Chapter Nineteen: I Wish Murder were Legal
Isabelle was curled under the hospital blankets in ED, staring blankly at the curtain wall across from her. It was busy in the emergency department and she wouldn't be surprised if she was there until early morning. Not that she really cared at this point.
The IV beeped as she uncurled her arm so that the fluids would flow though and she unkinked the line and the machine stopped beeping. Isabelle let out a shaky breath as she waited for anything... Something to happen.
"Izzy? Iz?" Mel's voice broke through the fogginess in her brain. Isabelle turned her head slightly to look at Mel. She blinked once at her and Mel pulled the chair up so she could sit beside Isabelle and gently took her hand. Isabelle squeezed it and Mel sighed and released a shaky breath of her own.
"Did they find what they needed?" Mel nodded.
"They found doses of Ketamine in your system and the rape kit came back with trace evident of.... Of..." Mel closed her eyes and shook her head.
"Of sperm?" Isabelle's voice was dry and cracked as she spoke. Mel nodded and squeezed Isabelle's hand. "Did they find him?" Mel shook her head.
"The police are still arguing about what to do with Mabel. Wendell went straight to the Agent Booths. Plural." Isabelle's chin wobbled.
"He shouldn't have. It's not an FBI-"
"Iz, the cops aren't going to do anything because Munroe's a high profile doctor." She curled in on herself as Mel talked. She looked up as the curtain moved again and Mabel walked in with a female doctor Isabelle had never met before. Isabelle pushed herself up so she was sitting, her hair falling in her face as she did so. She pushed the strands behind her ear and wrapped her arms around her knees.
"Hey Isabelle, I'm Alicia, one of the newer doctors here. Mabel wanted me to meet with you and have a chat."
"I've already told everyone what happened." Alicia nodded.
"I know. I more just want to see how you're doing and if you want to have a shower?"
"I want to go home." Mabel gave her a sympathetic look.
"We just need to wait for your x-ray results on your spine but you can go home as soon as that happens, okay? Your boyfriend has gone home to get you some clothes and there are some FBI agents who want to see you." Isabelle nodded.
"They can come in. It's fine." Alicia nodded and placed her medical file on the bed.
"Just in case you want to have a look, okay?" Isabelle nodded and watched Mabel leave with Alicia. The familiar gleam of blonde hair appeared as Hannah Booth entered the bed space. Isabelle took one look at her and felt her self start to water up. Hannah closed the distance between them and pulled her into a hug. Mel looked between them and nodded before pulling her cardigan around her and left the space.
"Oh, Isabelle. I'm so sorry, honey." Hannah murmured as she squeezed Isabelle. "Booths got this under control." Isabelle curled in on Hannah and let out a shaky breath.
"Where are the twins?"
"We had to bring them along but Booth has them and they're fast asleep..."
"Can I see them please?" Hannah nodded, not even hesitating. She let go of Isabelle briefly and popped outside, reappearing shortly after with the pram, two bundles of adorableness staring up at their mother. Isabelle sat up properly and Hannah picked up Hank and gently handed him to Isabelle.
Isabelle looked down at Hank's little pink face and gave a small smile as he yawned up at her and stared at her sleepily. Isabelle rocked him gently and Hannah sat down beside her, rocking a fast asleep Heather.
"He looks like you." Isabelle murmured as she rocked Hank, his blue eyes closing as he went to sleep.
"He does, doesn't he. I hope he looks more like Booth when he gets older." Isabelle gave a weak smile and then checked to make sure her IV line was still unkinked before returning her attention to Hank.
"What can I do, Izzy? Anything." Hannah whispered, staring at her friends face, brows furrowed. Isabelle just watched Hanks face and let out a shaky breath.
"I just want to go home."
"I know, sweetie." Hannah shifted Heather and hesitantly raised a hand to touch Isabelle's shoulder. Isabelle saw the motion and nodded and Hannah wrapped her arm around her again. "I know."
"Why did this happen?" Isabelle whispered. "What did I do?"
"Oh Izzy. It wasn't you." Tears pricked at Isabelle's eyes.
"But it had to be, didn't it? What did I do?!" Isabelle felt the tears fall down her cheeks. She continued to rock Hank but couldn't help but but squeeze her eyes shut. Her brain wasn't moving fast and her head hurt but she could see Munroe's face clear as day in her mind when she closed her eyes. She opened them again and looked at Hannah's face. Hannah face was calm as she scanned Isabelle's face and shook her head.
"Oh Iz." Hannah stood up and placed Heather back in her pram and took Hank back gently as well, also placing him in the pram. She sat back down and gently took Isabelle's hands in hers and scanned her face. "Listen to me." Isabelle looked her in the eye, blinking away the years that were blurring her vision.
"This is not your fault. You, and nobody EVER deserves this. You are a strong woman who is going to get through this and we are all going to be here to support you. No matter what. You just say that word and I will shoot him so many times that Brennan won't even be able to make it look like an accident." Isabelle actually gave a choked laugh at that.
"The most important thing in this situation is that we all believe you and we care, okay? We really care."
"Thanks Hannah."
"Always. Can I give you a hug?" Isabelle nodded but launched herself into Hannah's arms and squeezed hr tightly. Hannah hugged her back just as hard, only letting go when she felt Isabelle start to let go.
Sweets grumbled to his feet when he woke up to a knock on his door. He sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes as he looked at the clock and groaned. Who the hell was knocking on his door at one am?
He got out of bed and grabbed his jumper from the end of his bed and groggily pulled it over his head as he ambled through his house to his front door. He flicked the light on as he went and opened the front door, preparing to yell at whomever was out there.
"What- Wendell?"
"Isabelle's at the hospital and I don't think I'm the right person to be there for her." Wendell was soaked. Sweets stared at him for a moment, frozen in his position, blinking blankly at Wendell.
"Isabelle's what?" Wendell stared at the outside light for a moment. "Do you want to come in?"
"No, thanks Sweets. Isabelle's in hospital. I think she needs you."
"But you're her boyfriend?"
"And you guys are friends and I was there and I can't see her like this and now I'm panicking and I can't..."
"Wendell, calm down."
"I can't." Sweets grabbed Wendell and pulled him into his apartment and out of the rain. "I can't go back there."
"Wendell, breathe." Sweets guided him to the lounge and sat him down and then sat down across from him, placing a hand to his chest as he sat. Wendell looked like he was having a panic attack.
Maybe that was because he was having a panic attack.
"I can't breathe." Wendell gasped. Sweets leaned forward and looked Wendell in the eye.
"Wendell, listen to my voice. Close your eyes. Breath in through your nose and out through your mouth slowly." Wendell closed his eyes and did as he was told. Sweets watched as he gradually started to calm down. "Wendell?"
"Isabelle's in the hospital with Booth and Hannah and Mel." Sweets eyes widened. "Monroe... He drugged her. And then.. then he..."
"Oh... Dammit Munroe!" Sweets heart hammered in his chest. "We gotta go to the hospital."
"You should definitely-"
"You're coming too." Sweets turned around in a circle, looking somewhat like a dog chasing his tail as he looked for his shoes. "Whatever, I don't need shoes. Let's go. I'll drive."
"You're going to have to." Wendell was pale. Paler than usual that is. Sweets took the keys Wendell offered him and both of them zipped out the door, Sweets only just remembering to lock the door behind him .
"You know, all things considered, you're actually doing okay." Mel murmured from the chair across from Isabelle. Isabelle opened her eyes from where she had been dozing on the bed.
"That's because I've spent half my time napping and the other contemplating how I'm going to kill Munroe successfully without getting caught."
"Got any good ideas?"
"A few." Mel cracked a smile. "That and.. I'm lucky that people aren't telling me I'm making this up." Mel reached her hand across the space between her and Isabelle and Isabelle grabbed her hand and squeezed it.
"You're one damn lucky son of a bitch, you know?" Isabelle gave a light laugh and then sneezed.
"Bless you!" Isabelle squished her nose as the and Mel both looked towards where the voice came from. "Are we interrupting?"
"And Wendell! Can we come in?" Isabelle nodded and pushed herself to sit up and turned the bed light on so that way everyone could see properly. Wendell appeared behind Sweets, pale as he looked over Isabelle and popped a bag down at the end of her bed and the shoved his hands in his pockets. Isabelle offered him a small smile before turning to Sweets and sigh as he fiddled with something on the tray beside her bed and turned to look at her, two cotton buds stuffed up his nose.
"What... What are you doing?"
"Wendell thought you might need some support in planning the ultimate murder." Wendell opened his mouth to say something but a quick glance from Sweets stopped him from saying anything. Isabella couldn't help but smile as Sweets took another two cotton buds and tried to shove them up his nose along with the other ones already there. "Well actually, I had an inkling murder would be on the cards." Isabelle couldn't help but snort and Sweets' ridiculous nose stuffed expression was hilarious. "I wish murder was legal."
"Me too." Isabelle looked over at Wendell. "Are you okay?" She asked him quietly. Wendell looked up at her, blue eyes shining as he looked to be holding back tears. Sweets turned around and looked down at the tray in front of him. She could hear him rummaging around in the draw. He shrugged and moved towards her and sat at the foot of her bed. Isabelle curled her feet up towards her, wincing as she did so.
"You're the one in pain and are asking me if I'm okay?" Wendell wrung his hands together and looked over at Sweets quickly before looking back at her. "I'm okay." Isabelle smiled weakly and sighed. "Are you okay?"
"That's a loaded question." Isabelle sniffed and looked down at her hands. "But... I..."
"That's a question we can ask later." His voice was muffled so when he spun around, Isabelle choked. Sweets had stuffed random cotton buds into his ears, under his top lip and taped some to his eyes. The ones on his eyes, he had drawn little eyes on.
"Oh my word." Isabelle started to laugh. It bubbled up in her chest and out into the room. He looked goofy, standing there smiling with cotton buds in his face. Wendell rolled his eyes but kept them glued to Isabelle's face. Isabelle looked over at him again and tentatively reached a hand over her legs to grab his hand and squeezed it. "I'm okay." She whispered to him. Wendell squeezed her hand back but carefully withdrew his hand from hers. He stood up from the end of the bed and quietly excused himself, leaving Isabelle and Sweets alone. Isabelle watched him go then looked over at Sweets who dramatically spat the fuzz balls one after the other. He dropped them in the bin after he pulled the ones from his nose and ears out and winced when he ripped the ones off his eyes.
"That hurt." He muttered as he took a seat beside her and popped his feet up beside her. "Look how the tables have turned."
"Fancy meeting you in this place." Isabelle crossed her arms over her knees and rested her head against her pillows and the two of them eyed each other for a while, sitting in silence as the ED bustled around outside. They heard Booth's voice at some point, followed by Wendell saying something in return. Mel piqued up from somewhere as well but they couldn't make out what they were saying.
"You know, with working in my line of work, I could find one or two people to get rid of someone."
"I mean, Brennan's dad would surely be able to do something." He pressed his fingers together and under his chin and pulled a face at her.
"You're ridiculous."
"I'm hilarious." He grinned. His face then dropped into a more serious expression and he leaned forward, placing his feet on the ground. He didn't get too close but he leaned forward enough that he could talk to her in a low voice. "What do you need, Iz. Anything you need. Murder, psychopath, a cookie? Whatever you need." Isabelle smiled weakly and shook her head.
"I don't need anything."
"You sure?" She nodded. Sweets sat back in his chair and nodded.
"I'm here for you, Isabelle. Just like you were with me, I am here for you." Isabelle closed her eyes and held back tears. It was convenient that Mabel walked in with Alicia at that time, Hannah and Mel close behind them. Sweets looked at them and smiled. "I'll take my leave."
"Thank you Sweets." She whispered. She caught a flash of his smile before he disappeared behind Mabel and Alicia.
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