2 weeks later
"Changkyun come back here." Kihyun yelled. "You gotta catch me." The toddler giggled. Kihyun had been chasing Changkyun for the past hour trying to get him ready for a nap. "Hyunwoo is gonna be here any minute. He needs my help with something and I can't have you running around." The older sighed.
It turned extremely silence. Kihyun knew the toddler hid for sure. There was only one place small enough for him to fit and the older couldn't reach. So he had to get him at a different approach. He quietly got on top of the counter and threw a box of cereal near the living room.
Then waited a few minutes. Changkyun opened the cupboard and crawled out. He looked towards the living room and Kihyun got off the counter behind him very silently. He scooped up the toddler making him jump and scream.
"Eomma." Changkyun giggled. He tried wiggling out of the olders grip but failed. "Now go to sleep." Kihyun chuckled and set the younger on the king size bed. He gave the toddler a kiss on the cheek and left the room after making sure he was tucked in. The front door opened and closed.
Kihyun quickly walked down the stairs watching his feet instead of in front of him. He looked up and gasped. "What happened." He put the olders arm around his head and held his waist. Bringing him to the table and sat him down. "I was going to the store. I-I got jumped."
Kihyun rushed to the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit. "You should have called the police." He sighed. He sat down and opened the box. "This is gonna sting." And applied the alcohol wipes. Hyunwoo hissed in pain. "Next time don't get jumped." Kihyun nagged.
Hyunwoo stared at Kihyun and smiled making him blush. "What." The younger snapped. "You're cute when you nag. You know that right." This made Kihyun freeze for a second. "Shut up." He sighed. He focused back on cleaning the olders eye. It became silent again.
"Where's Hoseok hyung. Isn't he supposed to be your bodyguard or something." The older nodded. "He had the day off and wanted to take Hyungwon out on a date remember." Kihyun sighed remembering. The two had gotten close fast and he was glad for his best friend.
Kihyun saw blood on the olders shirt and slowly lifted it up seeing a big bruise forming and some skin scrapped off. Probably from being kicked and punched. "Take off your shirt." Kihyun demanded. Hyunwoo scoffed. "So forward." The younger rolled his eyes as the older took off his shirt wincing in pain from moving so much.
Kihyun blushed harder but didn't look away from the olders bare chest and stomach. He was shocked at the amount of scares he had. "Take a picture last longer." Hyunwoo smirked. Kihyun started hitting his arm. "K-Kihyun."
"Look at you. You have scars all over. What happened. Who did this to you." He hit him one last time. The older rubbed his now soar arm. "Family business. Why do you even care." Kihyun set down the wipe and brushed back his hair with his hands.
"Because you're Changkyuns father." He sighed taking a deep breath. The older scoffed. "Like he knows that. You never let me see him anymore or hold him. All you do is keep him locked up in that room." Kihyun looked down ashamed. It was always just him and Changkyun.
Now Hyunwoo was back in his life for good probably and that meant Kihyun had to do the one thing he didn't think he had to do so soon. Share. He didn't want to share Changkyun with anyone besides himself till the toddler was 18. He didn't want anyone to make the younger smile and be his parent besides himself.
He expected it a long time ago and to have all of a sudden someone else to make Changkyun laugh and learn hurt. Yeah of course the toddler had his uncles and grandparents to learn from but with parents its different.
Something no one but parents can experience. A part of them growing up and seeing the world in their own eyes. "Kihyun." The younger was being shaken. "What." He asked snapping out of his thoughts. "Are you just gonna sit and watch me bleed out or are you gonna help." The older asked.
"Right, sorry." Kihyun began examining Hyunwoos body for wounds. "Th-There's a bullet hole." He stood up and went to the olders back. Searching for an exit wound. "Did it not go through." He asked. The pink haired boy sat back down and shook his head.
"Better get it out before it either gets infected or I bleed out." "Y-You want me to t-take it out." The younger gasped. Hyunwoo nodded grabbing the tweezers, needle, string, and some gaws. "This should work." It was as if he'd done this a million times. Kihyun looked as shocked as ever.
He began to sweat and shake nervously. He grabbed the tweezers and started towards the hole. "Just don't fuck up, or kill me." Kihyun rolled his eyes. He was now more annoyed then nervous. "For your information if I wanted to fuck up and end up killing you I'd have already done it by now."
He kept going off about random little things and explaining how he'd had already killed the older dramatically. Kihyun was no longer paying attention to being nervous. Taking the bullet out easily and placing it on the table. He cleaned and stitched it while still nagging.
"Wow." He gasped. "What, is there another one." Hyunwoo asked looking down at his chest and stomach. "N-No I can't believe I took a bullet out of you. I don't even remember doing it." The older relaxed in the chair. "Guess you didn't fuck up and kill me after all. A+ for you."
Kihyun took a deep breath and finished up, wrapping a bandage around the olders torso. "Could you help me to the couch." Kihyun nodded and stood up bringing him to the couch. He didn't see the building blocks beside the couch and stumbled.
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