Day's End
(There is heavy language and alluded violence later this chapter. There is another warning, so please read up until then. If you can handle violence, you can read the whole chapter)
I sat in the kitchen in silence. Kiku was taking a bit, but I didnt mind, I was in no rush. I had pulled out my phone and started looking through my social media. I saw pictures of my old friends and couldnt help but smile. I missed them.
"Um...who are you?" I heard a voice ask. I looked up to see a man with short, redish brown hair that had a long curl. I paused, a little scared but calmed myself down.
"Oh, uh, I'm (y/n)! Kiku and I are doing a project from school and im waiting for him." I explained. The man raised a brow but seemed to shrug it off with a smile.
"Any friend of Kiku's is a friend of mine! I'm Im Sung Yoo!" He mentioned. Just then, Kiku walked into the kitchen. He stopped when he saw Im Sung Yoo but then walked over to me and sat his computer down.
"Sung Yoo, I see you met (Y/n)" Kiku mentioned, glancing at your brother before opening his computer and typing in the password.
"Yeah, its good to see you finally got a girlfriend~" Im Sung Yoo teased. A blush formed on both me and Kiku's cheeks. Kiku glared at his brother.
"She just got to my school today. Shes not my girlfriend!" Kiku protested. Sung Yoo laughed as he walked further into the kitchen.
"She may be some day though~" he teased. Kiku rolled his eyes and started to ignore his brother. For a good minute, there was some awkward silence before Im Sung Yoo got his snack and left.
"How many siblings do you have?" I question, my curiosity peeking. Kiku let out a soft sigh and looked up at me.
"Six. You've met the three that live with me though. The rest live out of town on their own." Kiku explained. I nodded slightly and glanced down at my hands. I then let out a sigh and sat up a bit.
"Alright, we should probably get to work" I suggested. Kiku pushed his computer over to me before pulling out our social studies packet and started to brainstorm a bit. I took this time to look up things about the Kiku flower.
As the day went on, we chatted and joked around a little in between studying and researching. We made some pretty good progress in both the social studies and science. Though, Yao helped us a bit with the social studies since, well, hes our teacher. I will admit, I really enjoyed hanging out with Kiku. I couldn't wait to actually hang out with Kiku, Ludwig, and Feli. I still didn't want to think of them as friends, but I think it'll be a nice change of pace to what im used to. Besides, it beats staying at home with my dad all the time. Speaking of which, I let out a sigh as I looked at the time. I stretched before standing up and grabbing my things.
"I better get home. This was really fun!" I admitted. Kiku nodded with a smile amd stood up as well.
"Here, let me walk you home (y/n)-san! Its getting dark and not the safest to be walking alone." Kiku insisted. I raised a brow as I put my hand on my hip to act sassy.
"But then youd be walking in the dark alone on your way back!" I argued. Kiku laughed softly and gave me a small smirk, which I will admit looked kind of hot.
"Theres some things you have yet to learn about me!" Kiku teased. I rolled my eyes with a laugh.
"Ok ok, lets go then" I mentioned. Kiku smiled from his small victory and walked with me out of the door. We made our way down the street towards my house.
"So, youve mentioned your father, but you havent mentioned anyone else," Kiku mentioned. I could feel the air knock out of me but I took a deep breath to calm myself. I just met this guy today. Besides I wont be here long so whats the point in him worrying about me?
"Eh, its normal" I explained. Kiku raised a brow, not satisfied with my answer.
"Normal?" Kiku repeated. I nodded with a smile.
"Normal." I confermed. Kiku seemed to get the message and dropped the subject. We chatted about a few random things as we walked. Before I knew it, we got to my house. I let out a small sigh.
"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow at school! Thank you for walking me home Kiku!" I mentioned with a smile on my face. Kiku returned the smile and nodded.
"Its really no problem (y/n)-san! Have a good night!" He replied.
"You too! Be safe!" I called as he started to walk. He waved back and I smiled softly. I turned to face the door and walked it. It was like the atmosphere was way thicker and more upsetting than outside. I could smell the heavy alcohol and my eyes started to tear up already, knowing exactly what was going to happen.
(Heavy language and alluded violence ahead. Continue at your own risk or skip to next chapter)
(Before you continue, I just wanted to say sorry for not updating for a while there. I decided not to be very active for a while there, but today is just a horribly boring day so I figured id continue writing!)
"WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?!" I heard my obviously drunk father yell when he heard the door close. I flinched and let out a shaky sigh as I walked to the living room. I saw him standing with a beer in his hand and his other arm on the couch to hold himself up.
"I-I told you earlier. I had a project i had to do with a partner" I explained, even though I knew it would do nothing.
"I DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT SOME STUPID PROJECT! YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN HOME 3 HOURS AGO!" My dad yelled again. I let out another sigh as he started to storm towards me. I braced myself for what was to come.
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