Who can you trust?
Candy:Last time on total drama island the campers are doing well on the truth or laser shark challenge and hidabat is eliminated. Who will win and who will lose? Find out right here right now on total drama island!!! The campers are eating leftover scrambled eggs.
Meltus:I can't believe that we won easily. Ah-choo!!!! Bless me.
Candy:Attention all campers come meet me outside for your next challenge. Today's challenge is who can you trust?
Joltik:That is great challenge.
Candy:This challenge will have Rock Climbing
Prepare a Fugu Sashimi Blowfish for your partner
Blind Trapeze
Blind William Tell and
Blind Tobogganing. Candy gives them their climbing gear and explains that one person climbs while the other controls the slack on the rope. The climbers will have to contend with rusty nails, oil slicks, mild explosives and some other surprises they might find. Kermit and komajiro put on the climbing gear with kermit puzzles to see second rope attached to him, but blazion assures him it's a back-up line. Komajiro extracts his bunny from his back and gives it to Hiro while he's doing the challenge. Kermit openly displays distrust for blazion and while in the confessional. During the climb, kermit falls back after an explosion, but quickly gets back up and presses on. Moments later, Candy sprays blazion with hot sauce and he lets go of the rope to rub it out of his eyes and kermit hits the ground as a result. Candy sprays zorch as well, but this proves ineffective as zorch is wearing sunglasses (to protect his eyes) and opens his mouth to swallow the hot sauce. Kermit rejoins the climb and just after he passes ahead of komajiro, despite this, kermit continues on, but komajiro slips off and manages to act as a counter-weight to pull zorch up. Komajiro and zorch hang in the air as a result. Moments later, kermit reaches the top and wins the challenge for the team froggy, before realizing he's still over exposed on television and covers himself and feel embarrassed. The next challenge takes place in the dining hall, which Candy says is an Extreme Cooking Challenge. Flain and Arcanine are chosen to be the cooks for their respective teams and they are going to prepare a meal made from the fugu blowfish, a poisonous Japanese blowfish, to be eaten by meltus and floatzel. Floatzel is very nervous upon learning this and gets arcanine to confirm he has taken Biology. Though he later clarifies that he was asked if he took Biology, not if he passed it. When the meals are finished, meltus takes a bite, in which he is fine. Floatzel takes a bite from arcanine's dish, punches himself and screams, laughs, then turns blue, falls on the floor and vomits. Candy says floatzel will be fine in twenty four hours and chef jojo administers C.P.R. as a precaution. A short time later, Hiro and Baymy decide to go for a swim in the lake. Right before Hiro jumps in the lake, he pauses to put Bunny in a "safe" place before diving in. The scene shifts to the first aid tent where chef jojo gives floatzel a needle for his food poisoning. Back at the dock, Hiro and baymax are drying off from their swim when they see Bunny being swallowed by a large snake, followed by the snake being grabbed by an eagle, and then the eagle being swallowed by a fresh water shark. Later, candy tells the teams that the last challenge will have three blind challenges: the blind William Tell, the blind trapeze, and the blind toboggan race. For the blind William Tell portion, Candy explains that one team member will be blindfolded and will be shooting crab apples at an arrow perched atop the head of a fellow team member with the first one to knock the arrow off being the winner.
Marill volunteers, claiming that he's a good shot. Hiro heads off to supposedly get komajiro's bunny while puppycorn and blazion put arrows a top their heads and marill and unikitty shoot apples at them. Both shooters struggle at first, before unikitty manages to win by knocking the arrow off of puppycorn's head. But marill, out of stubbornness, continues to shoot wildly even when everyone else tries to tell him that the challenge is already over. He ends up hitting blazion, the bear, the seagull, and the Bigfoot before realizing the challenge is over. Before slumping onto the ground unconscious, blazion vows to make marill pay for his recklessness. For the trapeze segment, Candy explains that the trapeze is set up over a pond full of electric jellyfish. One blindfolded team member must leap into the arms of another team member swinging on the trapeze. If they miss, they land in the pond. Before the challenge starts, komajiro asks Hiro where his bunny is and Hiro tells him the bunny ran away, which depresses komajiro. Zorch is then seen going off somewhere. With piggy on the trapeze, animal is reluctant to jump at first, but piggy convinces him to jump and animal succeeds in making it to the other side. Next, a blindfolded bentley prepares to jump to meltus, who is on the trapeze, but meltus mistimes the point for bentley to jump and bentley winds up in the pond. Candy declares the team froggy the winner of this segment. At the infirmary, bentley, with a jellyfish still attached to his head, walks inside, grumbling about the last challenge, as blazion wakes up wondering where he is. Blazion then sees zorch luring a bunny with a carrot, revealing where he went after hearing about Bunny. Elsewhere, candy explains that in the blind toboggan race, each team will have a blindfolded driver and navigator, who shouts directions. The teams are komajiro and Hiro for the Bass and kermit and furfrou for the team Hiro though komajiro is still disconsolate. The teams set out down a steep hill. Kermit gives furfrou good instructions, but Hiro does not fare so well. However, furfrou and kermit hit water part way down. At one point, Hiro points out that zorch has found Bunny (the one he was luring before). Komajiro removes his blindfold momentarily to see Bunny. Back to normal, komajiro steers his team past explosions to victory in the race, but Candy points out that komajiro removed his blindfold, which is against the rules, and the team Hiro win the overall challenge as a result.
Candy:Okay. Team froggy you know how this works. The first marshmallow goes to:Gonzo, scooter, rowlf, piggy, animal, arcanine, furfrou, joltik, jibanyan, glomp, torts, and glurt. Floatzel is eliminated but he won't be go alone, we have marill and blazion for the bottom two. One of you have 15 votes and only 4 votes. The last marshmallow goes to...... Blazion.
Arcanine:Oh no marill floatzel!
Floatzel:It's okay buddy. (Groans) My belly!!! The poison!!!
Marill:It's okay. Bye arcanine. Candy catapult floatzel and marill in the sky.
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