No pain no game
Candy:Last time on total drama island the merge is doing well at the sky fall challenge. Blazion is the last person to get up and he is eliminated. Who knows? Who will win and who will lose? Find out right here right now on total drama island!!!!!
Zorch:(Panting) Okay I changed his diaper. Good as new. At morning they are eating waffles for breakfast. Later, at the amphitheater, the campers are seated in a multilevel panel area and candy says the next challenge will be one of torture called, "Say Uncle." Candy says any camper who backs down from a challenge or does not last the minimum ten seconds, will be eliminated and the winning camper will receive not just invincibility, but a luxurious trailer as well. After introducing a mask-wearing Chef jojo as her assistant, candy spins the Wheel of Misfortune for rowlf's challenge. For the "Turtle Puck Shots" challenge, rowlf is forced to stand in front of a hockey net, while Chef jojo shoots grumpy snapping turtles at him. While unprotected, a turtle bites his bib. Joltik's challenge is "Marshmallow Waxing," in which Chef jojo applies a melted marshmallow mixture to her face for ten seconds. She has to endure the scorching pain. She succeeds and is actually happy about how smooth her face has become. Since joltik didn't complain during the challenge, she can choose who goes next. Hiro is spinning the wheel. And he landed on a barrel of leeches for ten seconds. He volunteers to do the challenge in the situation with zorch, but falls just short of the ten seconds required, ending up surviving in the barrel for 9.9999999999999999999 seconds. He is subsequently eliminated from the challenge and takes his place in stocks that all the losers are required to be bound in. Kermit is next and his challenge is wearing a pair of wooden shorts and enduring a woodpecker. A montage follows showing zorch getting a nose hair plucked, richard being enveloped and squeezed by a boa constrictor (which got him out), and kevin wearing a shirt composed of live bees. Candy spins the wheel and says the next challenge will be spending ten seconds inside a large wooden crate with Sasquatch. Kevin, with the other campers encouraging him, willingly, picks piggy for the challenge. Piggy enters the box and emerges after ten seconds wearing a hat and boots that appear to be made from the beast. She completes the challenge with ease. With Eva's success, kevin is eliminated and candy goes on to show a series of clips that feature how other campers were eliminated: animal failing to jump over a row of skunks sitting between rocks, zorch not handling ten seconds of New Age music, joltik unwilling to have her hair cut by Chef jojo using a chainsaw which candy calls the "Wawanakwa Hair Salon," and rowlf unable to eat a large amount of ice cream without experiencing brain freeze. Gonzo is shocked by a pair of electric eels and likes it so much he asks to have it done again. Candy tells him he can pick the next participant and he chooses himself for a poison ivy spa treatment. Candy says the judges will allow this, but they want to know why. Gonzo replies that he just wants to know how it feels. He lasts the required ten seconds, despite his face getting covered in red blotches from the poison ivy. However, he is eliminated for picking himself. Candy announces that after twenty rounds of tortures, piggy and komajiro are the final two campers remaining. Candy tells komajiro that his challenge is participating in a log roll with a grizzly bear named Molotov, whom candy says has been the European log-rolling champion for the past twelve years. Candy says komajiro must stay on the log for ten seconds and avoid certain death in the piranha-infested waters around it. Candy gives komajiro the opportunity to back out, but he refuses; in the challenge, he stays on and Molotov falls into the water and emerges moments later almost completely stripped of his fur due to the piranhas' attack. With that, komajiro wins individual invincibility and the brand new trailer full of food. Piggy is angry about the victory, while komajiro brags about it to her face. Later at night the merge is in the elimination ceremony.
Candy:Well done. Looks like the clock is stop ticking because piggy is eliminated. So sorry but you are out of competition.
Miss piggy:What?! Excuse moi?!?! What is the meaning of this?! I demand a explanation of this!!!!! Kermit avenge moi!!!! Candy catapult piggy in the sky.
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