~ 3 week later~
Kellin left 2 and 1/2 weeks ago to go back to Oregon because his manager needed him back for some reason. This left him and Lexi a mess. More so Lexi then Kellin. Lexi had been relying on kellin for her happiness and he's been so busy that they've been talking less. Lexi's depression was starting to worsen, she's been skipping work a lot, she hasn't eaten. Lexi's electric cut off 2 days ago, but she hasn't moved. Lexi's sat or laid in the same spot since Kellin left the only time she would move was if she had to use the bathroom.
Both Stephanie and Lisa have stopped by (Lisa has a key to Lexi's) and neither could Lexi to move, to at least the living room, but nothing.
This morning Lisa came by an payed Lexi's bills so she had her electricity back. and tried to get her to eat an apple but Lexi wouldn't budge.
Lisa thought of Lexi as her daughter, Lisa has always wanted a daughter but she only had a son. So Lisa seeing Lexi like this broke her heart.
"Lexi. Sweetheart lets go? How about I take you to my place?" Lisa said trying to persuade Lexi to get up or move, but Lexi just sat there not moving.
"Lexi. Sweetie this is getting out of hand. Lyon can't live like this." Lisa said letting a few tears slip out.
Lisa grabbed Lexi's phone when she heard it ring, looking to see it was kellin then answering it.
"hello" Lisa told him.
"Hey?" Kellin said confused.
"It's Lisa" she told him.
"Oh. Okay haha. Is Lexi there?"
"Yes she is" she said into the phone and looked at Lexi's face that held no emotion whatsoever.
"May I speak to her?" He questioned.
"You can try" Lisa told him putting the phone on speaker so she could hold it knowing Lexi wouldn't.
"It's on speaker" Lisa told kellin so he could talk.
"Lex?" Kellin asked.
No response.
"Lexi? Baby.... Can you please talk to me?" Kellin asked confused and worried as to why she wasn't answering.
"Lisa?" Kellin questioned
"Yes?" Lisa responded already knowing what Kellin would ask her.
"What's wrong? Why isn't she talking to me?" He asked his voice cracking from him crying.
"She not talking to anyone Kellin." Lisa said pausing. "Her depression has worsened since you left. She won't leave her apartment better yet she won't leave her room except when she has to use the bathroom" Lisa continued.
" I knew it was a mistake to leave." Kellin muttered to himself not realizing Lisa heard him.
"It's not your fault Kellin. Your leaving may have had a play in this but it was going to happen if you left or not" Lisa said trying to comfort him.
Kellin was sobbing now not holding any of it back. It shattered his heart.
"I love you lex" kellin told her.
"I will try and come see you as soon as possible. But until then you need to be strong baby girl. Go stay with Lisa....can you do that for me? Please princess. Just for the time being. I will try and work something out Okay.
Nothing. Lisa already planned on taking Lexi to her house, she has a room set up for Lexi. Lisa already took some of Lexi's essentials to her house.
"Well it was nice talking to you Lisa. Please take care of her for me" kellin pleaded.
"Of course Kellin, she's the daughter I never had. I planed to to take her to my place today." Lisa told him.
"Thank you bye. Love you princess" Kellin said before hanging up.
I updated again. I have nothing better to do. This chapter made me cry :(
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