chapter 5
Dawn pov
Cindy parked up a d a familiar car parked behind us...once we got out we saw the boys leaning casually against brandons grey SUV.
"Hello boys" "yo yo girls" brandon has come as the wolf man and alex has come as a vampire...a adorable one might i add, he pulls it off so well...
"So let me guess the wicked witch of the west and mrs draculara?" "No silly, im an ordinary witch and dawnie here is a hot vampire..." niw its time for me ti step uo and be a bit embarrassing..."so are you guys as a couple, the dig and the master" cindy shouts out you got burnt and the biys chuckle going a slight shade of pink.
"Lets get going the part has started...because were HERE!" shouts brandon making the three of us laugh...
Cindy and brandon stroll in first leaving me outside for a moment with alex..."hey alex...?" "Yes?" "Is everything ok with us?" "Definately" he bend down plaing a kiss to my lios making him get some lipstick on him...
"I didnt know you like to wear lippy" "what?" I giggle and whipe it off for him, "all gone" he gave me a smile and then started speaking...
"I want you to be careful..." "what do you mean?" "Havent you heared yet?" "Heared of what?" Alex looks around checking for something before he continues..."there has been murders, classed as animal attacks, so i would prefure it if you was near me or with me ok eslecially when your outside, until the animal is capture and then your safe..." "um ok sure" i didnt know about any attacks...
"Lets get going...and you look georgous by the way" i bkush at his comment and reply "you look handsome yourself" he gave me a hug and we strolled into the school to the hall.
Loud music was blaring, eccoing around the room, apparently this year the head master has hired a guy called john to play as a dead guy, so when someone walks pass he grabs them...not a bad idea...hes arruving soon then setting up in a classroom awaiting for his victims.
Me and alex find cindy and brandon dancing together, bouncing around on the dance floor in the hall to the music...
Once they spot us they come running over..."heyyy d havee yoo" brandon slered and cindy finished his a little less drunk... "...'eard 'bout 'tose an-imal attacksss" i nod and then decide they should head home "cindy drive him home..." "but isnt she drunk?" Asks a very confused alex "the funny thing about cindy is she can get drunk and 5-10 minuts later she has a hangover for half that time and then she is as good as new" "really?""yep thats why i brought these pain killers in....3...2...1..." "my head hurts..." i hold out the tablets and she smiles taking them...then..."thanks thats better" i look at alex saying told you so and he started laughing.
"I only obsurve and then pick up the routine" he smiles down at me saying that im unique whitch made me really happy.
"Ill leave my car and walk tomorrow and pick it up after school" "you sure?" "Defo" "ill help you take mr drunk to the car" "its ok ill help her" steps up alex "thanks" i wait by the table holding punch and bears waiting for alex to return whitch felt like forever but he was back quicker than a cheater...
"That was fast, maybe you should have come as a cheatah" "thanks would you like a drink?" "Please, thank you" "what one?" "Punch please" he grabs two punches handing me mine we drink our drinks and put them in the recyle bin next us.
"I want ti take you somewhere quickly alex!" I shout over the music so he can hear me..."ok where?!" He shouts back "Its a surprise!" I replied. I am so ginna scare the marbles out if him...
I lead him out of the hall down the corridore past some students and into the classroom...we walk up to the tabke with the 'dead' body and then i make a noise as a signal...alex didnt look scared he looked stiff...ok hes not gonna get him...time to imprivise...i grab alexs waist but he didnt flinch at all. "Damn alex...i dont think any thing can scare you..." i look at the body and i must say john has done fantastic with the make up...
"Yo johny boy you were meant to scare him" he layed still "um john is the hired dead body if a student comes in this spot he grabs them to scare them...but hes not doing it..."
I look down and give him a shake accidentally touching the red paint only fir alex to grab me making me scream "alex dont scare me like that..."
I grab a tissue from the table to wipe my hand onky for alex to say..."get help" "alex whats wrong..." "hes dead" "duh thats the idea and then he scares you" "no i mean hes actually..."
I look down at the body two see where i touched was getting wetter and reader and saw two natural instinct was to scream but instead i cried and followed alexs instructions...
Lucky for us the head master was heading our way so i ran to him..."sir...SIR!!" I shout and he comes to my aid..."what wrong dawn?" "The body...john the hired guy..." oh so he got you...good isnt he..." "he didnt get me...hes actually...dead" "no hes not alex is with the body, he was dead when we got there...please help"
Sir came running ti the room with me sobbing behind and he checked for a pulse but couldnt find one..."call an ambulance...quick...alex wait for an ambulance outside" "yes sir" alex was out of here as soon as sir spoke those words...and i dialed the number..."helli whats your emergency....there has been and accident..."
I give in all tge dtails i could and they said they will be here shortly...
"Well dine dawn for getting help straight away..." thanks but alex desurves the most credit if it wasnt for him i would have froze..." sir nods and then some medics came in and carried the body out on a stretcher...sir took care if the students and told all that school will start later than usual for tomorrow so this is all cleared up...
"Come honey, ill take you home" "thank you alex..." i wrap my arms around his waste as we left the school and started to mine...
He leant me his cape because it was cold...
After half an hours walk we reached mine and i didnt want alex out at this time after what happened..."come in alex..." he hesitantly steps through my door way and smiles..."thanks but i think i should get going..." i turn around to object but he was gone...then i remebered he left me his cape...
Checking the time i see its only 10:20pm...
I remember the adress cindy told me a few days back and think of my options.
What to chose?....
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