"Ow! Feli why??" Ludwig groaned as he pushed the small male off of him as he sat up. My eyes were wide as I watched this tiny, brunette haired man with a small curl in his hair tackle a large man onto the ground.
"'ve~ Sorry Luddy~" Feli laughed softly in guilty way. His Italian accent was very prominent. Ludwig couldnt help but laugh as he stood up, helping his small Italian friend up as well.
"Ah, there you went Feli. Kon'nichiwa Doitsu!" A calm voice called with a japanese accent. I looked to see a short man with neat black hair and gorgeous brown eyes. I couldnt help but think this guy looked kind of cute. Plus that accent made me melt!
"Kiku, hello! Feli, Kiku, this is (y/n)! She's the new girl my vater told me about!" Ludwig explained.
"Kon'nichiwa (y/n)-san" Kiku said with a bow. I gave a small head bow before Feli butted in.
"Ciao Bella!~ I'm Feliciano! But you can call me Feli~" The cute Italian called to me excitedly. I could see why Ludwig liked him!
"Its nice to meet you both!" I replied with a smile. Ludwig let out a small chuckle as he but a hand on Feli's head to calm him a bit.
"(Y/n) has science with us, so lets head into class!" Ludwig suggested. The two nodded as we started to walk to class. Feli had grabbed Ludwig's hand and dragged him along, making Ludwig blush. Which left Kiku and I to walk together behind the love birds.
"Feli is definently energetic! I can see why Ludwig likes him!" I mentioned aloud, but soft enough to not be heard by Feli. Kiku looked at me with a confused look.
"You already know of Doitsu's crush?" Kiku questioned. I nodded, laughing softly at how Kiku was calling Ludwig "Germany", but I can see why.
"Yeah! The Principal wanted Ludwig and I to be friends I guess and put me in a lot of the same classes with him. First and second period I got to talk with him and he mentioned his crush on Feli. And how he plans to ask him out!" I explained. Kiku laughed softly and nodded.
"He knows Feli will say yes. Those two have been flirting for a while now." Kiku explained. I chuckled as I looked up at the two who were laughing together. I then glanced at Kiku and back up to the two.
"Do they always leave you behind like this?" I asked, tilting my head slightly. Kiku smiled and shook his head.
"Not all the time. They do the best that they can to include me, but sometimes they do get a little too...lovey and forget about me. But im not complaining, I like the alone time sometimes." He explained. I frowned and thought for a moment.
"I know how it feels to be the third wheel. Actually, this kind of reminds me of this situation! One was german and the other was italian! Though they didnt have the accents like Feli and Ludwig do. Even though I'm not Japanese, i was the "Japan" of the group. I watched more anime and have a fairly decent manga collection. We called ourselves the Axis Chicks! God do I miss them." I explained, feeling a bit of nostalgia, but I shook it off. However, Kiku laughed softly at this.
"That is a lot like us! We call ourselves the Axis Powers! Doitsu is a history nerd when it comes to wars, and even though the Axis powers were the "bad guys" he liked it so he suggested we call ourselves that!" Kiku mentioned. I laughed softly at the coincidence.
We saw ludwig and Feli turn into a classroom, so we followed them, finding our spots beside them. The teacher talked to me a bit to get me caught up on what they are learning about, which wasnt very far from where I ended at my last school. Soon, more and more students came in and took their spots. When the bell rang and everyone was seated, the teacher spoke.
"Alright everyone, today we are going to do a group project, but you can only be in groups of two! After you pick out your partners, come get a packet and I'll explain what you need to do!" The teacher explained. Feli and Ludwig looked at each other than over to Kiku.
"Hey Kiku, we're sorry again for leaving you behind last time. You can be with one of us!" Ludwig suggested. At least he appologized. Kiku gave the two a warm smile.
"No, its fine. Go ahead and work together! Besides, if its alright with her, I can just work with (y/n)-san!" Kiku suggested and looked at me for approval. I was slightly shocked but smiled.
"Y-yeah! Thats fine! Its not like I know anyone else here." I laughed. Ludwig nodded with a small laugh.
"Alright, that's fine!" Ludwig replied, looking back to Feli with a smile. Kiku stood up and went to the front of the room to get a packet. Ludwig did the same. Feli moved his desk right beside Ludwig's. I personally didnt feel as comfortable being so close beside someone, plus I didnt know what Kiku's space boundaries were, so I just moved our desks so that they were facing each other. Other students had done the same, either putting them like mine and Kiku's or like Feli and Ludwig's. Once everyone was sat down, the teacher spoke again.
"Alright, class, the project is basically a science fair. You'll find a topic you wish to research and do experiments or some observations based on that topic!" The teacher explained more in detail about the project and when it was due. Luckily, we had the rest of this week to get started and it wasnt due for a while. But I was excited none the less! I smirked slightly as an idea came into mind.
"Anything in mind (y/n)-san?" Kiku asked after the teacher left us to start brainstorming. My smirk grew.
(Just a quick message. The scenario with (y/n)'s friends being together and calling the group the Axis Chicks is actually bassed on my life. I had a german friend named Morgan, though she was born here in America, and an Italian friend named Erika, she didnt have an accent cuz she was very fluent in English. Well, I was the Japan of the group! We called ourselves the Axis Chicks! And Morgan and Erika got together. Well, we arent a group anymore sadly. After a rough breakup and a huge fight between Morgan and I, Erika and I stopped being friends with her. Though Erika left highschool and I had to go back an extra year and she just kind of stopped talking to me. I started becoming friends with Morgan again, so now I really only talk to her. I really miss our group and wished that we could be the Axis Chicks again, but that will never happen...oh, and just to clarify, n our roleplay, I married Japan. I havent done much with him in a while, but im falling in love once again so im making this book! Thanks for reading!)
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