Chapter Two: Isn't it Neat?
Isabelle stared tiredly at her notes. Although they were a critical part of her job, they hurt her eyes.
And they kept going on and on and on and on....
"I can't do this anymore. I need to get my eyes tested." She finally said as she signed off her note and closed the file. Sweets file was getting larger with every passing hour as everything was documented. His care was her priority and making sure that nothing was missed and not handed over was important.
But now, she was at the end of her shift. She would have a full day off. She would be able to sleep. And maybe see her parents.
"Are you done?" It was really quiet in ICU. Most of the patients were comatose and it was six thirty in the morning. When someone spoke, it always gave Isabelle a fright.
"Yes, sorry. I'm just going to check on Sweets and then I'll be out." The nurse nodded and he sat down where she had been sitting and started to look over her notes.
It had been a few days since she and Sweets had been transferred to ICU and none of the nurses had taken to kindly to Isabelle. May it be because she was assigned to a patient or that she was just a newcomer, who knew. She certainly didn't.
And at this point, she didn't particularly care either.
Walking into Sweets room, she sanitised her hands and grabbed a pair of gloves.
"Hey Doc, just me again." She said. She didn't know if Sweets could hear her or not but it felt more humane to treat him like he could hear her.
"I'm just checking on everything before I go home. The good news for you is that your chest drain isn't draining as much fluid. Your stomach drain is still draining a bit but your lungs are getting better." She knelt down to write a time on the drain beside the level of fluid that was inside. When she stood, her knees and back cracked. She groaned.
"I'm not old, just crunchy. Nothing to be to concerned about. You however, are still worrying us. That's why I'm in here every ten minutes and you have to listen to me talk. You probably think I'm insane..." She paused. "Actually you would probably think I'm just overtired. You are a psychologist after all." She stuck the thermometer in his ear and waited for it to beep. When it did, she smiled at the reading.
"You don't have a temperature either, doc so I know I can rest easy for now. Don't go getting a fever when I'm off, alright? I'm trusting you to heal up so that we can get you out of this coma. Your friends need you." She tidied up the blankets and sheets over him and made sure none of his wires, drains or tubes were tangled before squeezing his hand.
"I'll see you in a few days, doc. If you decide to wake up before then, I'll be here to make sure you're all right." With that, Isabelle turned off the main light and closed the door quietly. The night light above his head illuminated his face and Isabelle smiled slightly.
"Sweet dreams, doc."
"It's so nice to be home and not have to do stuff." Isabelle exclamied as she threw herself into her bed, face down into her pillows. Mel was standing at her door leaning on the frame as she waited for Isabelle to pull herself together.
After a few moments, the red head gripped her pillow to her face and let out a muffled scream. Mel counted down on her fingers until Isabelle rolled over and took the pillow of her face, her face being bright red from the held in breath and sudden release of air.
"Feel better?"
"Anxiety screams always make me feel better." She sat up and immediately felt dizzy and allowed herself to fall back on to the bed, the sudden movement being too much for her head to handle.
"For someone so short, you sure can hold in a lot of air."
"That's what happens when you come from a competitive family, bruh. You get real good at holding your breath." Mel laughed and swatted Isabelle's legs. She moved over so that her friend could lay down on the bed beside her.
"Good shift?"
"Long. Nights are draining. But good, yeah."
"Well, have some food, get some sleep and make sure you're ready for a girl's nigggggght." Mel did a little dance that made the bed move. Isabelle laughed and danced with her, the bed groaning as the two of them made it groan under their weight. It wasn't used to such dance moves so Isabelle stopped.
"You're gonna be late if you stay here, dude."
"Any reason to not see Doc McFlirt, the better." Isabelle pushed her and the brunette almost fell off the bed.
"I can't go to sleep of you keep putting off going to work.." Mel rolled her eyes and waved goodbye as she pushed herself of the bed. She closed the door behind her, leaving Isabelle in the soft glow of the rising suns rays that's pushed through her curtains.
Sitting up, she pulled off her scrub top and bottoms, electing to sit in just her underwear as she grabbed a nut bar from under her bed and grabbed her phone. While munching on the bar, she dialed a familiar number and held it to her ear, the good old dial tone filling her ears as she waited for her mum to answer the phone.
"Hey mum!"
Dark. It was dark. Why was it so dark?
What was that beeping noise? Where was he?
He went to open his mouth but found that he couldn't. Panic began to bubble in his chest but he pushed that down. Electing to try something else, he tried to move his hand.
Still nothing.
The panic began to rise again and this time, he couldn't stop it. He wanted to scream. He wanted to yell. He wanted to move.
Where was Hannah? And Booth? And whatshisface? Where was he?
The beeping was louder now. Through his panic, he focused on its constant, rhythmic sound. It was comforting.
Or was it? Beeping doesn't always been safety. It could mean danger. Bombs beep. But so do alarm clocks. But so do bombs.
But what was it coming from? Deciding to focus on that, he tries to think.
Suddenly, a voice. Calming, comforting. It sounded weird though, not an accent he was used to. Not a voice he had heard before. But something about the voice made him feel safe.
"Hey Doc, just me again."
Authors Note
How are we all? We all doing okay? All surviving Summer/Winter?
I would honestly love for it to be winter because we need the RAIN!
Anywho, just checking in. This chapter is short but I needed to get something out and I don't want to make the book track along slowly. That's just SUCH a pain.
But things are happening! Isabelle seems to be pretty 2D right now but I can assure you, she'll develop over the book and you'll get to know her as I do. I hope you'll love her x
Anyway, carry on.
Don't forget to say hi!
Bree x
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