Ludwig and I were the first ones to the class other than the teacher. She came up and chatted with us a little, mainly to introduce herself and to get to know me a little. The room quickly filled with other students, mainly men. The teacher sat down in her chair as she waited a little longer and i talked with Ludwig. Suddenly, a shadow stood over us and we looked up to see a very pale man with white hair and crimson red eyes.
"West, you didnt tell me we had such a cutie in our class~" the man flirted. Ludwig glared at the man and roll his eyes.
"Shes the new girl that Vater told us about Gilbert" Ludwig explained to his brother. I finally noticed the similarities in the two. They had silimar facial features, and im sure if Gilbert slicked his hair back like Ludwig, they would look almost identical.
"Mr. Beilschmidt talked to me about you! Its nice to meet you!" I offered my hand for Gilbert to shake, which shocked him slightly but he smiled and shook my head. Ludwig gave me a smirk.
"Jeez, you didnt talk formally with me but you will with my brother?" Ludwig teased. I playfully rolled my eyes and gently punched his shoulder.
"Thats cuz I'm feeling more confident!" I explained. Ludwig laughed slightly. Before we could say anything else, the bell rang and Gilbert sat in the desk behind his brother. The teacher talked about what the plans were for the day and explained a little bit about how things worked for my sake.
Everyone started to stand. Ludwig told me to leave my stuff in the class room other than a gym bag if I had one, which I didn't. I didnt really have the time to prepare much for my classes, especially this one. He motioned for me to follow him as he jogged up to the teacher. Gilbert close behind. Ludwig started to talk to the teacher, so I decided id chat with Gilbert for a moment.
"So, Mr. Beilschmidt told me you were a grade above Ludwig and I. Why are you in this class with us?" I asked. Gilbert gave a large smile.
"Well, west told me he was going to be in weightlifting, and i hadnt taken the class yet so I figured id be in it with him! This way I could spend some time with mein little brüder!"Gilbert explained.
"Aww, thats sweet!" I replied with a smile, I could see Gilbert stand up more from pride, which made me laugh softly. I could see their conflicting personalities quite easily. Ludwig was more like his father, as he was a little more serious and calm. Gilbert on the other hand was energetic and a bit of a goofball.
Finally we got to the lockers and the teacher had me follow her. She stopped by a little office in between the boys and girla locker rooms and started to search through a desk. She pulled out a grey t-shirt and some grey sweatpants.
"Ludwig told me you didnt have any work out clothes, so use these for now! When you get the chance though, you should try to go out and buy some of your own, ok?" The teacher suggested. I nodded and thanked her. She then brought me into the girls locker room and brought me to an empty locker. She then left and I got changed, glad that the locker was a bit away from the other girls. Like I said, there werent many, but I still couldnt help feel self conscious and didnt really want them to see my body. Especially since im trying to hide some...well...like I mentioned, my dad is an alcoholic, and not a very happy person when drunk.
I walked out if the locker room and saw Ludwig and Gilbert waiting for me. They smiled as they led me to the weight room. They took me around and taught me what each machine was and what it was used for. Since we were focusing on the upper body today, Ludwig brought me to a machine and had me sit down. Gilbert sat at the one beside me and already started. Ludwig told me to grab the handles and moved my arms a little to be in the right positions. He then demonstrated how im supposed to do it. After I started to get the hang of it, he sat down at the one on the other side of me, making sure to keep an eye on me.
As the hour went by, we tried other machines, keeping the weight low for me. He planned for me to slowly raise the weight as tine goes on, which I thought was a good idea. Other than that, we talked about random topics. After a while, Gilbert went off and did his own thing, which I wasnt upset about. I really enjoyed talking with these two. Honestly, I'll kind of miss them when I move again.
Finally, the teacher turned off the music and told us to get back and change, which is what we did. We then made our way back to class just as the bell rang. Gilbert bid us farewell and walked off as Ludwig and I looked at my schedule. He seemed to smile excitedly.
"You have science with Feli, Kiku and I!" Ludwig mentioned. I smiled softly and nodded as we started to walk.
"Those are your friends you talked about earlier?" I questioned. Ludwig nodded but seemed to blush slightly.
"Yeah. Though, I'm planning to ask out Feli this Friday." Ludwig mentioned, looking down at the floor with a blush on his cheeks and a smile on his face.
"Wait...is Feli a guy or...?" I asked, a little confused. Ludwig laughed softly with a smirk.
"Yeah, Feli is a guy. Didnt take me for gay, huh?" Ludwig teased. I let out a small laugh.
"Not at all! I saw you more as a guy that would have a super model girlfriend!" I explained with a laugh. Ludwig laughed as well. Suddenly, someone tackled Ludwig.
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