Science Project
"Anything in mind (y/n)-san?" Kiku asked after the teacher left us to start brainstorming. My smirk grew.
"Wellllll just one idea!~" I teased softly. Kiku raised a brow in confusion but I giggled.
"Its a fairly simple idea, but why dont we try to grow a chrysanthemum? I mean, their Japanese name is Kiku, soooooo?" I said, asking for approval. Kiku had a small blush on his face but he seemed deep in thought. He then nodded to himself but looked up to me.
"That could work! Let's go three and change the variable. Now my only question is are we changing the light, the soil, the water?" Kiku questioned, the slight blush still on his face. I figured it was because he was flattered I suggested the flower his name was based on.
" about the water? So we'd probably do one with distilled, which will be the control. Then maybe tap and either spring or mineral water and see which I one grows the best?" I asked. Kiku nodded with a smile on his face.
"That works. And id say mineral water. Only because some tap water comes from a spring which would sort of make it spring water. The only other thing i im wondering is where are we going to grow these? They need to have the same amount of sunlight." Kiku explained. I frowned at the thought of putting them at my house.
"Well...i dont trust my dad not to mess it up, so it might be better at your place!" I mentioned. Kiku nodded again.
"After school, depending on what Ludwig and Feli have planned, we should go to the market and pick up some seeds and water. I have pots at home that we could use." Kiku mentioned.
"Alright, that works! I have a little bit of cash left from my old job that we can use!" I mentioned. Kiku shook his head with a smile.
"No, dont worry. Until you get a new job, I can pay for it!" Kiku insisted. I let out a sigh in defeat.
"Alright alright! But while we're there, I need to buy some gym clothes for weightlifting." I mentioned. Kiku nodded and looked down at the packet and read through it a bit.
"So from what im seeing, we need to do some research about our topic. So do how are we gonna do this?" Kiku questioned. I thought for a moment and shrugged slightly.
"Well, since the flowers will be at your house and you'll be taking care of them more, I can do the research paper! That way we both contributed to this project! Plus when it comes to presenting, we can get together and make the board!" I suggested.
"Yeah, that works. Although, are you sure you're fine doing all the research (y/n)-san?" Kiku questioned. I nodded softly with a smile.
"Well yeah! I cant necessarily come over every day to water the flowers. And I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to just measure how tall each flower got each week, so I dont think id need to come over just for that!" I explained.
"Who's saying you cant?" Kiku asked. This caught me by surprise and I just looked at him for a moment. I then looked down at the desk and thought.
My father has never really cared about my well being since mom passed, but he was always really pushy when it came to school. His reasoning was "if you're smart enough, they will give you money just because you're smart! Then you can go to college and be a doctor or some sh*t and we wont have to move all the god damn time thanks to you!" So if I go because its for school, he would let me...
"Hmm, I guess you're not wrong. But are you sure? I dont want to intrude on your personal space too much!" I mentioned.
"It's no problem! Yao always complains that I dont bring anyone over anyways! Besides, after Friday I may lose my study partners," Kiku laughed. Hes not wrong though. I'm sure after Ludwig and Feli get together, they would want to spend more quality time together.
"You have a deal then!" I mentioned. Kiku nodded with a smile on his face. We decided to check in with Feli and Ludwig.
"Hey, what do you guys got?" I asked as Kiku and I stood in front of their desks.
"'ve~ we're doing ours about food!" Feli mentioned. Ludwig nodded and smiled at the two of us.
"We're going to volunteer at Feli's grandpa's resteraunt, but we're going to make a dish and have Raphael serve it, but three different times with each having a different name and advertisement for each and see which one people find more appealing!" Ludwig explained. Kiku and I glanced at each other and back to Ludwig. They went waaay more original than we did, but oh well.
"Well, tell me when you have your dish completed! I want to try it before you start selling it!" Kiku insisted. I nodded in agreement. I dont know these two very well, seeing as how I just met them today, so im curious to see their cooking skills! They seem confident so I think they might be good?
Kiku and I chatted with Ludwig and Feli about their project and a little bit about ours. They really liked the idea of us using a chrysanthemum for our project! After a while, we sat back down in our seats and started talking about our project a little more.
We debated on what the hypothesis would be. We both agreed that the distilled would have the smallest flower due to the lack of minerals in the water. After a little bit of research on the water to mineral ratio there was in tap water and mineral water, we figured that the flower watered by mineral water would grow the most!
Finally the bell rang and i pulled out my schedule and looked at it. I had social studies next, which I honestly absolutely hated. Ludwig looked over at my schedule and shrugged.
"Well, we dont have that together," Ludwig mentioned. I frowned slightly but shrugged it off. Its not the end of the world just because i dont have a class with Ludwig. However, Kiku looked over and gave a soft smile that could honestly make a girl melt.
"We have it together," Kiku mentioned. I smiled back and gathered my things quickly. I waved goodbye to Ludwig and Feli as we walked out of the room and made our way to the most boring class of the day in my opinion. At least I have Kiku there with me.
(If you do like social studies, first off what is wrong with you??? Lol im kidding, you can like whatever you want. I just find it super boring and I hate sitting around and listening to stuff in the past that dont really pertain to what I wish to be later in life. Either way, thanks for reading! I basically have been just storming through chapters, but I only want to post one a day, so I have a few back ups ready to go!)
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