The rest of the day was pretty calm. The rest of my classes were with Ludwig. The last class had the whole Axis Powers as well, which worked out pretty great since Kiku and I had planned to go to the Market. Ludwig and Feli had to get ingredients for their dish so they decided to come with us. Besides, we were going to stop by the resteraunt they mentioned and grab something to eat.
"If its alright with you guys, can I stop by my house? Its on the way!" I asked. The three nodded and we made our way there. My house wasnt impressive. It was one story, and kind of run down looking, but that was all that we could afford. I told the men to weight outside as I went in. I walked by the living room and saw my dad sitting watching tv. Thankfully it looked like he hadnt started drinking yet. I went into my room, grabbed my money, and went back to the living room.
"Dad, I have a project for school that I have to do, so im going to the market to get what we need, then im heading to my partner's house to work on it." I mentioned. My dad seemed to grumble softly.
"Get me my beer before you leave." He commanded, pointing to the kitchen. I walked in and grabbed his 6 pack of beer from the fridge and handed it to him before heading out the door. The three were waiting right outside and greeted me with a smile.
"Thank you!" I mentioned. The three nodded and we were on our way. As we got there, Ludwig stopped us.
"We'll meet you two at the resteraunt, alright?" Ludwig asked. Kiku and i nodded before Feli and Ludwig went off to go find ingredients. Kiku lead me to the flower shop. A man with long, wavey blonde hair and blue eyes stood at the shop.
"Ah~ Bonjour Kiku! I see you brought a gorgeous woman with you~" the man teased. His french accent rang in his words. A blush formed on Kiku's face.
"Kon'nichiwa, this is (y/n)-san. She is new and my partner in a science project. Do you have Kiku flower seeds by any chance?" Kiku asked. The Frenchman smiled with a nod.
"Its a pleasure to meet you Mon cher~ I'm Francis! One packet of chrysanthemum seeds coming right up~" the man mentioned. He walked into the room behind him and came back with a small packet of seeds and handed them to Kiku. Kiku handed Francis some money. We said our goodbyes as we left the shop. Our next stop was to get some distilled and mineral water.
We went into a general store and walked around. We were in no rush, so we walked around a bit, allowing me to really see what all this store had. Finally we got to where the water was and grabbed two jugs of mineral and distilled water each. We got up to the counter and I couldnt help but recognize the cashier. She was a girl ive seen in one of my classes. She had long, dirty blonde hair and light green eyes.
"Hello Kiku! And you're the new girl! (Y/n), right?" The girl asked. She had a strong Hungarian accent. I nodded with a smile.
"Yeah! You're in my English class, right?" I questioned. She hummed in approval
"Im Erizabeta, but you can call me Eriza!" The girl mentioned.
"Its a pleasure to meet you Eriza!" I mentioned. The girl smiled and finished the transaction. We said goodbye and left the store. The last place I needed to go was a clothing store to get some gym clothes. Kiku lead me where we needed to go and we walked inside. We were greeted by a girl with short, grayish blonde hair and blueish green eyes. I feel bad for pointing this out but jeez she had huge breasts! With the rest of her figure being as small as it is in comparison, she must have horrible back problems!
"Welcome! Is there anything i can help with?" The girk asked. I smiled at her and nodded slightly.
"Yeah actually! Do you have any work out clothing?" I asked. The girl nodded and motioned for me to follow. Kiku went over to sit at a little bench by the door, which I assumed was a popular spot for men to sit when they bring their wives or girlfriends to shop and they take forever.
"We have a pretty good selection right over here. If you need help, I'll be at the front desk!" The girl mentioned. I thanked her and started browsing. I found a few things that I figured would work. I just hope I have enough for this. I got to the front desk and put down the two sets of clothes I got.
"Alright, that'll be 56.49!" The girl stated. I pulled out my 40 dollars and let out a small sigh.
"I'll have to get rid of a pair." I mentioned. I grabbed a shirt and pants and was about to go put it back, but someone grabbed my arm. I looked back to see Kiku.
"I got it (y/n)-san." Kiku mentioned. I frowned and shook my head.
"No, Kiku you already got the stuff for our project! You dont have to buy my stuff!" I argued. Kiku let out a small laugh and took the clothes from my hands.
"I insist!" Kiku stated. I let out a huff of frustration as he paid for my clothes. I shoved my 40 dollars into his hand.
"I dont want the money back, so keep it! I'll get you the 10.49 when I can!" I insisted. Kiku looked at the money and back up to me.
"(Y/n)-san, you really don't have to, I'm fine with-" Kiku started before I cut him off.
"Im paying you back! No buts about it!" I insisted. Kiku let out a sigh in defeat and nodded. I thanked the cashier and we made our way out and to the resteraunt.
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