Chapter 3-This is our pack
(Rian's pov)
I was dreading going outside that morning. Lying down on my bed, I was attempting force myself back into a peaceful slumber, but sadly that failed miserably. From outside the house, I heard a loud crash, followed by two people screaming at eachother. It was Austin and Bri having an argument. Heh, I thought that was our thing. I guess Bri can be loud and annoying too. I pulled my pillow over my head, groaning in frustration. There was another crash, yet this time it came from inside my home. The next thing I knew, Austin was in my bedroom yelling at me to wake up.
"Come on sleepy head!" he had a childlike grin spread across his face.
I chose to ignore him, stuffing my face further into my pillow. All of a sudden, I was thrown into the air, slamming onto the floor with a thud.
I watched him back away, as he nervously laughed at my outburst. Without even realising, I had started to growl and I launched myself at him.
"Woah, calm down!"
"Wake me up again and I'll tear your head off and keep it as a trophy." I snarled at him.
"Note to self, Ritchie really isn't a morning person. He's super moody instead."
Once again, I threw myself at him, sending us both tumbling down the stairs. He struggled to get back on his feet, darting towards the door and yanking it open. I followed closely behind him. In my mind, he was my prey. I was the hunter. Pouncing at him for the third time, I finally managed to hold him down. Everything turned red, causing me to let out a small whimper, for it reminded me of my nightmares. I backed away from him, which allowed him to sit up and stare at me in confusion.
"You alright buddy? We usually fight, but you never get that mad." he seemed genuinely concerned. That was rare for him.
"Yeah...just didn't get much sleep, that's all." I hated lying to his face like that, but I had no other choice.
"Well, whatever you say I guess." he muttered, whilst offering me a hand. We both helped eachother off the ground, brushing the dirt off ourselves.
"Geez I guess you two just really couldn't keep your hands off eachother."
I glanced past Austin to see where the voice had come from, only to find Bri stood there with a smirk on her face. It took me a moment to realise what she meant, throwing up a little in my mouth once I did so.
"Ewwwwww, why did you have to go there Bri!" the two of us spoke practically in unison, before pretending to throw up everywhere, as we burst out laughing.
Rolling her eyes, she began to chuckle slightly, but before I could make a comment, a certain incubus landed next to her. I felt my whole body stiffen, remembering how much I humiliated myself infront of Devin. Austin seemed to notice that I had stopped messing around with him and gave me another heavy look of concern. Silence hung over all of us, suffocating me as I struggled to hide my anxiety in that moment. Devin cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention away from me and over to him. Oh thank god. I should probably just hope he's forgotten about last night. We all started to chat for a while. At one point, Spore wandered over to us, tripping on small twigs lying on the ground.
Devin knelt down, helping the little mushroom back onto his feet. Spore started to jump up down, making adorable little squeaks as he did so.
"Hey I wonder if we could make him into a true alpha" Austin started rambling on about this idea, genuinely suggesting we visited the Devil to see if he could make it happen.
"How stupid are you."
"Well we made you into one and you're a vampire, so why can't we make Spore into one."
"Because he is a MUSHROOM!!! Are you saying that I'm a mushroom?!" Bri carried on yelling at Austin, whilst he tried and failed to explain himself.
Suddenly, I felt somone touch my left arm. Spinning around, I immediately went into a fighting stance, growling at a possible threat. However, there was nothing there of the sort; it was just Devin, who was sheepishly smiling at me.
"Sorry, I guess it was stupid to sneak up you." he laughed slightly before continuing.
"I just wanted to check in on you. Are you alright? After you know...." his voice trailed off, clearly not sure of how to approach the situation.
"Yep I'm perfectly fine. Come on, I'm the strongest true alpha around here. A stupid nightmare ain't gonna bring me down."
Please believe me. Please.
"Are you sure-"
"HA! You, the strongest??! In your dreams Ryan."
This time Austin lunged at me, which took my by surprise, allowing him to slam me into the ground. We continued to play fight like this for about half an hour, until we were both bent over with our hands on our knees, trying to regain our breaths.
"That was fun bro."
"Bro? Since when was I your bro" I teased him with a smirk on my face.
"Oh whatever, I was trying to be nice to you for once." he stuck his tongue out at me, squeezing his eyes shut.
"What are you, a child?"
"Trust me, neither of you are adults." Bri had suddenly entered the conversation.
"Hey! I'm better than him!"
Then all three of us started squabbling, whilst Devin sat down next to Spore, with an amused look on his face. He was patting the mushroom on his head, letting him snuggle up next to him under his wings. I let out a low, almost inaudible growl at this sight. Wait, don't tell me I'm jealous of a mushroom. Spore let out another happy squeak, making Devin giggle, bringing out that soft smile that made my heart flutter. Yep, I am officially jealous of a mushroom. Well ain't that fantastic. I sighed softly to myself, before returning to the screaming match Bri and Austin were now having.
(Author's note)
Sorry that not much happened in this chapter, but I thought it would be nice to write about how the pack acts around eachother. Hope you all enjoyed!
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