Flashbacks and flower crowns
"Well I guess it's just you and me now, huh?" Beatrice lands on my head, looks at me and sighs, "I guess so" I turned around back to the 'Harvest fest' that was going on in the surprisingly big barn with a small sad smile.
'Welp, I guess it's time to join the fun'
(Now back to the story!!!)
(Y/n)'s POV:
I walk deeper into the barn and join the festivities, I dance and make my self aquatinted with the pumpkin people and play some of their games. As I wander about the barn one of the villagers lend me their violin to play. I take hold of the small instrument with ease already knowing how to play from my youth and start to play a jig. My smile grows wider as the other people in the band start to play with me and more of the towns folk start to gather around and dance, laughter fills the air as well as the swelling music. I hand the violin back to the man who gave it to me as I join in the dancing.
After dancing for a while I take a seat on a hay stack next to some children to catch my breath. The children, who seem to all be girls, are making flower crowns. So, me being the very mature person I am, decide to make some crowns with them. The little girls giggle and have fun weaving the freshly cut wild flowers into beautiful crowns going back and adding ferns and such back throughout them to make them bigger and fuller. The little girls then surround me from my spot on the hay littered floor and start to measure my head. They go back to making flower crowns, yet now it seems they're all working on one.
Me being the curious person I am, lean forward unto my crisscrossing legs to see what they are doing, just to be shooed away with even more giggles, so I wait patiently while making flower crowns for Greg and Wirt, humming happily while doing so.
The little girls turn back to me while one of them hides something behind their back. Grinning playfully I ask what she's hiding, a wave of giggles is released as the smallest girl pounces on me, almost knocking me on my back, and places a beautiful flower crown on my head.
I take it off gently to look at it and see that it has white flowers of all different types with small various types of feathers lining the top and a few longer feathers hanging from the back. My eyes widen with shock and happiness as I place the crown back atop my head and grab all the little ones in a big group hug, a few of them shrieking and giggling from the action as they all hug back to the best of their abilities.
I stand up with the biggest dopiest grin on my face as I go and dance some more with my new beautiful crown placed atop my head. I go to find Greg and Wirt to give them their presents just to not find either of them. I start to ask around when all of a sudden I catch a glimpse of Greg's teapot. I quickly race over and place the crown upon his head-er teapot, with a dopey grin and Greg shrieks in delight loving his gift, I hand him Wirt's crown and tell him to go find his brother while I go back to dancing.
Out of nowhere after dancing for a while one of the villagers ask if I can sing, since they saw I could play the violin so well. Me being embarrassed and caught of guard, I reply to the best of my abilities "W-well, yes... y-yes I can" I start but quickly cut the man off before he can respond "bUt I hAvE tErRiBlE sTaGe FrIeGhT!" I say, my voice cracking several times, trying to deter the man from having me sing.
He just chuckles "Miss-" he starts off place a reassuring hand on my shoulder "You may be the most talented person I've ever seen, playing the fiddle, dancing, making flower crowns, or anything else for that matter. When you smile the whole barn lights up-" he waves his free hand with emphasis and puts it on my other shoulder and looked me straight in the eye, I think, I can't really tell from the pumpkin.
"No matter if you're good or bad, there's no reason to feel afraid around us folk. We treat everyone like family here, wether part o' this town or not. You have no reason to be frightened" he gave me a gentle up-lifting smile, or well, I assume he did from his aura.
He let go of my shoulders and patted my back "Now get on up there!" He said with a hearty chuckle and pushed me forward causing me to stumble slightly before walking up a few hay stack stairs to a stage like platform at the back of the barn.
Everyone started to gather around the front of the stage while I started to shake, stepping back slightly feeling overwhelmed. My eyes darted around the barn as I felt the sweat running down my face slightly
'thank goodness this makeup is waterproof'
I close my eyes quickly taking a deep breath just trying to calm down, 'remember what Ben taught you' I think, even my thoughts are shaking.
"Hey" a voice says making me look up, I see a smiling compassionate face through my blurry vision as they wipe my tears away. They pull my close hugging me slightly so I can still see their face. I see a mop of short messy (h/c) hair and big bright (e/c) eyes surrounded by freckles small bags underneath, looking down towards me with a loving smile "don't worry about what other people think of your singing, stay calm and just sing. Once you start you'll get into it and overcome it. Your voice is beautiful and deserves to be shared with the world. I couldn't ask for a better little sister" the boy says pulling me the rest of the way into a warm hug and ruffling my hair slightly as my tears start to flow stronger with happiness.
*End of Flashback*
I reopened my eyes with a determined smile on my face knowing just the song to sing. I look over at the man sitting at the piano and wink at him, he just gives a curt nod of his head before turning around on the bench and starts to play, knowing what I'm going to sing almost like magic.
(Play song here)
"I'm nothing special,
in fact I'm a bit of a bore
If I tell a joke,
you've probably heard it before
But I have a talent, a wonderful thing
Cause everyone listens when I start to sing
I'm so grateful and proud
All I want is to sing it out loud
So I say
Thank you for the music,
the songs I'm singing
Thanks for all the joy they're bringing
Who can live without it,
I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me
Brother says I was a dancer before I could walk
He says I began to sing long before I could talk
But I've often wondered, how did it all start?
Who found out that nothing can capture a heart
Like a melody can?
Well, whoever it was, I'm a fan
So I say
Thank you for the music,
the songs I'm singing
Thanks for all the joy they're bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me
I've been so lucky,
I am the girl with (h/c) hair
I wanna sing it out to everybody
What a joy, what a life, what a chance!
So I say
Thank you for the music,
the songs I'm singing
Thanks for all the joy they're bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me~"
I finish singing looking up towards the ceiling, I tilt my head back down to look at the crowd and everyone starts clapping, some even start whistling. I put my hand to my mouth in shock, tears flooding my eyes.
'They liked it, they really liked it'
before I know it a waterfall of salt water and happiness run down my face. I curtesy to the best of my ability while the man from before comes up to me on the stage with a handkerchief. I take it happily dabbing my tears away trying not to smudge my already smudgy make up with a happy chuckle.
I spot Greg and Wirt from the crowd and wave to them, Greg happily waves back with a big grin while Wirts' mouth is hanging open slightly in a lopsided grin. I giggle seeing the flower crown I made for him earlier tilted around the cone on his head. I smile back to the crowd, happy that I got to share my talent with these lovely folks.
'Maybe I'll sing again some time'
(A/n) YES HELLO! I AM NOT DEAD!!! X3 big surprise! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, you finally got to sing!!! And make some new friends! Not to mention flower crowns!!! Btw Greg and Wirts crowns can be any color or type you want, it doesn't really matter, it's just a fun little extra thing I added to the story. X3 ANYWHO!!! HAVE A WONDERFILLED MORNING, DAY, NIGHT, WHATEVER!!! BYE!!!
~Bella 🦋
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