The Accidental Kiss? Or Was It?
~The Next Day~
I woke up feeling alot better than yesterday. Although i realized i couldnt move. I turned around and saw Kid holding me close. I thought nothing of it because Kid & I used to do this all the time when we were little. I always had nightmares & he would calm me down or if i was sick. Liz Patty Jeff and Liu all came in the room. (Remember my weapons i said while you were meeting me well thats them! Also Tim & Brian are my pistols) Liz looked at us and pointed at us which made the others look at us. Patty yelled,"KID GET UP AND STOP CUDDLING WITH YOUR SISTER WE HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL!" I giggled as Kid let go of me and fell off the bed. I got up and got clothes out of my closet and went to my bathroom to change. When i walked out i was wearing something diffrent than i normally wear. I was wearing a teal and black dress with long sleeves. I also was wearing a black rose flower crown and black wedges. Kid and everyone else wore what they normally wore. As we were walking out the door Jeff and Liu turned into katanas and i placed them in there slots for my sword holder i have placed on my back. I also had my pistols on my side. They are really shy and dont become human very much but their names are Tim and Brian.
~After school~
Today i was hanging out with Kid after school today. We were just walking around like normal. He took me to a carnival this time though. As we were on a roller coaster we both looked at each other laughing when it turned to the left towards me. Kids lips touched mine and i slightly jumped back. Even though hes my brother. I think i like him more than i should but i also like soul and black star. What am i going to do.
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