Endless Ship
After The Animation Squad met up, they decided to go somewhere they'll enjoy.
Adam: So James and Tim, you guys like thrill?
Tim: Its okay
James: Yea
Alex: Well good! Because were going to Laser Tag!
Spechie: Oh yea!
Tim: You like Laser Tags?
Spechie: Like them? I LOVE THEM!
Tim: Thats cool!
As James elbowed him. It made Tim blush lightly, he covered his face immidiately to cover the fact he's blushing. "Knock it off James" Tim whispered.
James chuckled as he stopped and continued to walk with everyone.
~At Laser Tag~
They finally have reached the front of it, when kids bursted out of the building. As they rushed outside, they saw all of the animators, right before their very eyes.
Ofcourse, they started to squeal and requested to take selfies with them. The squad agreed to it as they took photos with the excited children.
After that short photo shoot, it was time for the children to leave as it was time for the squad to play Laser Tag!
But when they entered in, it looks like they have to wait, if they want to play it with just themselves, no one else.
So they waited patiently.
More Minutes Later...
"You're next!" Someone called out to them as they walked to the room. Then they grabbed laser guns and vests (?), after that, they're set to go.
They decided to have a 1v1v1v1v1v1v1 and so on. Just to see who really is the Laser Tag master.
"MUAHAHA!!! Good luck~" Spechie said creepily, as she disappeared. It creeped Tim and James out.
"Well dont let Spechie creep you out guys. Well better scatter, we only have 2 minutes of grace period" Jaiden reminded them as everyone separated.
Everyone' aware. They are very very open-minded right now. Especially when there's a Spechie on the loose.
The two minute grace period and Jaiden saw BlackSen, unaware of her presence. So she shooted him and it alerted him thaf he was shot. He turned around to see no people, since Jaiden had left already, off to find more people.
It wasnt until a few minutes later when James saw Jaiden's silhouette dashing acroos the maze. He quickly, yet sneakily, catches up to her and cups her eyes with his hands.
"Guess who?" He asked, while she stifled a giggle.
"Jumping cacti?" She replied with a cheeky grin on her flushed face, all from the adrenaline and her heart pumping at the speed of light. He chuckled, then pins the dark haired woman onto the corner of the maze, both blushing at their awkward position but not caring for anything in this world except for victory.
Tim passed through them, almost screaming but then insteaf laughed, their silhouttes soon broke and Jaiden smiled deviously, her gun aiming towards James.
"Sayonara, buddy." She giggled, then James instantly ran off into the mazs. Being a guy that's also a direction idiot gave him a disadvantage, though. As he just ran around in circles.
After the game the squad headed out for pizza. Tim poked on James' shoulder, he looked back to see the taller guy smirking.
"Whatever you and little Jaybird's doing in that maze I ship it." He whispered. James' face flushed a bright shade of pink, mentally slapping himself for his mow undoable action.
"Tim! Its now whay you think I swear I'm just trying to-"
"Trying to kiss her in the dark? How romantoc of you, lover boy. Any plans with her tonight?" He grinned, James is so close to wringing him to become the first person on Mars. No, wait. The first person on Neptune.
"TIM! We're not a cou0le! Jesus what's in your perverted mind?!" He whisper-yeleed. Jaiden turned her head towards the boys.
"What the..." She mumbled. James looked at her with a gaze, a fond gaze but at the same time a mortified stare.
"You guys will be the best couple ever, I swear to Hercules this will all be a perfect fan fiction coming true!"
"Time what the frick are you talking about?" Jaiden questioned.
"Alright I'm getting out of here Jai follow me, this marshmallow's been reading fan fictions again." James said, he then grabbed her hand and walked fast paced.
"Uh alright..?"
"Lover boy's so headstrong" Tim said to Spechie. She nodded and pointed at the duo.
"I can already hear the wedding bells ringing." She mumbled.
"I'm so ahead of you, I can already hear the names of their child." Spechie laughed, he chuclled back.
"I can dream of their kid's graduation with my eyes open." Spechie boasted.
"We can hear you there, we're mot deaf!" James said, hand still holding onto Jaiden.
"We'll make it a bit quieter for you guys!" Tim reassured, then laughed at how they're face palming themselves.
"You better not!" Jaiden warned.
"Then what do you want us to do? Scream out loud of how we ship the twk of you loverbirds?" Spechie shouted back.
"Tim! Spechie! Quit it!"
"Never!" The two said in unison, as it was followed by laughs from the two.
James and Jaiden rolled their eyes and said "They do not realize they'd turn out a great couple too?" As Jaiden giggled.
He agreed at it, then out of nowhere, James screamed "TIMCHIE WILL HAPPEN TOO!"
While doing that, everyone were drinking their beverages. It made Tim and Spechie spit their drink out of their mouth.
"WHAT THE-" The two started
"Muahahahaha!! Now look who's annoyed!" Jaiden said in a very teasing way.
"James!! Jaiden!!"
Ayo! Cathy here with a new chapter! Sorry for not updating this book for a very long time. I waited for by collaborator to send it the story.
Speaking of collaborator, thanks ItzJoydence for collabing with me! Gladly appreciated!
While BrookeisBroke101 edited the names!
And thats all for now people! Bye!
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