Chapter 5 - Let The Adventure Begin
After getting lunch at the lunch line, Quinn and Astrid pushed through students who were trying to get to where they wanted. Quinn holding Astrid's hand tightly knowing that she would get trampled.
Quinn leads Astrid to his favorite spot at the cafeteria. A table near the window, with a good view of the school garden.
"The garden is really beautiful Quinn. Do you think that we'll be allowed to plant some flowers there?" Astrid asked.
"Maybe." He leans closer to her. "I hear they'll let us do gardening in a few weeks, if ever we finish on our discussion about it."
"So," Quinn started as he takes a bite of his ham and rice. "I want to know more about you Astrid, tell me about your family
and stuff."
"I-I just moved in with my aunt. My parents... They passed away." Astrid explained, moving her gaze to her lunchbox. "Never got to say goodbye to them." She finished.
Quinn looks down at her, thinking on what she could say. "I'm sorry about that Astrid. Wherever they are they miss you too."
The conversation ended there, they continued eating until they finish. Suddenly Astrid's bracelet started glowing. Her eyes widen as Quinn asked what that is.
"Fuck, I gotta get out of here." She mumbles, covering the bracelet.
"Why?" Quinn asked
"Please, I need to go to a quiet place."
Quinn leads Astrid to a small room sperate from school. As they go inside it is filled with spare parts, tools and books.
Astrid looks around. "Does anyone use this place?" She asked.
"No, not really. Sometimes the groundskeeper goes here to get the tools, I needed a room for my stuff so I asked them and thankfully they gave me a key."
While Quinn is talking Astrid pulls out here book and opens it. She opens it to a blank page and a drawing of her meeting Ingrid and Rowan showed up. She smiles at it and flipped the next page, the Arkanic rune shows up.
Quinn goes closer to Astrid grabbing a chair for her. She sits on it while he examine the runes. "I know how to read runes but this doesn't make sense." Astrid sighs.
"Maybe it's jumbled?" Quinn gets a pen and paper and writes down the rune in the right order.
"Oh gosh your right! Thank you Quinn." Astrid said, hugging Quinn as he smiles at her.
"But I know this is sort of your place but... I'm gonna have to ask you a really big favor, could you leave." She lets go of him.
"Leave?" His smile flattens.
"It's just, I think better when I'm alone."
Quinn sighs and nods his head leaving the room. Astrid locks the door and goes back to the book.
"Hello Astrid, what is the password?"
"Time to rejoice, for the one that once was lost."
And then Astrid disappeared.
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