What's going on?
Evan's P.O.V
"Evan fucking get your head in the fucking game!" I heard Tyler yell.
It was another day of playing GTA V and like any other day, my head wasn't in the game. We had decided to try and play the Tron game modes on GTA and so far my team hasn't been doing well. It's a battle against Tyler and myself vs. Delirious and Mini Ladd.
"No no no, stay distracted. You're actually helping us win. Keep running into our lines." Mini told me.
I snapped out of my thoughts and started to fight back.
"NO FUCK! DAMN YOU EVAN!" Delirious said when I had killed him.
The game had finished and a big Loser font appeared. I sighed and stared as Delirious character did the chicken dance.
"Well good game everyone. I'd like to thank Evan for killing himself a total of 16 times for my wins." Delirious said.
I shook my head and stayed silent this whole time. Everyone laughed as I just watched their faces turn red from the laughing.
"I'm pretty tired guys, I'm gonna call it a night." Tyler said as he said his goodbyes and left.
"I'm leaving too. See ya!" Mini said as he left.
The Skype call was dead silent and all I could hear was breathing from the other side of the call.
"Goddamn Delirious, are you seriously outta breath?" I asked.
"No, I wanted your attention," Jonathan told me.
"Okay, you have it," I told him.
"So what's on your mind? Have you been thinking about her again?" He asked me.
I looked down at my lap and stayed silent. It's not like I don't think about her every day after she passed, but today was different.
"I had a strange dream last night. She was on it and she spoke to me. Like telling me to be patient and that she'll be back. Like I don't know what that means." I told him.
"That is really strange and creepy," Jonathan said.
"I don't know, but all I know is I'm going to bed," I told him.
"Alright, goodnight Evan." He told me.
The Skype call ended and I was left staring at the blank screen. I slowly turned all my equipment off and went back towards my room. I laid down on the bed and sat back and relaxed.
It has been a year since Alice's death and everyday strange things keep happening to me. Things and stuff start to disappear and it only seems like I'm the only one that notices.
A month after Alice's death I remarried to Sydney so Anna wouldn't be motherless. Then two months later Sydney acted like we never got married. Soon Anna disappeared and I had no record of adopting her. Here I'm left with all these memories from the past year wondering what is going on. All the others seem to act like none of it ever happened....
A year ago...
"Alice, I want you to know I love you. Forever and always okay. Forever and always." I told Alice as they rolled her into the operating room.
"Forever and always Evan. I love you so much and thank you for coming into my life." Alice said as she rolled away from me.
I slowly walked towards the waiting room and waited patiently while they operated on her. I had refused to let anyone come to the waiting room and wait with me for her operation. I wanted to be alone for whatever happened. Good or bad.
I sat in that waiting room for what was four hours but felt likes ages. A doctor had come out and told me the news. Alice had lived and beaten ALS.
'Wait, what?'
I smiled in relief and the doctor grabbed my shoulder.
"You're a lucky kid. Not many live through this operation." The doctor said.
'No! She didn't live... What is happening?'
"When can I see her?" I asked.
"Well, she's fine now. You can go visit her if you'd like." The doctor said.
"Thanks." Was all I told him.
'No, this is not how it happened. She died on that operating table. She... She... She left me that day...'
The doctor told me to follow him so he can show me where they're keeping Alice. Once we reached the room he had left me alone to be with my wife. I walked towards her and smiled. She was half asleep and she had looked up at me with her blue eyes. She smiled back at me and tried to reach her hand out. I rushed towards her and grabbed her hand.
'No, I ran towards the same operating room screaming your name in hopes you'll wake up and live from the operation.'
"How are you feeling?" I asked her.
"A bit tired..." She was closing her eyes and putting her head on the pillow.
I smiled at seeing her quickly falling asleep. She fell back asleep. Leaving the room silent with nothing but the beeping from the machine next to her.
'My head it hurts. This is not how this day went. She left me.'
I woke up from the horrible nightmare I was having and looked around the room. I was not in the same room I was a couple hours ago. I looked over and saw I was in bed with another person.
"Sydney?" I asked.
It has been said ten months since we've been in the same bed together and I would be surprised if the whole thing was a dream.
I turned the person over to see that it wasn't Sydney, but someone I hadn't seen in a year. It was someone who supposedly died last year...
"Alice?" I said.
"What?" I heard her mumble.
She sat up and stared me down. I looked at her. Nothing had changed since we buried her. She was the same Alice I knew and loved.
"Evan, what happened?" She asked me.
I just looked at her. Her hair had grown slightly since a year ago. Her voice has become softer, that also could be since I had woken her up in the middle of the night.
"Why did you call me Sydney?" She asked.
"You- you- you're alive?" I asked her.
She looked at me confused and grabbed my hand.
"Evan are you okay?" Alice asked me. I stayed silent and stared at her. I can't believe it. Any of it. She died a year ago and here she is in the flesh. Among the living. This has to be a dream.
I pinched my arm to make sure I that I was awake. Sure enough, I was and felt the pain of being pinched.
"Ow..." I said.
Alice stared at me as I pinched myself. I wasn't in a dream. This was real. All of it. Alice never died. I looked into her eyes and kissed her. I held her tightly in my arms to make sure she wouldn't leave again.
"You died..." Was all I managed to say. I had broken out into tears over the fact that she was alive and back. "You left me all alone in this world with Anna a year ago..."
"Shhhh, it's okay. I'm not dead... I'm here living and breathing." She comforts me.
"Tell me this isn't a dream." I looked at her.
"It's not a dream. I'm here, okay?" Alice assured me. She grabbed my hands and brought them up to her face. She placed one hand on her right cheek. The other she left. "See? I'm real. I'm alive." She told me.
I gently rubbed my thumb on her check to make sure. I still couldn't believe it. A couple of hours ago I was miserable and hating my life. A couple of hours ago Alice was dead. Now... Now, she's here. Right in front of me.
"Evan..." I heard someone call out.
"Evan." I slowly opened my eyes to see who was calling me.
I looked to see that it as her. Alice. She was still here and this was most definitely not a dream. I was in real life with Alice back on this earth.
"You have to get up. We have to go meet Mini and Terrioser, remember? We're going out to eat and go to Disney land." Alice said.
I looked at the time and saw it was 11:05.
"What time do we have to leave?" I asked her.
"11:30." She said.
Fuck. I only had twenty-five minutes to get dressed and ready. I got up from the bed and slowly walked towards the bathroom. Alice followed behind me.
"So..." She started.
"What?" I asked as I jumped into the shower.
"What did you dream about last night?" She asked me.
I stayed silent. When I woke up I was in shock. Alice was alive... She was living and breathing. I was still confused on all of this. I was also wondering if I somehow traveled another dimension or something.
"I don't wanna talk about." Was all I told her.
"Okay..." Alice left the bathroom to continue on getting ready. I sat in the shower still processing all the events.
I left Jonathan and them to go to sleep and found myself in a dream. This dream was different. It was like a memory. A memory of Alice on her supposed death date, but instead of her dying that day... She lived. The operation worked and she's back with me. It was like a miracle.
I got out of the shower and grabbed a towel. I wrapped it around my waist. I slowly walked into the bedroom and saw clothes on the bed. Alice must've laid out clothes for me.
I quickly put them on. I grabbed a beanie to cover up my not dry hair and went to the living room.
"Took you long enough. C'mon." Alice said as she reached her hand put. She grabbed mine and opened the door to a new area.
I looked around amazed. We lived in a neighborhood that seemed so familiar. I quickly pulled my phone out and looked for my location. As the location popped up I saw that I was in the same place I was yesterday.
Instead of my apartment building with a busy parking lot of people leaving and coming in. It was a peaceful neighborhood with a couple of kids here and there.
"Evan, hurry up." I heard Alice say.
I walked towards the car which was also new. I hadn't owned a car since I lived in Canada. Now I owned a Honda Civic that was a royal blue and looked fucking great.
"You drive." Alice threw me the keys and I caught them.
"Alright." Was all I said as I unlocked the door.
I opened the door for Alice and she got in. I then ran over to my side and hopped in.
"So, where's the restaurant?" I asked her.
"It's some restaurant they wanted to go to. Called Los Totecos." Alice told me.
I set my GPS to the restaurant and started to drive. As I drove, Alice kept pushing for the "dream" I had last night.
"So do you wanna talk about it now?" Alice asked me.
"Talk about what?" I played dumb.
"You know what I'm talking about this, Fong," Alice said.
"I told you I don't wanna talk about it, Mrs. Fong." I told her.
"Fine." She crossed her arms over her chest.
I sighed and looked at her. She was doing this cute pouting thing she always did when she was alive. I mean before her "death." I have no idea what to call it.
"It was like I was living the dream. Not just scenes all scrambled around like a normal dream." I told Alice.
I got her attention and she looked at me as I continued on.
"You had died a year ago and I was living this miserable life. Two months after your death I remarried to Sydney and continued to live with our adopted daughter Annalise..." My voice trailed off.
I had completely forgotten about her. I hadn't heard any of her cries since I came into this strange new world. Did we still adopt her? I remember signing the papers, but yet again I remember Alice dying and here she is. Maybe we never got her.
"We had a daughter?" Alice asked.
So we never adopted her... Annalise to us never exists.
"Yeah... We did..." I said, upset. "Two months after your death, Sydney left me. Not because we divorced, but because something strange happened. I was like she happened to forget we were married and pretended nothing happened. I was left alone soon after that and woke up here. Next to you..." Alice had grabbed my hand.
We had arrived at the restaurant and were still in the car. I was so into telling her about my "dream," I didn't even notice.
"We'll talk about this later. We're here now." Alice said getting out of the car.
I got out behind her and followed her. Before we walked in I had to check on last time. I grabbed her arm and pulled her in for a kiss. She kissed back and smiled.
"I'm real, okay?" She said.
I had Alice back. This wasn't a dream. This was real life and she was back with me. I finally had my Ally back. I had my little ray of sunshine back. My world, my life, mine...
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