. So they barked at them, grabbing their attention. As if calling them.
Since the duo are half wolves, they could understand it.
James petted the two puppies. The white and the cream pup.
Suddenly, he felt like, these two dogs are for him, as if it was a calling.
"I'll take these two doggos!" He said as he grabbed them out of their cage.
Jaiden whispered "Are you sure?", James nodded while paying the cashier.
Moments later, they have left. James named the white one Georgie, and the cream one Poppy.
"Awww! They're cute doggos!" Jaiden said while scratching their heads. James agreed.
Then he handed Poppy to Jaiden, as he smiled at her. She returned the smile and continued in giving her scratchies.
Jaiden: So where do you wanna go next?
James: Let's go home to my apartment. Maybe we can hang out there?
Jaiden looked at the time and it was just 5:59 so she decided to hang out with James.
What could possibly go wrong, right?
They walked all the way to James' apartment apologizing and telling jokes. Which made both of them laugh.
Finally, they have reached each his apartment. Jaiden saw that there were already dog stuff lying on the ground.
Like two bowls, two leashes, two dog beds, toys, two jars of treats, and two bags of dog food.
It seems James has been planning this for a long time, Jaiden thought, as she let go of Poppy.
James has let go of Georgie, then filled up their bowl with food and water, as the two doggos ate and drinked them.
The duo laughed at how adorable they are.
James: Thanks for the idea Jai
Jaiden: It's no problem! I knew you'd want a pet like me
James: Hey. You have a pet bird right? Was it... Ari?
Jaiden: Yeah! And he's my doggo!
James: Well that's cool! A doggo that can fly!
Jaiden: Hah! My doggo is better than yours! (Jaiden said playfully boasting)
James ran to his dogs and said "Well no matter, my doggos are still the best to me!" He said playfully as the two dogs licked his face.
Then he stood up and allowed them to finish their meal. "So what's next?" James asked, as Jaiden suggested dinner.
The duo went to the kitchen and prepared dinner for themselves. James prepared the sauce as Jaiden prepared the pasta
(or noodles).
Minutes later, they have finished it at exactly 7 PM. The setted it on the table and started eating it. They grabbed some and placed it on their own plate.
Jaiden: The sauce's delicious James!
James: Heh! That's my mom's secret sauce recipe! She passed it to me
Jaiden: Oh damn! I think we should make another batch!
James: Why?
Jaiden: Because I just ate everything!
The two laughed as they stood up and Jaiden volunteered to wash the dishes. While James played with his two dogs, who apparently finished their meal minutes ago.
~Minutes Later...~
Jaiden has finished washing the dishes. She applied lotion onto her hands and rubbed them together. "James! I'm done!"she yelled as James nodded.
James then turned the tv on, and sat on his bed, since Poppy and Georgie were sleeping there.
Jaiden did the same. Then, they watched a movie and feel asleep.
There. I removed that cringey part. I hate it and idk why i even wrote it in the first place. It seems uneccessary of me to do it.
Whatever. Here's that much clean chapter. I had to those dirty ones, because I'm regretting myself for writing that.
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