Whooo!! Done with high school, I'm actually a little excited for college, and to see who I'm rooming with.
As I walked into my room I noticed there was food cooking, and everything looked so neat and clean. Great I get to room with a clean freak. Yay! Note the sarcasm.
I closed the door just as a short man walked down the stairs with a towel around his waist and a towel on his shoulders. He stopped in his tracks and looked at me suprised, but it quickly turned to anger. He then asked "Who. The. Hell. Are. You?!" Just as he said it, his towel fell from his waist. I shrieked, turned around and ran into the door. Hitting my head, hard.
At this point I was on the floor rubbing my forehead. The man, I presumed was my roommate, had put on boxers and was leaning against the wall staring at me still angry. "You never answered my question, brat."
I looked up at him, "I run into a door and that's the first thing you say! No 'are you ok' or 'here let me get you some ice' Nothing?!" The man just looked at me expresionless. "Not my fault you're clumsy."
I sighed, "1. I'm Eren Jeager, not 'brat'. 2. This is my apartment. And 3, Put some clothes on please." The man proceeded to look at himself, "I do have clothes on."
I blushed and swung my arms in the air, "More than just boxers!" He smirked at me, "Why, you nervous, brat? And their's no way this could be where your staying!"
I looked at him confused, "And why's that... ?" He pushed himself off the wall walking towards me, "Levi, Professor Levi Ackerman."
I plan on updating this regularly if people like it enough, I already have a few chapters written. Which for me, that is very suprising. But I hope you guys like it anyway.
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