Chapter 11
~Lucy's P.O.V.~
I was just taking in the warm summer breeze when I saw Natsu clutching his head in pain.
"Natsu? You alright?" I asked.
"I..I.." was what Natsu had said before he collapsed onto the ground. I quickly ran towards him.
"Natsu! Hang in there!" I said to him, but it didn't seem like he heard me. I lifted his head with my arms and silently gasp when I look into his eyes. They were still open, but they were had that dull shade of gray again. I waved my hands over his face, but he didn't blink, signaling that he couldn't see me.
"The warm breeze.." he suddenly murmured.
"Natsu? Natsu, can you hear me?" I ask him, but he kept looking at the sky.
"I remember...the warm breeze.." he murmured again. My eyes widened. Was he remembering something?
"Oka-san had said that I reminded her of Summer.." he muttered softly. "That's why she named me Natsu.." Tears started to well up in his eyes. "I had asked her why I couldn't see Oto-san, but she refused to tell me," he whispered, his voice starting to crack. "That was the last time I saw her..." His eyes turned back to a dark brown before it rolled behind his head.
"Natsu? Natsu!" I tried to wake him up again, but then I saw drops of sweat form on his forehead. I felt it and quickly pulled my hand away. He was burning up at an alarming rate. I quickly carried him bridal style and ran all the way back to the village. Luckily, I found everyone sweeping the cracked stone path. When Erza noticed me, she immediately dropped the broom she was holding, and the others followed.
"What happened to him?" asked Gray.
"I don't know, he just collapsed out of nowhere when we were standing on a field," I answered.
"He's got a terribly high fever!" said Wendy when she felt his forehead.
"Can you cure him?" asked Erza.
"I can, but I can't do it here.."
"Um, are you in need of assistance?" We turned around to see a young woman with long brown hair and a simple white shirt and skirt that looked like something a nurse would wear. Her green eyes widened when she noticed Natsu in my arms. "I-is that Natsu?" she asked quietly. We looked at each other in confusion.
"Um, how do you know him?" asked Jessie.
"I'll explain later; right now he needs some medical attention," she started quickly walking away, and we decided to follow her. She led us to a house that was a little bit larger than the house Natsu and I visited. We came in and I gently placed Natsu on one of the beds. The woman quickly placed a cold wet towel on Natsu's forehead and put a blanket over him while Wendy started using her healing magic.. "My apologies for being so quick," she apologized when we settled in. "My name is Angie."
"How do you know Natsu Angie?" Jessie asked again.
"I know him because I applied the spell that had been keeping him from remembering once a month when he was with his dragon, and I know his mother," she answered. All of our eyes widened in shock.
"What!?!?" we yelled in unison, but were quickly shushed by Carla and Lexi. "What??" we said more quietly.
"Natsu has a mother?" asked Happy, who was quickly punched in the head by Carla.
"Yes, he does," said Angie. "You see, a couple years ago, a woman came to this village to live here. She was kind and sweet, and helped me out when times were tough." She looked down. "I planned her escape from Kurai, and she even trusted me with recasting the memory spell." Tears started to fall from her face.
"Oi, you alright?" asked Gray. She wiped the tears from her eyes.
"Yeah, I'm fine," she whispered. "One day when I was going to recast the memory spell, Natsu and his dragon were missing, so I thought he was dead..."
"Excuse me for asking, but can you tell me more about Natsu's mother?" asked Erza formally. Angie nodded.
"Like I said, she was kind and sweet, and she always loved helping out around the village," Angie started to smile. "She was kind of reckless and carefree, and would pick a fight with anyone willing." I couldn't help but smile. Sounds like Natsu to me. Her smile suddenly faded. "She met a man and fell in love with him, but he turned out to be an evil demon named Kurai.." She trailed off.
Lexi asked, "We know the rest, but could you tell me about the battle between Kurai and..?"
"Sakura, her name as Sakura," Angie finished. "A huge battle was fought between Sakura nad Kurai in the heart of Seasons Village. She had used some kind of ancient sealing spell and sealed him and his minions underground the village, never to be seen again," Tears started dripping down her face again. "But she sacrificed her own life for it.." Jessie pulled her into a quick hug and she stopped crying.
"Do you know what's happening to Natsu?" asked Jessie softly. She slowly nodded.
"I know that this is Kurai's doing, he wants his son to join his side," whispered Angie. My eyes widened. Join his side? Does that mean turn him evil? I mentally thought. I glanced at Natsu, who was still sweating and there was pain etched on his face.
"Why did you cast a memory erasing spell on him?" I asked while still facing him.
"Sakura didn't want Kurai finding Natsu, so she first casted that memory spell on him. I just made sure the spell was kept strong for a couple of months by making those memories only seem like dreams," explained Angie.
"Dream magic? That's a very rare magic.." observed Jessie. Angie nodded.
"My mother taught it to me before passing away. Sakura was kinda my second mother," she said.
"But it's been years since you recasted that spell on Natsu, so why doesn't he remember his parents?" asked Erza.
"The memory spell itself is very strong, it just needs to be kept under control for the first couple of months," explained Angie.
"Is there any way you could get us into Natsu's dream?" I suddenly blurted out. Everyone looked at me.
"Why do you ask?" Angie asked.
"If there was a way to get into his dreams, maybe there'd be a memory about Kurai or something that could help us counter the spell casted on Natsu!" I said.
"That could work, but is there a way to do that?" Jessie asked Angie. She nodded.
"Yes, but I can only send two people in there," she replied. Jessie stood beside me.
"Alright, then Lucy and I can go, unless there are objections?" Everyone shook their head. "Alright, anytime you're ready Angie." Angie lifted her arms and chanted a spell.
"Korera futatsu-ri no tamashi wa dare ka hokanohito no kokoro o nyuryoku shite mo yoi(may these two people's soul enter someone else's mind)," she chanted. A magic circle appeared below me and Jessie's feet, and it felt as if we were suddenly falling.
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