1. I Got Tagged By IDK_Madi_XX
My first tag. 15 facts about me:
1. I am a 13 year old
2. I am a girl
3. I wish to be a boy
4. My friends are my family
5. I can never not fully worry about them
6. I don't have a dad anymore. He's dead.
7. I love my friends, and family
8. I love horses
9. I love writing, reading, and drawing
10. I love to play Minecraft
11. Anime is part of my life since 2014-2015 school year
12. I am a full born Christian
13. I don't like bullies
14. I have been bullied
15. I don't hate anyone anymore
So that's my 15 facts. I will read your stories if you want me to. Just let me know your username then the book. I will now nominate my taggers!
2. Dorki_Kid
3. Shaneka21
Those are all the people I tag! Good luck everyone! If you want me to read a book let me know somewhere! Bye/Sayonara!~
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