Chapter 29
Hehehe, I killed Lucy.
And all you Nalu fans are angry at me. XD
Continue reading, and we shall see~
~Natsu's P.O.V.~
Darkness. Darkness was all around me. My body wouldn't move, so all I could do was just float in the neverending darkness. I know that I was doing something, but it wasn't me because I was right here.
"This isn't you Natsu!"
My eyes widened. Lucy! I didn't know why, but Lucy's voice was clearly in my head.
"You're carefree and reckless and loyal and protective and a perv, and..." I could slightly feel movement in my limbs again as I heard her voice. It pained me to hear her usually soft and happy tone angry and upset.
But then, all of a sudden I felt this warmth on my lips. Was Lucy...kissing me?! Even though I couldn't see her, I instinctively wrapped my hands around the warmth, as if I knew where her body was positioned.
"Yo Mira," I remembered calling Mira a couple days ago..
"What's up Natsu?"
"What do you do....when you know you have feelings for someone?" I remember seeing a knowing smirk creep onto her face.
"Well...I'd write a letter or a poem to her. Show her a bit of a mystery.." she paused for a minute. "It is...a her right?"
As soon as the images of that day faded, a bright light appeared in the darkness. It felt familiar and...comforting, like a mother's embrace.
But, how would I know how that would feel like?
Either way, I "swam" towards it, and soon enough the light engulfed my entire vision.
When the white light cleared, I could see Lucy's face really close to mine. She was pressing her forehead against mine, her eyes closed. "" I murmured. Her eyes slowly opened to reveal her hazel orbs.
"Natsu!" she said my name, a huge grin appearing on her face. I really liked seeing that smile on her face, it made me want to make her smile more, but all of a sudden she started squeezing the fire out of me.
"Luce...can't breathe.." I gasped. In response to this, she laughed for some reason. This made me lightly blush. Does she like torturing me?! "W-what happened though..?" I frowned once she had let go of me. I put a hand to my head as it had a splitting headache.
"You don't remember anything?"she asked in a worried tone. I blinked, trying to look back to what had happened.
"The last thing I remember that's clear was chasing after one of those annoying black creatures, and then after that it's all blurry.." I admitted. I then looked around at our surroundings, which was rubble. "Where are we anyways?" Lucy was about to answer me when her eyes widened as something behind me.
"WATCH OUT NATSU!" she screamed at me before pushing me out of the way of something. The next thing I see is a black beam piercing right through Lucy's heart.
"LUUUUUUUCY!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed as I ran towards her falling body.
Sorry it's short, but it's late.
I'll update hopefully soon!
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