Rating TMF Ships (that are logical/heavily shipped)
Jailey - 9/10. They are so cute. But apart of me doesnt like them?? BUT OVERALL I LOVE THEM
Jaisy - 7/10. It's clearly onesided but i get why Jake likes her.
Milliot - 10/10. Its only this rating because we dunno to much about the ship. All we really know is Milly likes him alot. But it could be cute. Its kinda giving Nerd x Sporty and I love that trope. EDIT: ok i chhanged the rating from 8/10 to 10/10 bc the dynamic is so adorable. its all fluff no angst
Saisy- 9.5/10. Okay theyre really cute and its clear they like eachother but obviously won't date until jailey is together because Sean wouldn't do that to Jake (I love sean😔)
Drake - 6.5/10. I used to like drake alot before episode 10/11
Henriam - 100000/10. I literally love them so much. I'm editing them foreal...
Lander - ♾️/10. The only canon ship but still will always be my favorite. They are gay, they are healthy, HOW COULD I NOT LOVE THEM!1!1!1
Dadie - 7/10. Tbh they are more like bestfriends to me. But hey! Opposites attract right?
Jamilly - 2/10. They are pretty heavily shipped in the fandom but Imo i see them more as brother and sister:)
Driam - 5/10. Tbh, i dont really have an opinion on this ship lol
Stuke - Get out/10. GET OUT
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