Kiku's Home
After we ate, Feli and Ludwig said goodbye to us and disappeared into the kitchen. Raphael paid for our food, which I felt bad but I guess I couldnt really complain. Kiku and I packed our stuff up and I followed him out of the resteraunt and towards his home. I will admit, he is quite the gentleman! He insisted on carrying most of the bags. The only one I wouldn't let him carry was my backpack.
"Its just up ahead" Kiku mentioned. I nodded with a smile, though I knew he didnt look at me, not that I cared much. I still couldnt help but feel a little worried, not because of being in a house somewhat alone with Kiku, but more worried about my dad. Granted, I told him where i was going, so i shouldnt be worried, but I always have this feeling when im not home when i dont have to be at school.
"We're here," Kiku called. We walked up to a gorgeous house. It was at least 2 stories and was a nice modern looking house. Kiku walked up to the door and sat down the bag in one hand to unlock the door. I took the opportunity to snatch the bag so that he wasnt carying anything. He let out a small laugh at my action, but didnt protest since we were right there.
"Your house is really nice!" I exclaimed, seeing how gorgeous the inside was as well. Kiku smiled at me and nodded.
"Arigato!" He replied. He lead me inside and we sat our stuff down on the kitchen table. The whole time I was just in awe at how good this house looked!
"Ah, (y/n)! Welcome!" A familiar voice called behind us. We turned to see Mr. Wang stand in the doorway with a large smile on his face. He had let his long brunette hair down to flow over his shoulders.
"Hello Mr. Wang!" I replied excitedly. He let out a soft laugh and came further into the kitchen towards the fridge.
"You dont have to be so formal here! Just call me Yao! Besides, im sure this isnt the last time we'll see each other here" he teased with a wink. Now, if I was a dumb, Horny teenager, I'd probably see that as flirting. But im smarter than that. I know he was more teasing Kiku. I had a converstion with Ludwig earlier about Kiku and how he hasnt had a girlfriend for years now apparently. So im sure this is the first time in forever since hes brought a girl home.
"I'll be right back (y/n)-san. Make yourself at home." Kiku mentioned. I nodded and took a seat at the table and started to pull the water out of the bags along with the seed packet. I then looked into my backpack and pulled out the packet that talked about this project.
"I heard some students talking about this science project! What do you two have planned?" Yao questioned, looking over my shoulder.
"Well, since Kiku's name is the Japanese name for a flower, we're planing on growing some but using different kinds of waters!" I explained with a smile. Yao nodded with a smile before patting my shoulder and walking out of the kitchen with whatever food he grabbed. Just as he left, Kiku walked back in with three pots, one inside another, along with a bag of soil. I quickly walked over and grabbed the pots since it looked like he was struggling slightly. He thanked me before we sat the things down on the table.
"We should probably lable these so we don't mix up which one is which!" I suggested. Kiku nodded and walked over to the a drawer and pulled out a sharpie.
"Would you like to write it on (y/n)-san?" Kiku asked with a smile. A small blush of embarrassment formed on my cheek as I shook my head.
"No, its fine. My handwriting is really bad!" I mentioned, laughing awkwardly. Kiku raised a brow but shrugged and started to label the pots. I grabbed the soil and opened it up. I then poured some into the pots as Kiku finished labeling. Kiku grabbed the seed packet and opened that, putting one seed in each pot.
"Could you grab the measuring cup from the cabinet over there?" Kiku asked, pointing towards a cabinet. I nooded and rushed over, opening it and grabbing out a 1-cup measuring cup. I then helped him pour the distilled water into the cup and we pourer it into the pot labeled "distilled". We did the same with the other two. After we were done, he grabbed two of the pots while I took the last one and followed him out of the kitchen. We made our way to what looked like a greenhouse attatched to the house. Inside was a gorgeous girl with long brunette hair and a pink flower in her hair. She looked up at us with a smile.
"Brother, hello!" She called as she began to stand up. Kiku put down the pots onto a nearby shelf so I put mine next to them. I pulled out my phone to take a picture of each pot to show the progress.
"Kon'nichiwa Mei. This is (y/n)-san! Shes new to my school and my partner for science and social studies." Kiku explained. I felt a little awkward, but it felt nice to see that Kiku had a sister.
"Its been a while since you brought a girl home Kiku! Its a pleasure to meet you! I'm Mei!" She replied. I gave a small nod and smiled at her.
"Its nice to meet you too!" I responded.
"If you need us, we will be in the kitchen," Kiku mentioned, motioning for me to follow him. I waved goodbye to Mei and followed Kiku back to the kitchen.
"Wait here, I'll grab my computer," Kiku explained. I nodded and sat down once again. I couldnt help but feel that this place was a little large for just three people. I wonder if Kiku had other siblings.
(Sorry for taking so long to post this. Ive been forgetting to work on this XD)
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