Chapter Nine: Just say Yes
Three days was enough for Isabelle to burst out of her room in frustration, the door banging loudly as she exited. Mel looked up from her spot at the kitchen table, her fork midair as she paused to watch her friend slide into a chair across from her.
"Did you finish your Twilight binge?" She asked casually, probing to see what kind of mood Isabelle was in.
"Yeah, it wasn't as great as I remember it being. And Rob Patz definitely glowed up AFTER Breaking Dawn Part 2." She cracked a smile. Mel couldn't help but smile as well.
"I've been thinking." Isabelle started as she grabbed Mel's cup of coffee. Mel frowned but let it slide as Isabelle took a sip of the coffee and then slid it back. "Maybe I need a break. This not working might be good." Mel grinned.
"It took you three days to figure that out." Isabelle rolled her eyes.
"I've never been as fast as you when it comes it figuring things out."
"True. But I'm glad you've figured this out. You've worked solidly since day one." Mel took a bite of her food as Isabelle nodded.
"It just sucks." She stretched and got up from her chair and went into the kitchen, her goal to create food for herself. Mel watched her and smiled.
Hannah unlocked the door to Sweets flat and entered, a hand on her giant stomach as Booth and Sweets came in behind her.
"Home sweet home." Booth said through gritted teeth as he walked towards the lounge and placed Sweets on the couch, sighing in relief as he freed himself from carrying Sweets. Hannah popped a bag on the counter and made her way over to Sweets and sat down on the couch and sighed.
"It's nice to be home." Sweets said, looking around the room, a hand on the side of where his wound dressing were. Booth had disappeared outside and was coming in with things bought home from the hospital that would be necessary for Sweets care. A wheelchair was the last thing to come in.
"I didn't think I would be home, y'know."
"Thank goodness you are though. Otherwise I'd have to kill you myself for dying." Hannah rubbed her stomach as she said that, her face looking slightly pained. Booth noticed and came over to her.
"Are you okay?"
"Someone is sitting on my bladder." She muttered. Booth made a noise and Sweets watched them, a tired smile on his face.
"So, how are we going to do this? You guys can't stay here."
"Well you can't be here by yourself." Booth shot back as he helped Hannah up so she could go to the bathroom. Sweets rolled his eyes.
"I can handle myself."
"Says the guy who got shot and almost died." Hannah had left the room and the two men stared at each other.
"Let us help you, Sweets. We don't... We don't want anything else to happen to you." Sweets eyed Booth and nodded. Booth relaxed and sat down in an adjacent chair.
"Look, Hannah has had an idea that I think she's working on to get you some help so that you don't fall getting to the toilet and open up your stitches."
"Considering I have a -" he pointed to the bag attached to his leg and Booth groaned. "I don't really need to use the loo."
"You'll need to empty that thing." Booth grimaced. "And you'll still need the toilet. But anyway. Hannah has a plan." Sweets nodded.
They both looked towards the bathroom as Hannah pushed her way out, her stomach making an appearance before she did. Booth got up and was at her side before Sweets could even blink. She looked at her husband gratefully and let him help her to her seat. Sweets watched them and tried to move but winced in pain as he reshuffled into a more comfortable position.
"So tonight we're going to stay here with you." Hannah stated in a matter of fact sort of tone. Sweets kept quite, feeling tired as he watched her talk. Booth was watching him carefully. Hannah was also watching him, just as carefully as she talked.
"We're going to get a nurse to come and care for you while you're recovering. You can't walk very far, you'll need that bag changed or emptied regularly. Someone needs to clean your dressings and change them and we-" she motioned between her and Booth. "Have an attempted murderer to catch."
"And we need the squints. So Hannah had a brilliant idea."
"You remember your nurse from the hospital?" Sweets could remember Isabelle vividly. She had been his favourite nurse and had always made him smile.
"Well, I- We were thinking of employing her to be your nurse." Sweets despite feeling like he was going to fall asleep, couldn't help but widen his eyes and smile.
"Really." Hannah grinned, a fair eyebrow raised as she took in his expression. "I thought that if you had someone who was already familiar with your care." Sweets nodded and Hannah clapped her hands together.
"Good." Booth pulled out his phone and strated dialing a number then looked guiltily at Sweets.
"You didn't see me do this." He held the phone to his ear and Hannah grinned. Sweets frowned then realised what he was doing.
"Hey, Aubrey. Can you do me a favor?" Booth left the room and Hannah stifled a laugh.
"I made the mistake of giving Isabelle my number instead of getting her number. And I don't want to call the hospital for her number because that would be weird." Sweets nodded but his eyes were starting to close out of exhaustion. Hannah smiled softly and pushed herself out of her chair and groaned from the effort. She grabbed a blanket and waddled over to him and draped it over him. He gave her a sleepy smile and Hannah brushed his curly hair back gently and bent down to kiss his forehead.
"I'm glad you're okay." She murmured as soft snores came from his mouth, any signs of pain that had previously been on his face. Straightening, she turned just as Booth came into the room.
"Is he..?"
"Asleep? Yes. He'll need painkillers when he wakes up though." They both looked at Sweets before Booth passed his wife a piece of paper.
"Aubrey got this for us. It's her mobile number connected with the hospital." Hannah beamed as she took it.
"Excellent." She kissed her husband and Booth grinned and hugged her as she whipped out her phone and began dialing.
Isabelle almost jumped out of the shower when her phone rang from where it was sat in her cardigan pocket hanging from the door.
"Holy..." She turned the shower off, shampoo still in her hair as she grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself as she dried her hands. She fumbled with her pockets, trying to find the ringing phone. Finding it, she pulled it out and answered it, the caller ID showing an unknown number.
"Hello Isabelle Montgomery speaking, how can I help?" She said as she moved a bubbly piece of hair out of her face.
"Hey Isabelle, it's uh, it's Hannah Booth? From the hospital?" Isabelle sat on the lid of the toilet.
"Uh, hi, Hannah. Yeah I remember you... You gave me your number?" Hannah laughed on the other side of the phone.
"Oh yes, sorry. This is probably really strange. My husband got your number for me. It's technically a privacy breach but you don't have a criminal record and I'm sure you would want to talk to me especially after the offer I'm going to give you." Isabelle laughed as well.
"Are you about to make me an offer I can't refuse?" Hannah snorted.
"More like one that would do both you and me a big favor."
"Okay, you have my attention."
"Great! We need someone to come take care of Lance Sweets as a home nurse." Hannah said without hesitation. Isabelle stared at her misted up mirror, a smile forming on her face.
"Is the Pope Catholic?"
"Even though I got fired?"
"For defending yourself? That's exactly the kind of person Booth and I would like taking care of Sweets." Isabelle laughed, a sweet one filled with relief.
"Are you serious?"
"I take that as a yes? Just say yes!"
"Yes! I would love love love to help you guys." She could almost hear Hannah smiling through the phone.
"Brilliant! I'll text you the address and if you could start tomorrow-"
"Gimme the time and place. I'll be there." They spoke a little more on the phone, finalising some minor details such as pay and the agreement that a contract would be present. Isabelle smiled when she hung up.
Three days ago, Isabelle had felt depressed and lost. She'd finally come to terms with it and now, she had work again. With nice people.
Still wrapped in a towel and with shampoo in her hair, Isabelle launched herself out of the bathroom to find Mel, who was getting ready for a shift.
"I have a job!"
"WHAT?!" Mel screamed and wrapped her arms around her slightly damp friend, jumping around. "Who with?" Isabelle told her and Mel grinned a sly, cheeky grin.
"That cute patient?"
"Mel!" She whacked her but then smiled. "Yes." Mel laughed.
"I knew you'd be fine! You're gonna kick ass." Isabelle laughed and pulled away from her friend.
"Go to work, you crazy gal."
"Get your ass back in the shower." Isabelle laughed and went back to the bathroom, her heart leaping in her chest as she turned the water on in the shower.
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