Chapter 3: House of jump-scares
After introductions, I got a few questions; "Can/do you play piano?" "Yes." "Can/do you fight/train?" "I don't really fight but I do train.. So if you hear pounding, then that's probably me training." "Can you sing?" I didn't respond. It took me a while to figure out what to say. "Well, I can, but.. I'm not really good at it." I said. "Prove it!" Someone said. the next thing I know, everyone's chanting; "SING!SING!SING!" "ALRIGHT! Alright, I'll sing.." Without thinking, I asked "Does anyone have any suggestion's?" No one said a word. "I got one." Someone said. I think his name was G. "Yes?" I said. "How about 'Sit still look pretty'? Do you know that one?" I think he was expecting me to say 'no' because when I said yes, he was shocked. Actually, EVERYONE was shocked.
The room was silent. Everyone was blushing or had their jaws dropped open. Or both. Then, I just blurted out, "Told you I was bad." "That not true!" Frisk yelled out. ".............................................................................................................................................I'm........... going to go train." while I was walking up the stairs, I mumbled, "And, Frisk? It is. It's a fact." No one heard me. BUT I felt like I was being watched
Delta's P.O.V.
After (Y/N) shut the door to the training room, reality hit real quick. We could all tell that she wasn't very confident in herself. Once the pounding started up, it was pretty obvious that it probably wouldn't be a good idea to jump-scare her. But apparently, not all of us got the clue. "So who wants to help me jump-scare her?" Nightmare said. 'How did I not see that coming?' I thought. Most of us raised our hands. The next thing I know, we're all at the training room. Me, Cross, Chaser, Nightmare, G, Swifty, Siren, Snazzy, Gnaz, and Fell were all ready at the door. But as soon as we all started to count down, we heard a scream/shriek and something breaking. I'm pretty sure when I kicked open the door, I broke it. We all saw (Y/N) with a terrified look on her face. When we saw what she screamed/shrieked about, I'm pretty sure Frisk almost fainted. We saw what was inside the punching bag...........................................Dust. MONSTER dust. The room was silent, until we heard ANOTHER thing break. This time, it-.....
Oh no....
It sounded like glass.
Hey guys! Author-chan here, sorry it took so long to update! I had the worst thing on earth today.......................................................................................SCHOOL. IT'S MONDAY.
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