Chapter 15
~Lucy's P.O.V.~
"Lucy.." said a faint voice. I slightly stirred, not sure if I wanted to open my eyes or not. "Oi Lucy, wake up already!" I then felt something soft yet hard slap my cheek.
"Ow!" I said, leaping right up. "What was that for Lexi?"
"You wouldn't wake up so I slapped you," she answered innocently. I scowled.
"Damn cat," I grumbled.
"Well, can't blame me," said Lexi, who was fixing her tail's pink bow with hearts all over it. "I've been trying to wake you up for ten minutes. You kept saying 'Wait! Wait!' over and over again," She stifled a laugh, which made me want to bonk her in the head, but I kept it to myself knowing Jessie's wrath.
"Where's everybody else?" I asked.
"They went around the town to ask about Kurai and Sakura," answered Lexi.
"What about Natsu?"
"Why couldn't I have gone with them??" whined Natsu, who was trying to run to the door, but Happy was holding him back.
"Because...they couldn't!" Happy said as he pulled on Natsu's vest.
"But I'm so bored here because Luke's been sleeping all day!"
"My name is Lucy, not Luke, and I'm right here!" I huffed. Natsu looked at me.
"Oh, sorry Lily, didn't see you there!" he said with his signature toothy grin. I smiled. He was becoming more and more like himself again. Wait...
"Whoa whoa, take it easy!" he sweatdropped. I sighed. Classic Natsu, but I have to admit, it kinda hurts that he can't even remember my name correctly.
"Anyways, how you feeling?" I asked as I rubbed my temples.
"What do you mean?" he asked, tilting his head. Huh, he doesn't remember?
"Um, you blacked out when we were on the hill, so I was wondering if you feel better?"
"Um, I don't remember blacking out, or a hill..." he said slowly, still confused. My eyes widened. Oh no, his memory is getting worse! Maybe Kurai is winning him over!
"U-um, what do you remember?" I stuttered.
"Hmm, the last thing I remember was visiting a house..." His eyes turned to me and he looked at me suspiciously. "Then you led me somewhere, and it's all blurry from there.." I silently gasp as I see his eyes turn from brown to a dull gray.
"What?" he said, a hint of suspiciousness in his voice. When he blinked, it turned back to brown. I couldnt' have been the only one to have seen that.. I pulled Lexi away from Natsu.
"Ow, what?" she whispered loudly, rubbing her ears.
"Did you see that?" I whispered.
"See what?"
"See Natsu's eyes turn gray!"
"Um, no..?" Was I the only who saw that?
~Natsu's P.O.V.~
Hmm, why can't I remember anything after visiting that small house? Ow! "Natsu, you okay?" asked Happy worriedly.
"I-I'm fine," I answered, rubbing my head. My head keeps pounding whenever I try to remember something about it, but why? Is something trying to prevent me from remembering? Also, I can't seem to remember that girl's name correct, she said it was...Luke? No, that's a boy's name. L...u...cha? No! That's still wrong! "I still don't understand why I couldn't have gone with them," I grumbled, changing the subject.
"Y-you couldn't have b-because they.....were worried about you and didn't want to cause you any inconvenience!" nodded Happy. I knew he was lying, but why?
"If you say so," I said suspiciously. I don't know who to trust anymore..
~???'s P.O.V.~
Sir, what are you doing?" asked one of my minions. I scowled at him.
"Pacing back and forth, what do you think?!" I snarled, ready to destroy him with a snap of my fingers.
"P-please don't kill me sir!" he whimpered.
"I won't, yet," I growled.
"S-sir, I have a-an idea on h-how you could get h-him on your side.." he stuttered.
"Spill it Minion," I said impatiently. "It better be good or else 'yet' is now."
"Y-you still h-have that darkness potion you've been saving.." he said shakily. "Y-you said that you were k-keeping that for an e-emergency.."
"That's it!" I said. "I'll just use that emergency darkness potion that I've been keeping!"
"U-um, s-sir.."
"Ha! I'm brilliant!" I said with an evil smirk. "I'm so glad I thought of it. Now he will have no choice but to join me!" I patted myself on the back, but then realized that Minion was still here. "What are you still doing here? Go fetch me that potion!!"
"R-ryokai (roger that)!" he stuttered before fleeing out of my darkness chamber. Tch, minions. I call all of them Minion, because each and everyone of them are all alike: Stupid, clumsy, but always loyal to me because they're scared of me. That's the only good quality about these stupid shadows. I thought making him lose his memories would make him join me, but it seems like those incessant "friends" of his is pulling him away from the Dark Side. Ah, no matter, this plan will work, I just know it.
Soon you will join my side my son...
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