Chapter 31
I'm going to apologize in advance if this is going to suck. I'm not good in fight scenes.
I'm also sorry for not updating in a while. I hope you guys don't think I'm a terrible author. ;-;
~Natsu's P.O.V.~
I lunged for him, my fists lighting on fire as I hurdled towards him. The Lucy-killer boredly tilted his head to the left, dodging my attack. He then kicked my back with the sole of his boots, making me smash right through a house's roof with its sheer force. I grunted in pain, but managed to get up. It's going to be hard to beat him, I thought in my head. Usually I know I just get right into the fight, but I need to avenge Lucy, and I can't do that if I use up all my magic power at once. "Lucy.." I murmured to myself. It's only been a minute, and the moment of her body slowly relaxing as her life force fades away kept repeating in the back of my head.
A feminine voice appeared. It sounded as if it was in my head, but I didn't care."Lucy!" I immediately jumped up, hope sparking within me. But, after a couple seconds, I realized that it wasn't her voice. It still sounded strangely familiar though?
'I'm not Lucy, although I must admit I must sound like her to you,' the voice warmheartedly chuckled.
"Then..who are you?" I asked quietly.
'Heh, I guess it's long overdue to unlock you past.'
"Huh? What do you me--" All of a sudden, something clicked in my head, as if someone placed a key into my mind and turned it. A wave of memories hit me hard, and I stumbled back to the rubble-filled floor in shock. Images of a woman with the same hair color as me and brown eyes flashed through my vision.
"Mom..." I whispered breathlessly.
'Yes, and I'm sorry that this was the way you had to find out,' the voice said apologetically. 'I don't have enough strength yet to be here physically with you, but I can lend you strength to help defeat your..father.'
"Father...huh?" My eyes dilated with rage and my teeth grew sharper due to dragon instincts. My knuckles grew white as I my hands into fists from rage. Hearing this information only made my rage burn even brighter than it did before. The feeling of ripping that damned demon to shrewd with my bare hands surged through me and made me thirst for it to happen.
'Yes, and you will not be able to win with just Igneel's power alone, not with he power he's accumulated over the years. Therefore, I shall lend you mine..' I opened my mouth to ask what she meant, but I felt power surge through my body. Something...warm flowed through my veins, sparking every nerve I had with power and adrenaline. Using my hands to push myself off of the floor, I lit a small flame on the palm of my hand. A golden hue had mixed into my flame's regular red-orange color, and I peered at it with amazement. It felt like the time in Nirvana, but more...strong and less magic-consuming.
'For the sake of the world..and for me, fight, Natsu...the fire of hope and light...lies within summer child..'
"Ya.." I muttered a response, lighting my entire fist. "For you and Lucy's sake..." At that moment ,something smashed into the roof, making rubble fly everywhere. I locked my onyx eyes with pure black ones that showed nothing but darkness and pain. "...I'LL BEAT HIS ASS!" I charged for him once again, successfully hitting him with my fist. He flew back a couple yards, but was able to regain his balance in midair while I stood on top of a intact roof.
"I see you've gained your memories again," Kurai commented. "The look in your eyes are different than before. Are you going easy on your old man?"
"No," I replied bluntly. He chuckled at my upfront answer.
"Well, it was to be expected," he said once his laughter died down, but there was still a smile curled on his lips. I scowled at his mocking smile and hurtled towards him again. He tilted his head to the side, but I knew he was going to do that.
"Fire Dragon's Claw!" Smirking, I transferred my golden and red flames to my feet and swiftly kicked his abdomen. Surprised, he crashed into the ground, creating a crater around him.
"I see you've gained your mother's Golden Flames," he smirked.
"Golden flames? Is that what her magic was?" I murmured under my breath, taking another look at my flames. They flickered golden, then orange-red, then golden again as the wind from the top of the roof blew it.
"Heh, I guess it was true that she never revealed her connection to that fire dragon with you," my "father" smirked, showing off his fangs. He slowly got up. "If she is helping you, then I guess I have no choice but to show no mercy..." I felt dark magic power build up around him and it showed as shadows enveloped his body. Where are the shadows coming from? I growled in my head as I slowly backed away from him.
Meanwhile, with Erza, Gray, Wendy, Carla, and Happy..
~Happy's P.O.V.~
"There's no end to these weaklings!" Gray growled in frustration, punching one of the shadow minions with his bare fist and using his Ice-Make Magic the next second. I slapped one with a fish I was wanting to save, but if this means that I can have Natsu back, it's worth it..hopefully..
"Conserve your energy power!" Erza yelled as she swung her sword through a whole row of them. They screamed in pain before dispersing into specks of ashes.
"Ano, that's a bit hard when I don't know much about close combat.." Wendy stammered.
"Wendy, look out!" Carla cried as more of the small monsters crept up behind the small bluenette.
"Sky Dragon's Roar!" She immediately turned around and blew all of them away.
"Hey, has anyone been able to sense Lucy's magic power?" Gray frowned as he pierced an ice sword through the shadow beings.
"No.." I frowned, whacking another shadow thingy with my fish. "But, I'm sure Lushee's fine! She's probably already fighting side by side with Natsu!"
"That flamebrain better not do anything to her.." Gray growled.
All of a sudden, all the shadows shouted out in pain, making me jump up into the air in shock. "What's happening?!" Carla asked, covering her ears with her paws. They started to deform into black ashes and "flew" in one direction.
"Happy, go check it out since they're probably going towards wherever the demon is!" Erza shouted loudly so that she could be heard from the sea of high-pitched screams.
"Aye sir!" I shouted back and followed the shadows. As I did, I noticed a huge dark column where it seemed the shadows were accumulating. Hesitant, I flew after towards it. As I got closer, I could feel the waves of pure magic power pushing me away, but I resisted it and continued forward. My eyes widened as I saw a very familiar person with pink hair trying to not get blown away by the magic power. "NATSUUUUUU!!!" Said person's eyes widened and he looked over to me.
"Happy!?" he shouted in shock. Not caring about how dangerous it was, I flew as fast I could towards him and hugged him tight.
"I was scared Natsuuu~!" I cried into his chest. "I was scared I had lost you forever.."
"..I'm sorry." he said after a slight pause. I smiled at him and wiped my tears away.
"Aye! It's okay!" I said happily. "Ne, where's Lushee? I bet she's the one who saved you. You better thank her before she gets mad Natsu." Natsu looked down, avoiding my gaze.
"Lucy...she.." he muttered. I felt my heart drop into a pit as I saw him clench his fists.
"No..she's here somewhere...right??" I denied what I was thinking. She couldn't have... She can't have... She's Lucy! She'd, never... Natsu opened his mouth to say something but was blown away when a huge wave of magic knocked him into the sky. "NATSU!" I yelled, using Max Speed to catch him in the air.
"Ah, thanks Happy.." he smiled weakly.
"Aye," I said halfheartedly.
"Look...I don't have time to explain what happened you want to beat this guy's ass first?" he asked, smirking at the end of his sentence. I smirked back, knowing that my Natsu was back.
"AYE SIR!" I answered.
"Ha, beat me?" a deep voice scoffed. We both looked over at the ground, where the shadows used to be. Instead of that, there was Kurai, no, a demon looking up at us. Its pitch black skin had blood red markings that snaked up throughout his entire body, and black dragon-like horns curled around his head. His eyes became even more blood red and his pupils looked as those of demons. Not breaking eye contact, huge dark gray draconian wings sprouted from his back and, with one swift movement, he flew high up into the air so that he was level with us. "You can not beat me, not in this form," he said in an emotionless voice. "No matter what you are to me, you will perish, along with this puny village." Natsu gritted his teeth in anger.
"Not if I have anything to say about it!" he yelled, then turned to me. "Let's go, Happy!"
"AYE!" I pushed him forward as Natsu took in a deep breath.
"Fire Dragon's ROAR!" Natsu spewed fire towards him. I was surprised when I saw that there was a mixture of golden flames with his normal one, but I just shrugged it off. That's Natsu for ya, always finding a way to surpass himself, I smiled in my head. The flames engulfed the demon, making both me and Natsu to smile in triumph, but those smiles immediately faded when we saw him still there, without a scratch on him.
"In my true form, I am impervious to fire," Kurai spoke in a calm tone.
"We'll see about that," Natsu snarled, lighting his fists with red and golden fire.
"Come, Natsu Dragneel," Kurai sneered. Nodding to me, I propelled the both of us forwards, towards battle once more.
Again, I am so so so so sorry for not updating for like 2 months.
I blame myself for getting into this awesome Vocaloid series that's really complex and long, with manga and songs and novels....yeah.
But, now I'll be trying my best to update ALL my books ASAP, so please look forward to the next update and shout outs to
For sticking with me throughout this entire book. I know there are a ton of more people to thank, and I'm truly sorry that I didn't mention you, but rest assured you all mean so much to me since you've been able to put up with my lack of updates.
Again, thank you all and hope to see you read the next chapter
~An ever-grateful Crystal
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