Chapter Twenty-Two: It's Gonne be a No from Me
"This can't be happening." Isabelle was pacing in the lounge, the positive pregnancy test still in her hand. Mel was watching her from where she sat on the couch, cracking her knuckles anxiously. Isabelle's heart was pounding in her chest, her head was throbbing as she walked. She couldn't stop moving, her legs refusing to stop. If she sat down, she wouldn't stand back up again.
"If you keep pacing like that, you're going to make me motion sick." Isabelle barely cast Mel a glance as she continued to move. Mel sighed. "Iz, you need to sit down."
"I can't sit down. If I sit, then I have to think. If I have to think, then everything becomes real. If everything becomes real, I don't know what I'm going to do." Isabelle stopped in front of the kitchen breakfast bar and leaned against it. The test was in front of her now, the dim light of the setting sun highlighting the pink lines that showed her the positive result. She felt like she was going to be sick again. Pregnant. She was pregnant.
And there was only one person who could possibly be the father and that made her feel even worse.
"I'm going to be sick." She dropped the test and made it to the kitchen sink and started to retch. There was nothing in her stomach to throw up but her body shook as she gagged. She felt a hand at her back again and Mel whispered something to her as Isabelle's ears rang. Once nothing came up, Isabelle turned around and with Mel's assistance, slumped to the floor. Mel pulled her into the crook of her arm and started to slowly rock her as Isabelle felt painful sobs pour out of her.
They sat there for what felt like hours but in reality, was only fifteen minutes- Isabelle feeling all her emotions and Mel sitting dutifully with an arm wrapped around her. And it was an ugly cry.
An ugly cry is the kind of cry you have when you feel numb. Your emotions are overwhelming, you can't feel what needs to be felt. An ugly cry is where you empty yourself into the moment and allow yourself to let it all out and afterwards, that's when you can try to make sense of what's happening.
Isabelle allowed herself to ugly cry. Snot, unrestrained tears and an unending wave of exhaustion that settles on you like a blanket. Pain. Misery. Fear. All of it came on her as she cried, letting it all out. Mel didn't say anything, knowing that this was not the time to say anything to comfort her friend. The best comfort that could be provided was to just be there and let it happen.
When Isabelle stopped crying, her sobs turning into small hiccups, Mel pulled away slightly to look at her friends puffy, tear stained face. She couldn't help but grimace.
"Girl, did you have to snot over my top? My favorite top?" Isabelle looked at Mel's tear (and probably snot) stained shoulder and gave a choked laugh. She pulled away and slowly got to her knees and grabbed the roll of paper towels that were on the breakfast bar. She blew her nose and let out a shaky sigh. Mel moved positions so that she was sitting in front of Isabelle, resting her knees against hers. Isabelle wiped her eyes and rested her head against the cupboard behind her. Her eyes still held the glimmer of tears but she refused to let them come out. "Are you okay?"
"Yes? No? I don't know." Isabelle's mouth quivered and she pressed the palms of her hands into her eyes. She honestly didn't know how to feel. She honestly didn't know of this could be happening to her.
But it was. This was her reality. She was pregnant with the child of a man who had raped her.
Isabelle sat there for a few minutes and stewed in her thoughts. Mel let her.
Her thoughts centred around why. Why did this have to happen to her? What did she do to deserve this? What could she do? What would she do? There were options, of course but she wasn't sure on what was the right thing to do. This was never something she had planned for- It was never something anyone' should have to plan for.
As if sensing her thoughts, Mel gave her arm a squeeze.
"You know you have options, right?" Isabelle pulled her hands away from her face and looked a Mel through blurry eyes, and nodded. Something in her heart panged. "This isn't a done deal. This isn't something you have to do."
"I know." Mel cocked an eyebrow.
"But you don't know what to do?" Isabelle nodded miserably. Mel pulled her into a tight hug and stayed like that for a few minutes before pulling away. "Here's the plan: tonight you relax, take it easy. Think. Tomorrow or next week we figure out what you do. You're not going to be alone in this." Mel assured her. Isabelle sniffed and then wiped her face with her hands.
"This is going to sound bad but can you get my phone? I want to talk to Sweets." Mel couldn't stop the small smile from appearing at her lips.
"That does not sound bad at all." Mel let Isabelle go and got to her feet. Isabelle winced but gave a small chuckle as she did the same, both her knees cracking as she stood. Mel snorted. "Old woman."
"Absolutely ancient." Isabelle leaned back against the cupboards as her head swam from standing and Mel disappeared, only to quickly return with Isabelles phone in hand. She had the phone unlocked and was already typing away. "What are you doing?"
"Texting Sweets. You looks three seconds away from a nap so I'm saving you time." Mel pressed send and then clicked the phone shut before sliding it into Isabelles pocket. "What? You've had the same password for YEARS. Of course I know it." She offered a hand to Isabelle and lead her to the couch. She sat down heavily and pulled her legs up to her chest. Her phone dinged and she pulled it out.
Isabelle: It's Mel, how quickly can you get here? Got a pretty big problem and Iz is asking for you.
Sweets: Give me an hour, just at work.
Isabelle clicked her phone off again and gently tossed it to the table. Mel gave her a sad smile.
"I'm going to do a quick pharmacy run and get you all the stuff you need, okay? And I mean all the stuff. Just in case."
"Thank you." Isabelle smiled at her and Mel gave her a quick kiss on the forehead.
"You're my best friend, girl. I will always get you all the stuff."
"Just not the bad stuff." Mel snorted and left Isabelle on the couch to think.
An hour later, for that's how long it took Mel to find a pharmacy that had everything she needed and for Sweets to turn up, Isabelle was still sat on the couch the same way Mel had left her. Staring at the wall, numb to the world and very deep in thought.
The door opened with bang that elicited a small yelp from Isabelle as it banged into the wall. A dishevelled and rushed looking Sweets appeared, followed by a very unrushed and unfazed Mel. Sweets dumped his sachtel on the floor by the door and had his arms around Isabelle before she even fully registered that he was there. The minute she was fully enclosed in his hug, she felt her emotions swell again and she started crying. Somewhere at the door, Mel muttered,
"Damn hormones." Before locking the front door and going into the kitchen.
Sweets held her tightly, pulling her body into his as she cried. His heart broke to see her in this state. His heart broke more to know what was happening to her. Mel had told him as they walked up the stairs, both having arrived at the house at the same time. He didn't say anything but just held her and allowed her to pull herself into a tiny ball in his arms.
When she seemed to calm down and her sobs turned into hiccups. Sweets finally spoke.
"What can I do?" There was a pause, then a shudder that went through Isabelles body. He didn't know what she was thinking.
Isabelle, was in fact thinking, that she knew exactly what she wanted him to do. She felt safe with Mel but there was something about Sweets that made her feel safer. Maybe it was because she had been there at his worst and knew that he was a safe place, a safe person. She felt at home and though she had never realised, tucked into his chest crying now made her note that she felt more comfortable with him than she ever had with Wendell.
Wendell was like a warm blanket but Sweets was like a roaring fire, crackling and alive. Warm and there.
"Stay. Please." Her voice cracked under the whisper of her voice and she felt Sweets pull her closer to him. She was basically on his lap now but no one cared. He tightened his grip on her and she buried her face in his jacket.
"Of course." He whispered back. She closed her eyes and let out a small sigh. Staying as they were, Isabelle felt herself slowly drift off into a dreamless sleep.
Sweets felt her relax and he gave a small sigh as he realised she had drifted off. The poor thing must've been exhausted over the last few hours. He didn't move her, just held her to him and rested his chin on her head.
"Is she asleep?"
"Yeah." Mel slumped into an arm chair across from him and ran a hand through her tight curls. She looked like she had run a marathon, tiredness creeping up her face. "Are you okay?"
"No. She's not okay and that's what I'm more worried about. It's only been a few hours and she's down so deep in the pit, I don't know if I can get her out." Sweets gave her a sympathetic look but shook his head slightly. "What?"
"Isabelle will get herself out of this pit. We can't do anything but hold the ladder."
"Who's this we, white boy?"
"It's we because I'm not not helping her." Mel tilted her head. "What?"
"You and me need to have a serious talk." She clasped her hands in front of her. Sweets blinked and anxiety flooded him. He hated those words and he was a psychologist, he said those all the damn time.
"Your feelings for Isabelle." Sweets felt his face go mildly pink. Mel narrowed her eyes at him. "I know you have them. You've had them since just before you were well. And I'll have you know, I won't have any of this you hanging around so that she'll fall in love with you while she's in this vulnerable state."
"I'm not done, doc. If you're just planning to stick around so that way she does have feelings? I'll kick your ass so hard that not even surgery will save you. I'll make it look like an accident that not even the Agent Booths and Dr Brennan can solve." Sweets gulped but sat silently, letting her talk.
"Isabelle is my best friend. Her needs and interests right now? They come before any feeling you may have and I will eliminate any threat that stands in the wat of breaking her." Mel fell silent and Sweets eyed her for a moment to make sure it was safe to speak.
"I know she's your best friend. And i would never do anything to hurt her or make things worse. I promise that." There was an earnest, honest plea in his voice. "I want to be here because she helped me and yes, I have feelings for her, okay? Is that what you want me to say? I have feelings and those feelings are telling me to be here and help her and support her because that's what she needs." He looked down at Isabelle and pressed his face into her hair. He looked back up at Mel. "I promise I won't do anything or say anything that let's on. She has enough to deal with." Mel appraised him and they both stared at each other for a few minutes. Isabelle sighed in her sleep and Mel's eyes went directly to her.
"I'm going to hold you to that, Lance Sweets." She finally said, looking back at him. "Or I swear on my nursing registration I will make you suffer."
"And I believe you." They fell silent again and Mel moved chairs, coming to sit beside Sweets and Isabelle. She grabbed the TV remote and turned the TV on.
"How do you feel about trashy sit-coms?"
"Can't stand them."
"Good." Mel flicked the channel to a sit-com and they both watched it, Mel occasionally looking over at Isabelle to make sure she was still asleep.
Five episodes later, Isabelle started to stir and Sweets let her go a bit so she could move.
"What's happening?"
"Watching trash TV."
"Oh, my favourite." She sat up and blinked at the room, taking in where she was. Sweets felt his cheeks flush again when hers did when Isabelle realised she was on his lap. She moved off, muttering an apology but didn't move far away from him. She was sandwiched between them but that was okay.
"How do you feel?" Mel asked as the show went to ads.
"Like I got hit by a tow truck carrying a tow truck." She looked over at Sweets. "Thank you for staying." He squeezed her shoulder.
"Always. Do you want me to go?" She shook her head, the embarrassment of having fallen asleep on him (quite literally) passing and he relaxed. Isabelle looked over at Mel.
"Do you have work?" Mel shook her head.
"Called in sick. Don't think I can be physically there but mentally here." Isabelle picked up Mel's hand and squeezed it.
"Thank you. Both of you." She turned her attention back to the TV and let the mindless humor distract her for a while, knowing full well she would have to make some decisions.
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