It is late at night over the city of Vtopia as a cloaked figure walked through the empty streets. The figure was walking through the alleyways as he continued making his way to where he needed to be. Yet he was stopped midway by a group of low time thugs as they surrounded the figure.
???: "Where do you think you're going this late at night?"
The ringleader spoke first as he stared at the figure, but the figure smirked with a sharp tooth grin.
???: "Nowhere."
The cloaked figure spoke next as he was rather calm about the situation.
???: "Really now? Well boys, I guess we got ourselves some easy prey!"
The group began to laugh in delight, but the figure was laughing along, catching them off guard.
???: "What's so funny?"
The ringleader asked as the figure still laughed a little until stopping.
???: "You fail to understand, it's already over~"
???: "What are you-"
Before the ringleader could even speak, the figure appeared in front of him, ramming his arm straight through the ringleader's chest.
???: "Oh~ You're blood is rather exquisite~"
He then pulled his arm back, letting the ringleader fall to the ground lifeless as he turned to look at the others, with his red eyes piercing through their souls.
???: "You're all afraid of me now? No worries~ You're deaths will be quick~"
He then suddenly pulled out a sword that is curved in nature, having a black blade. He then made quick work of them, going for their necks for decapitation as it felt satisfying for the figure. This figure, is the same one that has haunted Lukas Misaki's nightmares. Once he made quick work of them, he then sighed as he put his sword away.
???: "Man... Why can't prey be so enjoyable nowadays..?"
He sounded disappointed as he couldn't find a decent fight anymore from whatever he fights. He began making his way through the alleyways again as he made his way to a building that seemed to be an abandoned warehouse close to the bay. He simply strolled on inside as he then took out a knife that looked like it was used for sacrificial alters. He then slit his wrist as his blood flowed down to the floor as it swirled around him, creating a teleportation circle.
Once it fully covered him and uncovered, he was somewhere else entirely. The room around him seemed to be really fancy, like some rich person's mansion as he was in the centre of the mansion. Though before he began to walk, someone called out to him.
???: "More blood spilled again Vampyr?"
The cloaked figure known as Vampyr turned around to see a younger looking girl who had green hair and orange eyes.
Vampyr: "I can't help it and I won't tell."
He then began making his way up the steps, but the young girl followed him up the steps as she continued to speak.
???: "I understand you're a vampire and all, but can't you just control your urges?"
Vampyr: "I advise you to watch your tone Rushia. You're a more recent recruit and I wouldn't want to make Void mad anyways. Plus, I have some interesting information for him~"
Rushia looked at him with confusion, but they continued making their way through the mansion until they reached the main room which is the leader's office. When they walked inside, they noticed a figure staring outside the large set of windows. The atmosphere gave one of tranquillity, but also despair. Though the man standing at the large window has a long dark black coat which has golden decal throughout its design. The inside of the coat has that strange appearance like it was made out of a cosmic galaxy of stars.
(Imagine him looking like this. I can't describe it properly so sorry for my laziness...)
???: "Vampyr. I see that you've returned."
The voice had an echo-like voice as it sounded deep.
Vampyr: "Of course Lord Void. I've got some interesting news to share with you~"
Void: "And what would that be?"
Vampyr: "It would appear that the next specimen of yours is the Omni Magician~"
Rushia's eyes widened at this.
Rushia: "Wait, the Omni Magician of this generation!?"
Vampyr: "That is indeed correct. It is the boy I left alive many years ago back in America. Though I believe his name to be... Lukas Misaki~?"
Void then turned around to face Vampyr, still standing at his desk.
Void: "What do you know of the boy Vampyr?"
Vampyr: "Well milord~ He has been attending the Academy belonging to the three Human figureheads of the Supernatural. Though since he seems awkward in nature, I doubt he would be such a threat~"
Void was silent for a moment, seeming like he was thinking intently, like he knew something.
Void: "Vampyr, I want some of your spies to keep an eye on him at all times. Rushia, remember what I taught you?"
Rushia: "Yes Lord Void but.. what do you need of me?"
Void: "I've heard that the Academy's class 1A is planning a trip to the Bermuda Triangle in the morning. I want you along with Shadow to confront the class when the opportunity arises."
Rushia: "Of course. But what about Sonzai?"
Void: "Sonzai is nothing but a monkey boy who believes to be the strongest in existence. Not many can properly fight him of course, but we have our own countermeasures. You're both dismissed."
The two then did a bow as both Vampyr and Rushia left the room, leaving Void alone. He then began to look outside the window again, staring for a period of time until the name returned to his mind.
Void: "Lukas Misaki..."
We then cut to Lukas waking up with a cold sweat on his bed while breathing heavily. He had a nightmare as per usual, but it was more of a tame one. Yet the thing that woke him up wasn't the nightmare, it was the feeling that he has been targeted or something.
It was an uneasy feeling for him as he couldn't understand what it was.
Lukas: "What was that...?"
He then heard knocking on his door as Zai was the one to open the door.
Sonzai: "Hey Lukas, you up? We need to get ready for the trip."
Lukas: "R-Right... Sorry.. Um... Do you know if we need to wear our uniforms or not?"
Sonzai: "In this case, no we don't. You better get ready. I'll wait for you outside since Kson will be coming by to stay here for a while."
Lukas then nodded as Zai closed the door. Lukas sighed as he got himself ready. For the trip and stay at the Bermuda Triangle, he figured that he would might as well pick clothing that is more light to him and something that is more comfortable.
His attire in the end consisted of a black leather jacket that has a hood, with his shirt being a vibrant purple that is tucked nicely into his black leather jeans that seemed to be a bit loose, but tight at the same time. The black leather jeans does have holes where his knees are, exposing them a bit as he is also wearing a brown belt with black accessories and a black pair of boots. Zai did also recommend him to wear fingerless gloves because he figured that it would suit Lukas.
He sighed as he made his way out to the front of the home, where Zai was waiting for him.
Sonzai: "Well look at that, I was right about the outfit idea I told you about."
Lukas: "I don't think I look that great.."
Sonzai: "Nonsense Lukas. You look above average at least since you do look kind of badass. Though I think we should get going before Yagoo questions where we are. I'm sure Kson will arrive here later."
Lukas then simply nodded as he began to follow Zai to the Academy. During most of the Academy day before the beginning of the trip, Class 1A was tasked into staying with Akuma-Sensei for the time being until they were ready to leave. Though the teacher allowed them to be themselves and relax for the time being as the month will be rather intense for their training.
Lukas was busy drawing while he listened to Ina, Zaion, Doppio and Zai talking with each other since he didn't really want to talk about it right now. But he didn't really pay attention as he was slowly falling asleep, passing out.
Soon enough, he woke up in the strange empty void he was once in when he met that killer that gave him that trauma. He was confused on how he got here in the first place.
Lukas: "What the...? Zai!? Ina!? Zaion!? Dropscythe!?"
His voiced echoed throughout the place, making him rather confused as he didn't understand what was going on. Yet he stopped when he saw himself, staring eye to eye with each other. He was nervous, scared that he might be losing control again. Yet for some reason, the dark figure of himself lifted his hand, like as if it wanted to shake his hand.
Lukas was confused, trying to understand on what it was trying to do, but he couldn't help but wonder...
Lukas: "You want to show me something..?"
The dark variation of himself looked at him, nodding its head for confirmation. Lukas' eyes widened as he was hesitant to accept it. He inched closer and closer to the being, raising his hand in the similar gesture as he grabbed it with his own. Then suddenly, the void changed into a strange room, one he wasn't familiar of.
He looked around surprised as he didn't understand what this was. He wanted to say something, but he kept his mouth shut as he had a look around the room. It looked to be a very large archive space that has shelves upon shelves of books. He wasn't too familiar of this kind of place but he couldn't help but get the sense of familiarity.
???: "Oh come on Vampyr! You know as well as I that someone else might be better for keeping an eye on the Omni Magician!"
He heard a young girl's voice as he didn't recognize it as he turned his head to the direction of the voice. Though his eyes first met with the young girl, who is Uruha Rushia. She had a strange nature to her as he felt somewhat connected to her. He could see a form of dark energy emanating off of her as she was talking to someone else.
Though his eyes widened when he saw the person she was talking to, Vampyr. The exact person who gave him that trauma, the one who left him alive all those years ago. The one who said that he would meet him soon in the real world. He gulped, remaining quiet so that he could understand what they were talking about.
Both Rushia and Vampyr were walking together as Rushia seemed to be chasing after him, trying to speak sense into him.
Vampyr: "Oh relax rookie. The kid is practically a pure softy and I technically don't agree with Void's decisions. But what can you do? He clearly has high expectations for you girl, and I'm hoping that you don't disappoint the High Society."
Rushia: "I have no intention of letting them down of course, but why are you so adamant on bringing him in!? It's clear that he won't work with us even if we tried properly ourselves!"
Vampyr then stopped in his tracks, turning around to grab Rushia by the throat as he slams her into one of the shelves, knocking some books off. Vampyr then began to exude his own dark energy, this was making Lukas sweat as he felt terror and his body was slightly trembling.
Vampyr: "Listen here, Rushia. I don't care if Void bosses me around as he has this all planned out, but you~ You think you can talk shit to me and convince me to not obey our master~? Think again next time unless you want your head hanging off of your head~"
Vampyr's smirk was terrifying not only to Lukas, but to Rushia as well. Lukas could see the fear in Rushia's eyes as he felt the exact same way. He then let go of Rushia as she was gasping for air, coughing.
Vampyr: "Now, you got a job to do. Do it or I'll report your rebellious act to Void, got it~?"
Rushia: "Y-Yes..."
Vampyr: "Good~"
He then walked off, though he was walking past Lukas. While he was, he looked at Lukas, like as if he knew he was there, making Lukas surprised. Though before he could process anymore of this, he suddenly woke up in the real world with Zaion being the one who shook him awake.
Zaion: "Hey! You awake now!?"
Lukas blinked a few times, surprised on what he just experienced, but also confused at the same time. He did sweat a little, but the group around him must've thought of him being nervous or something. The only reason Zaion woke Lukas up was mainly because she lost in the game of rock paper scissors to Zai.
Lukas: "W-What... happened...?"
Ina: "You were asleep when Akuma-Sensei was discussing about the trip. We're about to leave now."
Lukas felt a little embarrassed that he slept through a lecture, though he was confused even more on how he managed to do that in the first place. Yet the most confusing thing to him was the fact that he saw what he could describe as a vision, but of what, he doesn't know....
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