Months and Years Passed
Jake is now a 12 year-old guy. He grew up simple. He always have good grades in school, especially during Arts class. But like his parenrs, he is socially awkward and a little shy. He attacted guys and gals, who love him dearly, because of finding out he was James and Jaiden's son. Every boys want to hang out with him, while every girls are head over heels for him.
But even Jake got lucky ti have people giving attention, but sometimes... He windered... What id fame wasn't with him? He knows everyone will turn away from him. This is how it works nowadays. It's the sad truth of our reality.
He hates people who just love him for fame. So he'd rather not socialize with them or being friends with any of them. His only friends were Talia and Zack. Talia was Tim and Spechie's daighter as Zack was Tony and, well... Let's call Tony's girlfriend (before) Helen.
Botg of them were quite tired of the papparazzi that they get every single school day. They became friends becayse of their parents are friends with each other, resulting of making them closer.
Now between Jake and his parents, they're alright! Though sometimes.... He scares them, not on purpose. You see, he still has his imaginary friend with him. No one believes that his imaginary exists, not even his friends. This worried James and Jaiden, because this is nit normal to a 12-year old anymore.
So what they decided is to send him to a therapist every Sunday and undergo it for two to three hours. He started doing this when he was ten yearls old. But no matter how many appointments he have attended in three years, no difference was madd. He was still as ever believing he has an imaginary friend.
Jake went for a check up once and he was healthy. There were no damages in his brain, nor is an autistic child. (No offense) He was once even brought to a priest's office to rain him holy water and remove the so called bad spirits. Then again... No change was made. So James and Jaiden's choice was to let him cintinue his sessions every Sunday.
8 AM
Jake heard a faint knock in his door, it wasn't too loud nor too quiet. "Jake, breakfast's ready" his mother said as Jake fluttered his eyes open and replies "Mm... Okay thanks mom". With that, Jaiden went downstairs and allowed Jake to prepare his self.
Minutes Later
After Jake combed his hair, he went downstairs to have breakfast along with hid belived parents. Jaiden handed her son a plate of waffes as soon as he sat down and said "Don't forget about your appointment!" As Jake nodded with a smile and ate his meal.
Minutes passed as the male ppaced his fork down "I'm done mom!" Jake stated as both parents smiled at him "Alright, go with Daddy, he'll bring you there" Jaiden mentions as her son nods and went along with James, whose waiting for Jake at the door.
As they were in the car, the beta male asked "Jay... Who is... Thid imaginary friend of yours? What's his name?".
Jake looked outside to think "Huh... He never told me" he replied. James sighed and thiught to himself "Hus mind's still remembering that imaginary friend of his. So... He didn't name his imaginary friend? Huh. Weird".
Minutes later, they finally hace reacged Dr.Shwobell's office "There you go son" James said stopping the cad. "Just walk hime okay? Me and mommt will be very busy" Jake nodded and gave his dad a hug and a thumbs up. "Bye dad!" He called out. "Bye!" James replied as he drove back home.
Minutes later, the blonde finally have reached hus home, which consists of a structure with a family that loves and cares for eacg other. As the male landed a step inside of his home... He realized that, this was one of his greatest accomplishments.
"So his is how my dad felt, hu?" He wondered himself. He felt proud he has a son whose very talented, smart and obedient. But most of all, found the missing piece of him. Because without her... He wouldn't have a family, and that was Jaiden who completed him.
Jaiden felt her husband's presence and said "Welcome back James!" She chirped. As the beta male smiled warmly, then he approached the noirette whose cooking and hugged from behind.
Like any cliché response when a male hugs a female from behind, she'd place her head beside the male. And that is what Jaiden did. "So how's Jake?" Jaiden asked as she was washing the dishes.
This made James sigh in disappointment "Well... He's still thinking that his imaginary friend is real". This made Jaiden stop doing what she's doing and turned around the male "What are we going to do?" She asked worried.
"I... Honestly don't know Jai..." James breathed out, at this time, Jaiden have already continued what she was doing. "I guess we better talk to him" Jaiden replied.
James nodded and went to the living room to watch some tv program. But he heard the doorbell ring. James answered the door.
With Jake
"Before we conclude our conversation Mr.Rallison... Do you believe he still exist?"
Jake nodded, as this made the therapist's face hopeless, but to cover it, she tried to smile even if she's starting to loose hope in curing the boy "Well... This is not our last appointment though!" She tried to say them cheerfully.
But Jake knew that she wasn'r sincere with it, but kept quiet "Anyways. That's the end of our appointment sire, see you next Sunday!" As Jake left her office and started to walk home.
As he was walking back to his home, he found Talia and Zack quite panicked "Hide!!" They chorusly said as the two hid in a bush, Jake hid along with them and asked "What's wrong?"
"What do you think? Papparazzi!!" Talia said shakily, since her heart was still pumping adrenaline, same goes to Zack. "Are they gone?" The lady asked as Zack peeked out of the bush and said "The coast is clear"
The trio then got out if the leafy bush. While they were dusting off the leaves that was attached to their clothes, Zack asked "So, you just finished your appointment?"
"Yep" Jake replies "I'm walking back home". "Cool. Hey!! Let's play on your Xbox!" Zack suggested "Sure!" As they all ran quickly to Jake's home.
Minutes passed and they have arrived at Jake's home. He opens the door and his parents were nowhere to be found. "Mom? Dad?" He called out.
As he went in, he heard something. He looked down to see he stepped on a paper. "Huh? What's this?"
"Read it!!" Zack insisted.
"Alright... It says--"
Hiya!! Cathy here back with a new chapter!! Yay! Sorry for not updating this for soooo long. Blame school.
So just an alert, the next chapter that I will be releasing is going to be the finale!! I don't kniw when it will be released but yeah!!
Don't worry though! I have a new book in mind!!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
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