"What does he do to you." There was silence Kihyun couldn't say it. "What does he do." The older asked louder. Kihyun just cried even more. He never told anyone not even Hyungwon what that man did to him. If you could even call him that.
He preyed on the weak and poor, mainly Kihyun. Hyunwoo let go of the trembling younger and walked towards the door. "Hyung wh-where are you going." Kihyun choked out. "I'm going to kill Yoochan. I was gonna give him a warning for hurting you the first time, but now he's gonna get it." He growled.
"P-Please don't. H-He said if I tried getting help. He'd take Changkyun away from-" "Changkyun is safe here. Hoseok won't let anyone near or in this house without already meeting them with me." Kihyun took a deep breath and pleaded for the older not to leave.
After a few minutes Hyunwoo calmed a little down. Sitting on the bench near the door. "He was my best friend during school. Nicest guy I knew. I can't believe he did this." "Wow hyung are you okay." Hyungwon came downstairs and wiped his hair out of his face.
Kihyun stood up instantly hugging him. "Hyunwoo what did you do." The younger snapped. "I-" "It wasn't him. Y-Yoochan." The pink haired mumbled. "What did he do this time. I thought he left you alone a few years ago." Hyungwon asked worriedly.
"H-He did leave me-" Hyunwoo cut him off. "That's a complete lie. Tell him." Kihyun started crying again and held on tighter to Hyungwon. "He never left me alone. He still comes to the cafe." The younger sniffled. "Its okay Ki hyung. Why don't you finish making dinner and we can talk after."
He nodded and wiped his eyes, took a deep breath and went back into the kitchen. Hyungwon hit Hyunwoo on the back of his head. "What was that for." He snapped. "Why would you yell at him. He's been through so much and all you do is yell at him." The younger scoffed and shook his head putting his hands on his hips.
"Real smooth." With that he went to the kitchen and helped his friend. Hyunwoo just sat there dumbfounded. He shouldn't have yelled or tried to leave. Kihyun had hugged him tight earlier it was the closest they'd been in many years. He should have just held him.
"Mommy why are you crying." Changkyun ran into the kitchen and hugged his mother's legs. "It's nothing Wolfie. Mommy just got a little sad." The pink haired sniffled. "Uncle Honey won't wake up. He told me to go play with my toys." Kihyun nodded and headed towards the stairs.
"I only brought a few of them. Stay here don't touch anything you're not supposed to." He went upstairs and came back a few minutes later with some toys and Shownu. "I gotta finish dinner okay. Now go bug uncle Honey and he'll play with you. If he doesn't tell him mommy said so."
Changkyun nodded with a smile and was handed all the toys plus Shownu. He ran off into the living room. "I can finish prepping dinner if you need to sit down for a while." Hyungwon suggested. Kihyun shook his head and mumbled. "I need the distraction."
They silently made dinner which didn't take long. Everyone came into the kitchen and saw Kihyuns swollen red teary eyes. No one said anything because Changkyun was in the room. "Mommy can I sit next to the scary man."
Kihyun bent down to the toddlers level and smiled softly. "I told you his name isn't the scary man." Changkyun nodded and looked puzzled. "What do I call him then." "When I was younger. I used to call him Shownu. Just like your teddy bear." The pink haired smiled.
"Really. Is that where Shownu got its name." The toddler asked and looked at his stuffed animal. Kihyun nodded and kissed his cheek. "Can I sit by Shownu then." "I-I don't know Wolfie. I haven't gotten to see you much today and I wanted to sit next to you."
"I can sit between both of you." The toddler ran to the table and pulled out three chairs. "Shownu will sit here and mommy will sit here." Then he sat down in the middle chair. "I'll get Changkyuns dish first. Then you guys can take as much as you'd like."
He quickly made a small plate and sat it down in front of Changkyun. "Thank you mommy." The toddler stood up on the chair and faced Kihyun. He puckered his lips out for the older to kiss him which he gladly did. "Eat up Wolfie."
He sat down in his chair and started eating. "How much do you want hyung." Jooheon asked. "I ate earlier." "Mommy that's what you said this morning." Changkyun pouted. Everyone looked at Kihyun worried. Knowing he probably hasn't eaten anything all day.
"When was the last time you ate." Jooheon asked. "Um..." He honestly couldn't remember. He drank water and coffee of course but that didn't really count as a meal or even a snack. "Right then you'll eat 4." "B-But-" "Nope you're eating 4 if not 5." Jooheon interrupted.
The older sighed and sat down as his brother set a plate for him at the table next to Changkyun. "Eomma it's yummy." Changkyun cheered. The others sat down at the table as they got their plates as well. Praising the pink haired for his cooking skills.
"Sorry I called you a stranger earlier. I was just trying to protect my friend." Kihyun said interrupting the silence. "Its okay. My names Hoseok by the way, but you can call me Wonho." The blue haired mumbled. He shuffled in his seat and took another bite.
"Nice to meet you Hoseok-" "Uncle Wonho." Changkyun giggled. "He's my new uncle. Is Shownu my uncle too." "No Wolfie Hyunwoo hyung is just Shownu." Hyunwoo understood why Kihyun hadn't told the toddler that he was his father.
He was glad though that Kihyun wasn't gonna have Changkyun call him uncle. That would just be a reck. "Eomma I'm full." Changkyun whined after a while. His plate almost empty. "Eat 3 more bites and you can be done." The younger nodded and ate 3 more bites.
Kihyun wiped the toddlers mouth and hands then let him down onto the ground. "Go play but be careful okay." Changkyun nodded and ran into the living room. "Could I use your shower." Kihyun asked quietly.
"Y-Yeah. What's mine is yours now for as long as you stay here. Take or use whatever you need." Hyunwoo insisted. The younger nodded and got up from the table grabbing both his and Changkyuns plates. He set them in the sink and got ready to give the toddler a bath.
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