"Is it really true?" Taehyung asked. He just can't keep quiet about the matter anymore, nor his curiosity. He is sitting on the leather couch while Mr. Byun was on his swivel chair.
Mr. Byun is loss of words. He really doesn't know what to say. He is also confused of the situation.
"I'll call her." Mr. Byun said then make a call to your mom.
After moments of silence, Your mom finally admits her wrong doing and what Taehyung and your relationship are. Which are half siblings. Mr. Byun don't know how to react of what he just found out. And quickly calls you.
"Choyeon-ah? Can you come to my office right now? It's urgent." Mr. Byun uttered calmly.
You rushed to your father's office mostly because he said it's urgent and important rather. When you opened the door, you saw your brother thinking really deep and gazed at your direction when you opened the door.
"A—Appa, what is the matter? Are you okay?" You asked worryingly. Mr. Byun smiles sheepishly then gestures you to sit. So you do, but on the other side of the couch.
"I don't know how to say this to you, Choyeon-ah. But I think you should know this right now." Mr. Byun stated with hesitation. You sighed heavily then looked at your 'father'.
"Is this about my real parents?" Mr. Byun was surprised. You let a small sad laugh.
"I knew about it. Mianhe, I didn't tell you. And... Knowing that you're not my father, worse, your former wife cheated on you for my father. You must hate me right now. It's okay..." You tried not to cry.
"I am mad." You bit your lip as he said that.
"But I'm not mad at you. You're like a real daughter to me. And I will never ever make you feel that you're not. Okay? Now, come here."
You looked at Mr. Byun with the sweetest smile you've ever given as your tears rolled down your cheeks.
"Aaaaappaaaaaa!" You called as you ran to him and hugged him tight. Mr. Byun also cried because he sees you cry.
Taehyung just smiled as he looks at you that's very happy.
"Now! Let's stop the drama and continue working. We still have competition, right? So, fighting!" Mr. Byun said as he wiped your tears. You nodded and giggled a little.
"Taehyungie, can you take your sister back to her office?"
"Ne." He said as he bowed then looked at you. You quickly averted your eyes elsewhere.
As you two walk, Taehyung broke the silence.
"I've never seen you so happy before." He said, looking at you while smiling sweetly. You tried not to take a glance at him.
"Y-Yeah... It kind of feels great, actually." You uttered.
"But I'm sad..." You finally looked at him only to find him staring at you with his two beautiful pair of eyes.
"W-Why...?" You still asked even though from deep inside, you know what he meant. But your mind keeps saying to stop.
"Nevermind." He mumbled then starts to take the lead while scratching his nape.
When the two of you are at your office, the two of you stared at each other for a moment before averting.
"Welp, here we are. Annyeong... lil sis." He said with a smile then walks out.
You breathe deeply while freaking out.
"Stop, Choyeon! He is your brother now! And it's really real this time. You've moved on, right!?" You pushed yourself to the couch while staring at the mirror in front of you.
"Great, now I'm talking to myself. I'm crazy!"
Suddenly, you received a call from Chowoo so you answered it.
"Hi, Chowoo. How are you?" You asked.
[Well, you know... Just chilling out in front of the place where you're working.] Your eyes widened then rushed outside to see Chowoo, who is now waving at you from a distance.
"Why are you here!?" Still on the phone.
[Am I not allowed to see you?] He said while pouting.
"What if one of the employees saw you!? It will cause a mess! Also, your company is our rival for the—"
[Shh. Let's go somewhere else?]
"Choyeon!" You looked from where the voice is coming from and saw your brother. He is smiling but when he saw Chowoo, the rainbows and sunshine atmosphere darkened.
Chowoo ends the call then walk towards you. Taehyung also did the same. The two didn't break their glares to each other like a staring challenge.
As they stopped with you in between, you looked alternately to them, not knowing what to do.
"What are you doing here?" Taehyung asked, controlling his temper.
"To date Choyeon. What does it look like?" Chowoo stated with a hint of sarcasm on his voice.
"It's our work hours, and also, assholes are not allowed here." Taehyung hissed.
"That includes you. So, why are you even here?"
"Yah! Stop, you two. You're so childish! Act like a grown man. Chowoo, we can eat outside next time. And Taehyung-nim, you can go inside now."
The two of them finally broke the tension between them.
"Next time, I'll never waste the time to beat you up." Taehyung said that makes Chowoo scoffed.
"I bet it's just some girly punch."
"Chowoo, enough!" You nagged with a glare. Chowoo winks then walks out.
"Taehyung-nim, what was that all about?" You asked angrily. Taehyung just licked his lips in frustration.
"And what's with the formalities right now?" He fought back that leaves you speechless.
"I... T-That doesn't matter. Just answer me."
"That matters to me because I—" Taehyung stopped for a second then continues.
"Because I'm your brother. Siblings don't need formalities, right?"
*I don't really know now.... But there's this one thing that comes to my mind that's been bugging me while I'm in Busan...*
"T-Taehyung..." You called him which brightened his face. He nodded as he lets you continue.
"What if we had a DNA test? I've been thinking it for some time now."
"Wae? You're not sure about us being siblings?"
"I don't know now, to be honest. But the only thing I'm sure is taking a DNA test. You okay with that?" Taehyung smiled then pats your head.
"Yep. Let's talk about this to appa, arasseo?" You nodded then the two of you hurriedly stepped in the office.
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