☢Plan B☢
Bakugou was still looking at me, feeling worried. I really didn't want to tell him, what Mina told me. If I did, it will hurt him emotionally. I turn away and face the curtains.
"Kirishima..are you ok?", I hear Bakugou asked me.
"Yeah", I answered still facing the curtains. I started crying, but I didn't want Bakugou to see. He lays a hand on my shoulder.
"Kiri, are you sure you're ok?", he asked me again. I smile to myself, to stop crying, but the tears keep coming. I sigh and wipe the tears from my eyes. I face Bakugou again.
"What did Mina tell you off speaker phone?"
I didn't answer.
I really didn't want to answer.
"Was it bad? Tell me. Please?"
He wanted to know, but I just couldn't tell him. I finally answer him.
"Um Bakugou?"
"It was..it was nothing"
"How could it be nothing, when you just dropped the phone? Why are you not telling me the truth? Am I not supposed to know? We both promised to not keep secrets from each other"
"I know, but you don't need to know"
"So are you telling me, it's not my business? Kiri what are you hiding from m-"
I didn't mean to yell at Bakugou, but this situation is really making me feel worried and anxious.
"I just can't tell you"
"Fine", he answered and sits back down facing the wall. I hope I didn't hurt his feelings. I walk up to him.
"I'm sorry Bakugou, but you just can't know"
He ignores me.
"Bakugou, I'll tell you later ok?"
He looks at me.
"You will?"
I hesitantly nodded.
"Okay", he answered then punches me in the arm hard.
"It's for being a pain in the ass", he answered.
"Well, I guess I deserved that", I answered and chuckled. He smirks and kisses me. I kiss him back.
"Are we good now?"
"Yeah, I guess"
"Good", I answered and smiled. He smiles back. I don't want to lose Bakugou. He's my everything and I care about him. Even though I'm shrunk just like him, it is still my responsibility to keep him safe. No matter what the cost. He save me, I save him back.
Mr. Aizawa walks in and carries both of us on his shoulder. He leaves the infirmary with us, heading to the classroom. As he came in, Kirishima and I seen Raccoon Eyes, Frog Face, and Round Face. They had worried looks on their faces.
"Hey guys, what's up?", asked Kirishima trying to lighten up the mood. No response. Mr. Aizawa sits us both on the podium facing him. I decided to break the silence, to know what the hell is going on.
"Bakugou shhh!", said Kiri.
"Bakugou..", he repeated my name.
I kept quiet and it was silent again. Mr. Aizawa finally speaks.
"Bakugou, it isn't about Neito Monoma. It's about you"
"About me? Why?"
Kirishima turns away from me.
"You're in danger", said Mina.
"Shrink..is coming after you", said Round Face. Frog Face nods.
"What do you mean?", I turned to Kirishima. He looks down.
"Kirishima, what are they talking about?", I asked him. He was still looking down.
"Mina told me that she overheard Shrink saying, he's planning to contaminate the whole city with a rocket. He's missing an ingredient.."
"What's the ingredient?"
He looks up at me.
"He's going to kill you Bakugou.." My eyes widen and I felt speechless. I didn't know what to say.
"Bakugou, I didn't want to tell you, because you'll..", Kirishima stops. I didn't want to cry. I didn't want anyone to see the weak side of me. I just put my head down.
"We're sorry Bakugou", apologized Mina. Kirishima hugs me and I hug him back trying not to cry. I failed and started crying anyway.
"I promise Bakugou. I won't let anything happen to you. I'll be damned if he tries to kill you. I am here always"
I hold onto him, crying a little more.
I still hug Bakugou, while he was still crying. This really got to him. I knew telling him would just hurt him more. We finally stopped hugging and face Mr. Aizawa. Bakugou wipes his tears away.
"So, what is the plan?", I asked him.
"We need to know where his hideout is first", he stated.
"I know where, but since I blew my cover, he might be in a different location now..", answered Mina.
"WAIT! I DON'T KNOW HIS LOCATION, BUT I DO HAVE ONE OF HIS MEMBERS ID! Those villains that attacked us, escaped from the cops..", said Uraraka.
"Could that help you out?", asked Tsu.
"It can. What is the person's name?", asked Mr. Aizawa.
"The name is Kay Fwa- Kay Fwaol- Kay Fwaolkovy- I give up..", answered Uraraka.
"Let me help Ochako", said Tsu. She takes the ID and reads it.
"His name is Kay Fwaolkovich"
"Thanks Tsu"
"No problem Ochako"
"Fwaolkovich..hmm..", said Mr. Aizawa.
"What is it?", I asked him.
"Another dangerous villain", he answered.
"How come?", asked Tsu.
"His quirk involves camouflage transformation and teleportation. He has many felonies due to murder and robbery", he explained to us.
"Oh..", answered Uraraka.
"LET'S BEAT HIM UP", cheered Mina.
"It isn't that easy. Even if I tried to erase his quirk, I wouldn't be able to", he said.
"What do you mean?", asked Bakugou.
"His quirk can transform to anything. Like everyday objects, so I won't be able to see him face to face", he explained.
"Huh, that's clever", answered Tsu.
"So, before we attack we need to see where he goes. Since he works with Shrink, we will have to follow him"
"But how?"
"Tsu is right, how? We don't know his daily schedule"
"That's true", I said.
"Well, I did put a tracking device on the back of his leg when I fought him"
"URARAKA, YOU'RE A GENIUS!", answered Tsu. She smiles at her.
"Okay, well then it's settled. Starting tomorrow morning, we will follow Fwaolkovich and take down Shrink", answered Mr. Aizawa.
"Yay! I love helping!", cheered Mina.
"I mean the pros and I"
"I'm sorry, but this time just us and the pros will take him down. We don't want anyone getting injured or shrunk"
Mina pouts.
"What do we do then?", I asked him.
"You will make sure Bakugou stays here. You may be shrunk Kirishima, but it is still your duty to protect him. It is your responsibility", ordered Mr. Aizawa. I nod.
"As for you three, you make sure Bakugou doesn't go anywhere. Take them both to the infirmary. They can't go out or anywhere but the infirmary. We can't let anything happen to him. His mom will get very upset"
"Yeah, my mom gets very pissed off easily. It's fucking embarrassing", said Bakugou. I chuckle and pat his head.
"You can count on us Mr. Aizawa", said Uraraka giving him a salute like a soldier.
"We'll make sure Bakugou stay where he is and be a good little puppy", answered Tsu.
I cover his mouth with my hand.
"I mean you do act like an angry little pomeranian", admits Mina.
"MMMMM!!!! MMMM #$@%!"
Mina giggles.
"Do we have a problem Bakugou?", asked Mr. Aizawa. I remove my hand from his mouth. Bakugou sighs.
"No", he answered.
"Good, Mina take these two and take them back to the infirmary"
"Wait, why not our rooms?", I asked.
"He'll have access to capture Bakugou and kill him. We can't take any chances. Not to mention, from breaking and entering. It would make it easier for him to get to Bakugou. The safest place is the infirmary. Sekijiro will be guarding outside the door. The rest of the pros will follow us to take down Shrink"
"I understand"
"Good. Mina, take them to the infirmary", ordered Mr. Aizawa.
"Yes sir", she answered.
She takes both of us and places us in her hair and runs to the infirmary quickly. She walks in and sits us back on the bed.
"See you guys later", she answered and walks out closing the door. Bakugou blasts the pillow with his fist even though, no damage was made to it.
"This fucking sucks!"
"It will be fine Bakugou, he just doesn't want us to interfere and get hurt. Plus, we're tiny, what can we do? All we can do is walk up to him and kick his shoe", I joked. Bakugou laughs a little.
"You're right, we're fucking tiny people", he answered and laughs some more. Then, he smiles at me and I smiled back. I'm glad, he still has that smile I love.
"Do you think they can take him down this time? I really want this to be over"
"I'm pretty sure and I want it to be over too"
"I really miss spending time with you and hanging out like we used to"
I blush and hold him close. I don't care what my classmates say. He may be a ruthless and crazy person, but to me he's an adorable pomeranian. All he needs is happiness in his life, that's all. I promised to Bakugou that I won't let anything happen to him and I meant it.
"I love you Kirishima"
"I love you too Bakugou"
I kiss his cheek and keep my arms wrapped around him.
I see the pro heroes walking in the conference room. I follow them and take a peek through the doorway.
"So, we have a dangerous villain on our hands", said Mr. Aizawa.
"Shrink right?", asked Endeavor.
"Yeah, he was the one who shrunk Denki Kaminari, Izuku Midoriya, Eijiro Kirishima, and Katsuki Bakugou", stated Mr. Aizawa.
"Since Shrink has managed to escape prison and moved to a different location, we will have to go with Plan B"
"Plan B? BUT WE DIDN'T EVEN DO PLAN A YET!", yelled Fourth Kind.
"I know but Shrink has the most dangerous villains working with him. We can't take any chances going with Plan A. If we screw this mission, we will fail saving innocent lives"
"So what is Plan B?", asked Gang Orca. Mr. Aizawa takes out a GPS.
"Uraraka gave me this GPS to track down one of the villains that work with Shrink. She placed a tracking device on the back of his leg, so we can trace his location"
"SMAARRRRT!", shouted Present Mic.
"Okay, but how will we catch this guy? He already shrunk four innocent students", asked Gran Torino.
"I agree, this villain is very smart and you never know he might already know, what we're planning", agreed Midnight.
"It's simple. We follow the villain unseen, so he won't find it suspicious of us, following him. Kamui will knock the guards out. Mt. Lady and Ryuko will go where the rocket is. Ryuko will turn dragon form and knock the villains guarding the rocket out. While she does that, Mt. Lady will grow and destroy the rocket. The rest of us will find Shrink and take him down. After that, we call the cops and mission complete", explained Mr. Aizawa.
"Eraserhead, that is a smart plan", answered Gran Torino.
"It's a simple plan", admitted Ryuko.
"Alright, so when do we start this mission?", asked Gunhead.
"Tomorrow morning. I want everyone to be prepared. We will stop this psycho once and for all", answered Mr. Aizawa. They nod. Wow. They actually have their mission planned out.
"Where do we meet in the morning?", asked Mt. Lady.
"In front of the school", answered Mr. Aizawa. I add what he said on my cellphone. I am going to follow them. I want to take revenge on those bastards calling me Alien Bitch.
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