Chapter 12
~Lucy's P.O.V.~
When I felt the sensation of falling stop, I hesitantly opened my eyes. The first thing I saw were trees, lots and lots of trees. "Wow that was weird.." said I voice. I turned my head right to see Jessie rubbing her head. "You alright Lucy?" she asked me.
"Y-yeah, just a little shaken up," I answered. She looked to the right and her eyes widened. I turned to the right as well my eyes widened as well. A huge dragon covered with dark red scales was resting on an empty field of grass surrounded by trees. "I-is that..?" I stuttered.
"I believe that's Igneel.." whispered Jessie. We both stood up and I was about to walk towards the dragon when Jessie stopped me. "This is a dream, so he can't see nor hear us," reminded Jessie, "but it would be better if we just stood here and watch what happens. I nodded.
"Igneel! Igneel!" we heard a woman's voice shriek. Suddenly, a woman with long pink hair holding the hand of a small boy with messy hair the same color as the woman run right past us, not noticing our existance. The dragon stirred and opened its big eyes.
"What is it Sakura?" muttered Igneel. "You know it is not wise to come here." Jessie and I exchanged glances. That was Sakura, Natsu's mother! Which means..
"Oka-san, I'm scared.." said the small boy, who started to hide behind his mother. Igneel tilted his head to get a better look of the boy.
"Why have you brought him here?" his voice boomed across the entire forest.
"Because...I want you to take care of Natsu," the woman answered, looking down at her child.
"Kurai has found you, hasn't he?" Igneel sighed, his voice filled with worry.
"I'm afraid so.."
"Oka-san, what do you mean 'take care of'?" asked Natsu, pulling on his mother's skirt. I saw sadness flash through Natsu's mother's eyes as she crouched down to his level.
"Natsu, I'm going to leave you with this dragon here, his name is Igneel," she began, "and he will take care of you from now on."
"Where are you going to go?" Natsu asked curiously.
"I'm going to go away, and I won't be coming back," she answered sadly. Tears started to flow down Natsu's face.
"But I don't want you to go away oka-san!" he weeped.
"I know you don't, but I'm afraid I have to go.."
"No! I'm going to go with you, wherever it is!" Natsu cried.
"You can't make me stay here!" Sakura looked down.
"I'm sorry that I have to do this to you Natsu.." she whispered. She touched Natsu's forehead with her right hand, and he suddenly fainted into his mother's arms. She gently rested him on the soft grass. "You will take care of him right?" She asked Igneel. The dragon nodded.
"I promise I will, until he is old enough to take care of himself," Igneel replied. Natsu's mother smiled and kissed Natsu on the cheek.
"Goodbye my son, may you have a great life.." And with that she ran off in the other direction.
"W-wow, that was.." I trailed off, not knowing how to describe what I just saw.
"..the best thing a mother can do for her child," finished Jessie.
"Yeah," I agreed. We just stood there for a couple minutes, not knowing what to do. "So um, what now?" I asked after a couple minutes.
"I actually have no idea," shrugged Jessie. Suddenly the ground below us split in half and started to suck us in.
"What's happening?" I yelled in distress as I tried as hard as I could to not get sucked in.
"I think we have to get sucked in to get out of here!" Jessie yelled back.
"You sure!?"
"Not really!" Jessie let go of the tree stump she was holding on to and got sucked into the ground. I gulped, and did the same.
"KYAAAAA!!!" I yelled as I fell down the never ending darkness.
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