Arizonian Animation Squad
~The Next Morning~
It was 8 AM. Jaiden woke up seeing James sleeping at her side. She sat upstraight and remembered everything that happened last night.
"Well. That was a fun night, some movie here and there" as she smiled at the thought of it.
Then, she went to grab her clothes from the floor and put it on her. Jaiden then decided to cook breakfast for both of them.
So she went to the fridge and grabbed the ingredients she'll need.
She made waffles for both of them. But before everything else. She fed his two doggos THEN she started to cook.
The beautiful scent of Jaiden's pancakes woke James up.
While she was busy making the 2nd batch. James hugged her from the behind. He hugged from Jaiden's waist.
It made let out a small gasp and made her blush lightly. But she didnt let him distract her from cooking.
So she played it cool and told the sleepy James "Mornin' James! How's sleep?". He replied with an "Okay" and letted go of her and went to the couch.
He turned the tv on and asked Jaiden about her night. "Good!" Jaiden said gladly
James: So um... What do you wanna do today?
Jaiden: Well... Adam invited me to come over since there'a a new member being added to our member. He's an animator too! And I think that'll be two
James: Cool! Well, hope you have fun
Jaiden: No. You're coming with me
James: What?!
Jaiden: I'm sure you'll thank me later
James: F-fine... Let's eat breakfast first tho
Jaiden: Dont worry, we wont be skipping any meals today
Jaiden sat down to the couch near James and handed him a plate of waffles with syrup. As they consumed every piece of it.
~After The Meal~
James washed the dishes, as Jaiden waited for him. After minutes of scrubbing and wiping them, he has finished and they were ready to go.
The duo then went out of his apartment and went to Adam's place. He was living on his own house, not in a small cramped apartment.
~Minutes Later~
They have arrived at his home. They knocked on the door as Adam, the owner of the house, answered the door.
"Hey guys! And... TheOdd1sOut!?!?" Adam said in a surprised tone.
"Yep, that's me!" James replied, as Adam gave him a bro hug. As he did the same.
Adam then allowed them to get in to his house. As they got in, there was a guy with a green shirt sitting down waiting for Adam to return.
As soon as the green-shirted guy saw them, he smiled at them, to not be rude, they smiled back.
Adam: Guys, this is Tim!
Adam: Tim, this is Jaiden and James!
Tim: Hi!
James & Jaiden: Hey!
Adam: Okay so he's our new member in the Animation Squad!
Jaiden: Actually, I found someone and deserves to join in the Animation Squad!
Adam,Tim & Jaiden: Really!? Who? What? When? Where?
Jaiden: Okay so he's a guy, he animates his life, he's a youtuber, and he could show up today! Right here, right now!
Tim: Really? Where is this guy?
Jaiden: He's a dirty blonde guy, that is wearing a blue shirt and is standing beside me
The two boys' eyes shifted to James. "Who? Me?" He asked in confusion.
Jaiden: Yeah! You deserve to be in it!
Adam: I never knew James would join in the team!
Tim: Me neither! I've been a fan of his before
James: Really? Cool!
For the rest of the day. They collabed, chatted, watched movies and ate meals together.
It was a wonderful day indeed for them. But what's next instore for them?
Would the other Animation Squad members would accept the unexpected new member, which is James?
Would everyone be pleased when they meet Tim personally? Or will both boys get kicked out?
Find out!
Hey guys!! Cathy here!! :3
Sorry if this is short. If I have something planned for the next chapter immidiately, I'd probably write a longer chapter.
But since I have no idea what to put next, but I need to update this book. I just insert random stuffs.
But I think I know what's going to happen next after this chapter! It's kinda a thrill I guess.
Also, this is my very 1st 30 chapter!! In my books, usually I only reach up to 25-26 chapters.
But since I dont want to end this book yet, and James and Jaiden still has more obstacles ahead of them before they meet their relief.
I have to publish a ton of chapters just so you guys can see their life going.
I actually have learned to take it slow. Not like a month or after getting into a fight they'll be madly in love.
I'll be teasing you guys! So heads up, they're not going to be BFs and GFs for chapters.
You'l have to read (and I have to write) more chapters if you want to know where they became a couple.
But, is that the end tho? Will they just get married, have kids and The End?
Well that's for you guys to find out! I'm not spoiling any of you!
Comment: Rush
If you think they'll just get married, have kids, and that's the end of the book
Comment: Turtle
If you think that there's still more after them getting married.
Okay guys! That's all for now. I stopped playing scum just to update this!!
Besides. I keep loosing and keep giving my guy cousin (the winner)my highest card. Which is 2.
Fyi!!! I keep getting two and will loose them because I lost!!! Fricking heck!!
But anyways! That's all guys. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. Hope you also enjoyed this short chapter! Bye!
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