Tagged by Lunaris_Pledge
Ok, so I finally got tagged again, I'm sorry, but people, you need to tag me now, I need things to write about, and tags are fun! SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO WRITE, I got so caught up with school and everything that I totally forgot about everything else on here and stuff.
Do you have a crush anyone?:
Yes I do.
Favorite shoes?:
Um... Just comfortable tennis shoes, or barefoot, but that's not a shoe.
Favorite drink?:
Shoe size:
10 1/2 womens, and I'm wearing a 10 in men's. They're my work shoes.
What do you wear daily?:
Undershirt or cami, shorts, jean shorts, and barefoot, occasionally will wear ankle socks and tennis shoes.
People messing with my friends, bullies, and some insects. People who judge others too quick, chili, and other foods (especially spicey foods), and not being able to help others.
Favorite animal:
Any Allergies?:
Nope, I don't have any.
Favorite kind of chocolate?:
Milk Chocolate!!! I can't stand dark chocolate anymore, not sure why. But White chocolate is good too!!!
Favorite dessert?:
I'm not sure. Brownies and ice cream are probably on the same level as each other because I love them both so much!!!! *begins drooling, just thinking about the two*
Favorite video games?:
Lately I've been into Undertale, but because my computer broke I can't play it anymore. Other than that, I'm kind of getting back into Mystic Messenger. I was into MM about a year and a half or so ago.
Favorite app?:
I'm not really sure. I guess Discord seeing as I'm on it a lot. For music it would have to YouTube or Spotify, and just for videos, obviously YouTube. But for writing..... I'm not sure that is a tough question. I love both Wattpad and Fanfiction.net, my user on that is One Piece Fan Forever, and I only write One Piece stories there if you're into that kind of stuff. Other than that, I don't have a favorite app.
Favorite season?:
Fall and Spring. You can't make me choose because I love them both equally. The nice weather, the transition seasons are so beautiful, except when we don't get it here, stupid BLEEP, sorry not saying my state's name lol.
What's a dark secret you've been holding back forever?:
Um....... °_° I-I can't say it.... But I can give a semi description....? I'm sorry but it's just disgusting and I don't like random people just knowing it..... Anyway...... when I was younger there was this boy who lived across the street, and to the right of my house about..... 3-4 houses down, and we would meet up and do things, NO NOT HAVE SEX, WE WERE ONLY ABOUT 9!!! (sorry, that's for those who might have been thinking that) But we did things that I'm definitely not proud of, and I'm still trying to get over to this day.... As in, the fact that I let a boy do that to me, and that he let me do that to him.......
And anyone else who reads this can do it if they want to!!!! Have fun everyone!!!! Again, sorry this is like.... A year or so late.....
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