My Thoughts on the New AoR Comic
I was going to withhold my thoughts on this comic until the later issues came out....until I saw that no later issues were planned. *kicks a chair*
If you haven't read this comic, I highly recommend checking it out. I bought it (because I'm amassing a collection of art ❤), but one need not do so. Star Wars Theory made a video on it. My thoughts on it will not make sense unless you've seen it, so I highly recommend looking at it.
I have mixed opinions on this comic. (Just like pretty much anything starring Grievous, lol.) I'll start with what I really liked. First, the art style. Gorgeous, and fitting for the mood of the work. I also love how Qymaen looks (yeah, yeah, the name isn't canon anymore, but I'm using it to refer to pre-cyborg Grievous). It touched on the themes of the Filoni canon that I actually find intriguing*, which I enjoyed as well.
* I've changed my opinion on the Filoni canon again. I am fine with them blending the two canons, which is what they seem to be doing.
This one-shot was very, very interesting to me. The Force (I don't actually think it's the Force, but I'll save that for later) criticizes Grievous for cutting away his body and replacing it with cybernetics. But it's not because he was rejected by the Council, at least that's not what's implied. It's because he fears a power he doesn't understand and sees as wicked. But the trouble is that the power he did choose - cybernetics - makes his true self as weak as dust and ash. He is not strong, and when you strip away the fancy coating, he is small, and frail. I found this aspect of the story interesting and thematic, and I give props to them for taking a backstory I thought was half-good at best and turning it into something that's philosophical and interesting. Clone Wars didn't accomplish that.
Now, the one thing that frustrates me. Some of you may be surprised to know that I'm not upset at their use of the Filoni canon here. Number one, the shuttle crash is still canon, and there are many ways one can reconcile the two. (I don't think anyone cares to here, but I'd be happy to make a chapter on it if anyone's interested.) Number two, what they did do with Filoni's canon was creative and thematic, and I liked it. I have no problem with them blending Unknown Soldier and the Filoni canon whatsoever - as long as the thing with him being rejected by the Jedi Council is not involved.
My issue is that just taking this comic, I was confused. Which is canon? This comic says Grievous "carved away" his own connection to the Force, insinuating him cutting himself up. Yet in other canon material, it says Grievous was "rebuilt after a shuttle crash". It's a mild criticism, but it's mainly because this causes muddling of the stories and contradictions. I won't be too harsh on the comic though, because it was just meant to be a short story, and there will likely be more canon material ironing all this out....especially after Episode IX comes out and they have time to focus on the prequel-era more thoroughly.
All in all, I really enjoyed this comic, and I think it gives people a lot to think about. I think that if reconciled in canon, the two canons together could make a fantastic backstory. Who do you think the glowing orb is? I doubt it's the Force itself, since Grievous isn't Force-sensitive and never was (to our knowledge), but a person talking to him. A lot of people think it's Qui-Gon, but my theory is that it's Ronderu. If anyone's interested, I can make a chapter as to why I think so (it's not just me being a hopeless fangirl).
Also, Qymaen is adorable and you can't convince me otherwise.
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